I AM REALLY, REALLY SORRY! I am such a horrible author, it's true! I have been really neglectful to you guys and please don't be too bitter! I don't want you guys mad, I just had so much else to worry about and I finally decided to sit down and type this damn chapter. Chapter 5!

Tony sat in a huddle, rocking slightly outside of his lab. Steve stood above him, glancing nervously at the once arrogant billionaire. Sighing in defeat, the taller man sank down to the floor next to Tony. The brown-eyed shell looked up at Steve, not saying a word. His brown eyes swam with anxiety and insecurity, asking 'will she be alright?' in every way. Tears welling in his deep eyes, the once man of iron crumbled. Defeat sagged in his shoulders and despair leaked down his cheeks. He really thought his dog was gone. Steve hoped with all his strength and all his goodness that she would be alright. No matter how many arguments and disagreements he and Tony had, he was still…. Tony. Now, seeing him so afraid and insecure; he looked so breakable. If this dog didn't make it, there would be no more Iron Man. Heck, the Avengers couldn't be the Avengers without their cocky genius. Steve tentatively put his arm around the smaller man's shoulders, holding him closely. As if a switch had been flipped, the brown-haired man gripped Steve like a life-line, holding him as if he was going to fall.

"She'll be okay, Tony." Steve murmured softly into his hair.

"Y-you really think s-so?" Tony sniffled sadly. Grief pulled at his heart as he thought about how her limp body dangled from his arms. He barely remembered her being taken by Bruce, who was operating on her now.

"Yeah, she's strong. Your scarf will save her." He whispered. "She'll be okay."

"B-but-" Tony whimpered.

"No, Tony." Steve interrupted firmly. "She and you have a connection. You're both life to one another. She wants to be alive for you as much as you want to be for her."


"Yeah, Tony?"

"Y-you," Tony sniffed as he wiped his nose with his sleeve. "You are…."

"I am what?" Steve wondered out loud, watching as Tony smiled with wet eyes.

"You are kind of like my life too." He smiled with a blush. He cuddled into Steve's chest, making the older man blush heavily, but not unhappily.

"I-I am?" Steve asked, wanting to know the answer.

"Yeah, I always thought you were a hero. You were always my h-hero, and I really like you. We always f-fought and I wanted to be friends. You're so kind… and b-brave and amazing; everything I'm not. I j-just wish I could have been nicer-r to you."

Tony whimpered slightly at the end, his voice breaking like how his heart must have been.

"Tony," Steve whispered in awe, throat closing. "I always thought you were nice. I knew you didn't mean what you said."

"But I did! I hated you 'cause you thought I was a big shot and I didn't want to be your friend. I was only trying to be funny, but you thought I was mean! Then, then, you and I fought and, and…." Tony cried into Steve's chest, sobs wracking his vulnerable frame as he gushed onto the hero. Steve just sat, at a loss, not knowing how to handle the torn man. Hesitantly, the blonde placed his hand on Tony's back, rubbing soothingly slow circles, threading his fingers through dark brown hair. The previously sobbing man gave way to whimpers and sniffles, trying to calm himself. Tony relaxed into Steve's touch, giving in.

"Tony…" Steve started, trying to keep his voice clear. "You are the bravest man I have ever known."

"No 'm not." The muffled voice rose from Steve's dampened shirt.

"Yes you are."

"How, then?" Tony glared with red eyes. "How? Steve, tell me!"

"Only the bravest would admit their weakness." Steve spoke thoughtfully; he really was the most philosophical next to Dr. Banner.

"Y-you really think so?" Tony sniffled with a small smile.

"Yeah." Steve held Tony closer, relishing in the fact he made him smile.

Bruce worked tirelessly, knowing any minute this dog could be at death's entrance. Even now, it was on the edge of living and dead. Operating wasn't his specialty, but he knew how it worked. Getting the infection and bullet shrapnel out of this dog was key, first and foremost. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, the genius carefully removed the toxic material from the shoulder, cutting carefully and precisely.

After he finished the procedure, the doctor carefully made his way to the door to the lab, knowing Tony would be waiting. He opened the door and stepped out, hiding the shock of seeing Tony a sobbing mess.

"Er… well, she made it." He stammered shyly. "I removed the shrapnel and she should wake up around 14:00 tomorrow."

"Really?!" Tony's excited reply, his voice croaky from crying, erupted from Steve's chest. His brown eyes lit with new passion, he hugged his companion tightly and let tears of joy flow down his cheeks.

Bruce felt awkward standing amidst the weeping man, so he pardoned himself and left for his room, high up in the tower. The scientist was overjoyed at how happy Tony looked, like a kid at Christmas. It's just that Bruce was always afraid of contact, like the smallest thing would set him off. He didn't mind it really, and he knew the others realized it too. So, as he sat down on his bed, sliding into some sweats and a loose shirt, he thought about all the good he did for his friend. That dog was his only hold on sanity now. That dog not only saved Tony, but saved the Avengers too. They were a family, close and unbreakable. The last thing Bruce wanted was for them to break up; they were all he had now. Without them, what would he do; go back to what he was before? He sighed shakily before climbing under the covers, leaving JARVIS to warn him if anything was going wrong with the dog.

The next day:

"Is she awake yet?" Tony hopped around Bruce.

"Tony, it's 6 in the morning…" the scientist grumbled sleepily.

"So she is awake?" Tony asked innocently. His eyes were wide with anticipation.

"She'll be fine until 3:00 pm when she wakes up, alright?" Bruce sighed.

"But that's not until forever!" The brown-haired man whined.

"Sorry, Tony, but that's how it has to be." Bruce pet the man's back and walked into the kitchen, searching for orange juice or tea.

"Oh… okay." Tony mumbled down at his shoes.

"Why don't you color a picture of her? You can use that online program I showed Steve." Bruce suggested, feeling instantly sorry he was so blunt.

"What was the program?" Tony's voice asked with interest and curiosity.

"Er… well the program is called GIMP. The program should already be uploaded. You can probably do a drawing. How about it; do you want to try it?" Bruce smiled at the already excited man.

"Yeah! Is it in the lab?" He asked.

"Well, yes, but you can do it here too." Bruce reminded, a picture of his dog stuck with tubes and wires coming to mind.

"Oh, right! I forgot! Thanks Bruce!" Tony grinned wide, shouting at JARVIS to pull up a screen of the program. As he experimented with it, Bruce sighed deeply. He could have gotten Photoshop, but Steve didn't want Bruce to spend any money. So, GIMP strolled along and Steve was ecstatic. As Bruce looked at Tony, smiling wide and eyes shining, he smiled too. It wasn't everyday you could see the child in an adult; Tony of all people. Bruce relished in the fact that Tony's mind would be focused as he carefully mapped out where he would draw the dog. Giggling, Tony drew lines in all different colors as he sketched the pattern of how he would do it. Eventually, he called Steve down to help him with it. Bruce watched quietly from the kitchen, watching the two draw Tony's dog. They moved around each other flawlessly, making lines and filling in spaces with color, using Steve's techniques and shading.

Later that day:

"Hey, Steve?" Bruce called to the blonde across the kitchen, jolting him awake. He and Tony had eventually sat down and watched a movie. They watched "Mist" which was about border collies and it made Tony very happy. Bruce shook his head fondly at the memory of seeing Tony act like a toddler. This whole trauma problem had made a major set-back in Tony's mindset. He didn't act as mature… or he really wasn't that mature to start off with, but he was a lot younger-acting would be a good way to put it.

"Yes, Bruce?" Steve asked softly, not wanting to jolt the sleeping man next to him.

"Could you… could you come to the lab with me a moment?" The scientist asked warily, not wanting to say "dog" or anything associated with it.

"What was it?" Steve's eyes widened in worry as thoughts ran through his head. "Is… is she okay?"

"Oh? Yeah, yes she is fine, don't worry!" Bruce whispered quickly. "Just come with me okay?"

"Okay." Steve slowly removed himself from the unusually clingy male next to him and quietly tiptoed after the other man.

Whence they reached the laboratory, the scientist stopped and turned. His soft brown eyes stared at the American hero with an emotion hard to place.

"What is it, Bruce?" Steve asked in concern.

"You love him, don't you?" He inquired slowly. He had a small smile playing at his lips, and his voice held no mockery or such, only kind curiosity.

"I-I…. I don't know. M-maybe I do-" Steve sputtered with a dark red blush clouding his cheeks.

"Well, you like him a lot, right?" Bruce asked thoughtfully.

"Well, yes, maybe…"

"Steve, don't lie. It's pretty obvious." Bruce interrupted him flatly. "The real question is, what are you going to do about it?"

The blue-eyed man's brow furrowed. After a few moments of silence, he spoke up. "Until Tony is okay, I will look after-no, protect him. Maybe he will want a relationship, but right now, he just needs someone to take care of him. And I want to do that for him."

The scientist nodded in admiration at the statement. "You'll be good to him."

"I hope so. When is she supposed to wake up?"


"We have a few hours. I'll go back to Tony and make sure he's alright."

"See you, Steve. I'll check up on her again."

Remember guys, this is a hobby, so don't get hopes too high. I'll do my best okay? I truly am sorry for the lack of updates, but I have been super busy!