Disclaimer: I do not own Sailormoon and any of its characters. They belong to Naoko Takeuchi. First of all I am truly sorry for taking so long to update this fic despite the messages and the reviews. I was not in a very good place. But here we go, here's to finishing what one starts, aye?

And this will just be a Haruka and Michiru moment, no other characters involved. Only one setting. I think they deserve a break. :)


Arms and legs tangled, hair a perfect mesh of blonde and aqua. How many times did their lust create climaxes and spasms? They lost count. For now in this bright morning all they could muster and want is to lay with each other. Ah, it is almost serene. Almost; You can hear their thoughts unsynchronised with the beating of their hearts. Was this a mistake? The wrong answer to a question asked a decade ago?

Perhaps. Perhaps. Perhaps.

"Good morning, Ruka." She placed a kissed atop his nose. Innocent not like their ministrations a few hours ago. His lashes, blonde and thick, fluttered to reveal his piercing teal eyes. He furrowed his brows taking in his current situation before a goofy smile took over. Memories are quite handy in confusing situations like these. His hands immediately went south grabbing a handful of Michiru's creamy, white, taut behind.

"Is that how you check if you're still dreaming?" Michiru playfully asked.

"In this case and all cases related to you and this... well, case. Yes to everything." Michiru laughed at his response. Both hands still placed on his nicely toned pecs with her chin propped on top of it. She felt something poking at her stomach, it was getting firmer and firmer with every ticking and tocking of the clock.

"What is it with your kind and mornings?" She raised one eyebrow at the baffled blonde.

"I woke up with you on top me. Naked. Might I add, can you really blame me?" Haruka chided with her.

The blonde finally able to free one of her arms from their embrace placed a finger underneath Michiru's chin to lightly encourage her to give him a kiss. Before you know it, their passion consumed them again as waves after waves of lust hit their psyche. Their tongues dancing with each other. Bodies crashing like paint on canvas, dripping from pleasure secretions. This isn't mere lust but a culmination of love lost and passions renewed. Slow dancing with each other's desires before rushing into it like waves crashing into shore.

This is going to be one of the best mornings they will ever wake up to.


Their mobiles phones kept vibrating and almost in unison they looked at each other with puppy eyes. NO written all over their faces. Haruka sheepishly made his way towards the object of his desire and affection.

"So... i was thinking..." He kissed Michiru's lips without hesitation.

"Wait. What do you mean? You think?" The beautiful woman in front of him giggled a little.

"Sometimes I do, I have this very brilliant plan." He grabbed Michiru from underneath to wrap her legs around his waist while kissing her in between breaths and speech.

"Sex isn't really that brilliant as it is primal." The aqua haired goddess interrupted.

"Ooooh, well my primal mate, I was thinking of switching off our phones just for today. I want to be an overly sexual hermit with you." The room suddenly echoed in bursts of honest laughter.

"Hermits who just have sex hmmm?" Michiru drew her lips closer to his but with just enough space for words. "I think this is indeed a very brilliant plan. I get to nurse my inner introvert and be productive at the same time." She could feel him smiling underneath her lips.

"Why? What is it that you aim to produce?" He winked before closing the gap between them. A sensual giggle escaped her before she drew her breath; Excited at the proximity of their mouths.

"Music." She added another playful banter.

"Your moans are music to my ears." Haruka smiled nearly kissing her full lips but had enough self control in him to stop a centimeter away.

"You always know what to say, play boy Tenoh."

"You're the only one I want to play with." His eyes sincere in its intensity.

"You always know what to say." With that, the shorter of the two finally decided to lock lips and end the conversation. "But we need breakfast or brunch in this matter. You should know, I get really hungry after sex." They both laughed.

"Thank God you said it first." Without warning he felt a slap on his arm. "Ow, hey! Is this how you treat your guests when they are hungry?"

"Mhmmm. You're a guest are you? Why didn't you tell me you were hungry?"

"I was busy eating you!" Another slap. "Hey!" He kept chuckling at her defence mechanisms. "You want to fight? Okay, okay, you asked for this!" He squeezed both Michiru's arms so she won't be able to move and started play biting her upper arm.

"Owwww! Ruuuuuuka! Stop! You're going to give me a bruise!" She yelped but her pleas were not heard.

"Imagine the headlines. Super star couple. Their SnM fetish. Bruises on Virtuoso's arm evident!" He kept on with his little antics while the modelesque figure stuck as a prey in his arms could only squirm every time his teeth clamped onto her skin.


One chair and one plate. Nothings screams more marital or honeymoon bliss than this. She thought to herself. Eggs and Bacon laid like a perfect marriage on that plate. She was sitting on his lap, her back resting on his long arms and toned shoulders. Emerald eyes looked at Sapphires deep in thought.

"What are you thinking about?" He grabbed the fork turning it to the side while it made a slight clang on the plate. He used it as a blade to slice through the piece of meat, thinking to himself that this is a Michiru-portion. He held it up in the air while the lady sitting comfortably in his lap raised and eyebrow.

"Do you want me to talk or do you want me to eat? Or are all men that clueless about women?" There it was again, the honest laughter she's so in love with.

"I'm holding this bacon hostage until you tell me what's wrong." He can be so childish, but she loves that about Haruka. This is Haruka, not the public persona.

"Nothing wrong. I just have questions..." Haruka tilted his head to the side before smiling.

"How about we finish brunch and then you can ask me all the questions you want." He winked.

"No holds barred?" She pursed her lips then leaned in to kiss him.

"What? Are you a journalist now?" They both laughed.

"I want to know everything about you. I love you." Her features softened even more when she said the last statement.

"I love you too."


There you are dear readers, I had to end it there because my head is hurting like hell. Comments would help a great deal because I need a lot of motivation Lol! Thank you so much for reading and I apologise for taking this long. xx