"They're using again." Stated Spencer, he had been watching the men very closely, waiting for the drugs to resurface.

"This is our opportunity then." Added Derek, sitting up and forcing Garcia to do the same. Slowly, each member of the team came out of their daze, looking for the signs of drug use in each of the men. Sure enough, each man seemed to be just a little out of it, but not as much as they had been the day before.

"Whatever happened upstairs, it must have made them more cautious, but not enough to stop using the drugs."

"Rossi's right. But it doesn't matter, we can't sit here for much longer and do nothing. This is our time to act." Hotch's words inspired the agents, each of them nodding along. "We need some sort of distraction."

"What if we combine both our plans?" Asked JJ hesitantly.

"What do you mean JJ?" Inquired Hotch, open to suggestions.

"We make a distraction by trying to get them to let one of us upstairs. That way if we succeed, we disarm them down here, and someone is upstairs to help the children."

"Good idea." Responded their boss. "Who do we think can get up there?"

"I can." Emily spoke in a whisper. "All I have to do is pretend that my injuries need some sort of care, they have to have some sort of first aid up there, and if it's bad enough they'll have to take me up there."

"How are we going to fake something big enough for them to take you up there?"

"Maybe we don't have to." She responded, still whispering.

"I don't understand." The confusion was evident on everyone's faces, Hotch spoke for all of them. In response, Emily gently lifted up the bottom hem of her shirt. The group reacted to the sight of her stomach as one, with a large intake of breath.

"What happened, Emily?" JJ was the first to be able to find her voice again. "Why didn't you say something?"

"What would be the point of that? We don't have medical supplies, I didn't want to worry anyone. It's just infected."

"That's not just an infection, Emily!" JJ's shout drew the attention of some of the men, drawing them closer to the group.

"What's wrong with you?" asked one of the men in a gruff voice. When Emily lifted her shirt for the second time, baring the infected cut to the open air once again, the men reacted in the same way as the agents had, one of them even gagged.

"It's got puss, it's a bad infection. It needs medical attention, or it'll get worse." JJ had decided it was go-time, and since it didn't look like Emily was going to be speaking up for herself, she would have to do it.

The men retreated to talk amongst themselves for a bit, a few of them looked like they were emphatic about getting Emily, and her infected laceration, out of the vicinity. Those men won, and a few walked over to escort her out of the basement.

"I guess now is a good time. Wait till Emily is out of here before we do anything." The whisper came out of Rossi right as the captors came over. The remaining agents did they best to try not to appear anxious about what was going to happen, some succeeding more than others. As soon as they heard the door to the basement close, they sprang into action.

Derek and Spencer ran towards two of the men together, aiming first for disarming them before inflicting any pain. Three days in the dark basement had taken their toll on all the agents, causing their movements to be less accurate than they usually would be. However, the drugs had taken their toll on the captors as well. Garcia was doing her best to wrest a gun away from one man, but he wasn't letting go. It took Rossi's help to finally overpower him.

Grunts came from the corner where JJ was taking on a man of her own, and winning. She kept her hands on the gun she confiscated from her enemy, but she couldn't see anywhere to shoot where there wasn't a danger of hitting someone she loved. Instead, when another man rushed at her, she simply used the butt of the gun to knock him out. It looked like they were winning, until the men who had gone upstairs with Emily returned, and shot into the midst of the group. Apparently they didn't mind hitting their own colleagues. JJ was the only one who had kept the gun in her hands, but when she saw the guns against her friends' heads, she had to drop it.

Feeling more desolate than before, they were group together once more in the middle of the room, this time tied together so that one person couldn't move without causing the others discomfort. Derek had been the most unlucky, one of the bullets fired had hit his leg, leaving a deep graze in the side of his left leg. JJ's sweater went to his wound, they attempted to use it to slow the bleeding.

"At least Emily is upstairs?" Garcia spoke into the face of despair, and none of her friends answered her.

"Alright, everyone put your hands up!" The shout came from the top of the stairs, where the silhouette of a person could be seen. This voice was distinctly female, separating it from the voices of their captors that they had been hearing for the past few days. The response to the announcement was instant. Every head in the room spun to face the stairs, while the men's grips on their weapons became tighter.

"What did I say? Hands in the air!" The men looked at each other, none of them sure what to do. A few of them pointed their guns towards the silhouette, but they changed their minds when more figures started to descend the stairs. So many were coming down that the captors were quickly outnumbered, and they proceeded to lower their guns to the ground.

"Finally you listen." When the original figure finally came down the stairs and into the basement, they were able to use the feeble light to identify their savior- Strauss.

"Are you guys alright?" Murmurs were her only answer, a few called out inquiries about those who were upstairs.

"Derek was shot, and JJ is in bad shape. Emily too, but she was upstairs." Garcia's voice rang out above the others, and immediately drew Strauss' attention. Orders were given, and quickly the captors were brought upstairs while the captives were released.

"Make sure they make it onto the first ambulances." Strauss ordered of the FBI agents who were put in charge of Derek and JJ. "When we get to the hospital, you are all giving me the full story. But let's get you out of here first."

Here you go! I haven't started the next chapter yet.. but I will soon. Unbeta'd so all mistakes are mine.

Please review!
