The alarm blared and the Spaniard awoke with a groan and turned off the blasted noise. Sitting up, he rubbed his head and yawned not wanting to get up at all. "Dang it..." he muttered once he realized what today was. Today...was a fucking meeting...great. He got out of bed and tiredly got dressed in his usual attire and walked downstairs into his kitchen. "Why did Germany have to schedule a meeting today..." he said to himself as he got a tomato out and nomed on it, grabbing his car keys and heading out the door, getting into the car and driving off towards the meeting place non to happy.

He got out of his car and trudged inside, faking a smile as he walked down the hall. "Dude! I'm totally the hero!" he heard America exclaim on the other side of the meeting room door. "You bloody wanker sit down and shut your trap!"

"Secre bleu! I'm far to gorgeous to be in the middle of all this!"


"Try some Chinese tasty treats!"


Sighing, he quietly opened the door and snuck inside and over to his seat in between Portugal and France. "Hey Toni..." his brother quietly said to him and Spain looked over at him. "Hola hermano..." he said smiling. "Cant they just shut up already?"

Spain snickered, "You know them..."

"Yeah, but its just wonder I stopped coming to these..."

"Why did you come today a-" Spain started but was cut off by a certain German...

"THAT IS ENOUGH! EVERYONE SHUT UP AND SIT DOWN WE ARE GOING TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE DECENT MEETING THIS MONTH EVEN IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO! AM I CLEAR ABOUT THAT?" A few nations nodded and murmurs spread throughout the room. Germany glared at no one in particular and stood up straight, " who would like to take the stand first?" America raised his hand rather child like and jumped up and down, "Oh oh oh oh OH ME ME ME PICK ME MAN PICK ME!"

Germany sighed, "America...sit down..." The American pouted and sat back down, mumbling something about 'a totally awesome heroic robot' and England stood up and began giving one of his boring lectures. (that everyone knows is really really boring when it bores even Greece...)

Spain sighed once again and closed his eyes, kind of wincing when he felt a sharp pain shoot up his spine. Portugal looked at him with a confused look, "You okay Tonio?..."

"S-Si..." Spain cleared his throat, "I'm fine." and then smiled brightly, setting his brother at ease. 'Dios...when is this going to end...' thought Spain, indicating the random bursts of pain he felt at random times. He inwardly sighed and hoped that all this would end soon...

"Meeting dismissed..." Germany said and several nations bolted out the door, glad that they don't have to be here anymore. Portugal patted Spain on the back and walked away, leaving the Spanish nation by himself. Antonio muttered in Spanish under his breath and looked around, spotting his favourite Italian. Standing up, he walked over to Romano who was talking with his brother, and hugged him from behind. "SELF DEFENSE!" Romano exclaimed and then grabbed Spain's arm and threw him over his shoulder and onto the meeting table. Spain cringed and whimpered, experiencing more pain then he should've from that. "Ve~ Fratello! You hurt Spain!" said Italy, looking at the Spaniard. "He deserved it...sneaking up on me like that...he should know better." Romano said, also looking at the older man. Spain sat up, trying to get the pain in his chest to go away and mumbled, "Sorry Lovi..."

"Stop calling me that bastard. Now get the fuck off the table before potato bastard comes over here and bitches at us." said Romano, folding his arms and glaring at Spain while talking. Spain nodded and got off the table, "You really should know its me though..."

"How dumb ass? I don't have eyes on the fucking back of my head! God..."

"Ve...I'm gonna go talk to Doitsu~!" and with that, the younger Italian skipped off. "So what the fucks up with you?" asked Romano. For a moment, Spain's heart skipped a beat in fear that Romano knew, but shrugged that idea off it being near impossible, "Everything's about you?" he asked, a fake smile on his face. Romano shrugged and looked off to the side, "Shit could be better..." Before the Spaniard could ask what was wrong, his phone went off. Fishing through his pockets, he pulled out his phone and answered it, "Hola?" His smile faltered a moment, "Ah si...I'll be there soon..." Romano could've sworn he saw a faint shine in Spain's eyes, as if he were going to cry, "Alright just...just let me talk to them for a moment, adios." and then Spain hung up, "My boss..."

"Oh...hes a douche..."

"Now Lovi...don't insult him...he'll find out and come after you." Spain chuckled and looked down, "Anyway, I'll...I'll see you later..." 'Lies...' and then walked away. Romano watched as he left the room, confused at the Spaniard sudden change in attitude. "What the fucks going on..."

*time skip a few days later*

Romano knocked on Spain's door, expecting an immediate answer but received none. Slightly growling, he busted the door open and walked inside and looked around. "Where is he...first ignores my calls and watch as hes out with wine and chicken bastard, probably off bugging the shit outta someone..." he muttered to himself and walked upstairs to the Spaniards bedroom and opened the door, wishing he hadn't a moment later.

There on the bed lay Spain, but it didn't quite seem like him...he seemed...lifeless. Dead. Romano walked over to the bed and shook Spain. "B-bastard?" he said, receiving no response so he shook him harder. "Bastardo!" Spain weakly opened his eyes, revealing dull, emotionless orbs and stared up at the Italian and pathetically smiled, "H-hola Roma..." he said, his voice sounding raspy and cracked. Romano furrowed his eyebrows and frowned, "What the fucks wrong with you?"

"Eh heh...y-you see...R-Romano, I'm sorry..."

"Sorry for what? Fucking give me answers! Why the fuck are you like this what the fuck happened you dumb ass!"

"I...I-I'm technically dieing." Spain gave a small chuckle as Romano went wide eyed, "Don't laugh about something like that bastardo! What do you mean you're dieing?"

"A-ah, I said technically...I'm n-not really but...I wont be m-me..."


"I-I'm being reincarnated R-Roma..."

Romano froze. Reincarnated? "...Why the fuck didn't you tell me..." Spain looked away, seemingly guilty, "I-I didn't want to worry you..."

"You were going to leave without saying goodbye you ass!" shouted Romano and Spain's eyes started to water, "I-I'm sorry..."

"Don't fucking say you're sorry! J-just...don't leave me..." whispered Romano, on the verge of tears. Spain looked at him shocked, "Y-you don't want me to go? I-its not like I'm going to be g-gone forever..."

"But you said yourself, you wont be you! I want YOU here Antonio!"

Spain smiled and stroked Romano's cheek, "I-I'll always be here Roma...I'll b-be back, wait for m-me?" Romano sniffled and nodded, making Spain smile abit wider. The Spaniard leaned towards him, coming only inches away from Romano's lips, only to decide against it and kiss him on the cheek instead. Pulling away and leaving Romano frustrated, he went into a coughing fit, some blood coming up and onto the sheets. He layed back down and panted a little, "I-I need to go..."

"G-go? No no no, don't p-please don't bastard..."

Spain looked over at him and smiled abit, "I-its to late..." then looked down at his slowly fading body. More tears fell from Romano's eyes as he held onto Spain's hand tighter, "F-fucking shit..."

"Don't c-cry over me..." said Spain, coughing a little, "R-remember, wait for me..." and with that, the Spanish nation completely faded. Romano's eyes darted around the bed and then burst out in sobs. "F-fucking idiot!" he exclaimed and fisted the blanket, bowing his head. "F-fuck..." he climbed on the bed and layed where Spain was only moments ago as his body racked with sobs, the Spaniards words echoing in his mind.

"Remember, wait for me..."

He would never forget, Romano swore, to wait for his Antonio...

It has been at least 9 or 10 years since Spain one bothered to keep track. When the news got out about Antonio, everyone close to him was devastated. France and Prussia; refused to do anything, locking themselves in isolation and rejecting the outside world, like nothing else mattered anymore. But eventually they started getting pass it...opening up again. Italy and Belgium; yeah they were sad...Italy more so...but they eventually moved on as well...with Italy still abit soft on the subject. Romano? He just wished he could die...its been several years and he still isn't over it...he hasn't gone to any meetings let alone talk to anyone other then Italy and occasionally someone else...

But it seemed, to Romano, as if no one else cared and that pissed him off to no extent. When Germany had told everyone the news, England nearly had a celebratory party right there, and that made the Italian pounce on him and beat the shit out of the former pirate. After that, Romano never went to any more meetings and isolated himself from the world.

Romano sighed, he couldn't stop thinking about that one world meeting...shaking his head he stood up and walked into the kitchen, only to be ambushed by his annoying younger brother. "What the fuck do you want Feliciano?" he said, obviously annoyed. "You need to go outside, at least go for a walk! This is getting ridiculous fratello..."

Looking away, Romano bite the inside of his cheek. He knew his brother was right, which was a first, he really should get out..."Alright fine. If you need me I'll be down by the shore..." Italy smiled and quickly hugged Romano before walking away. The older Italian scoffed and and put on his shoes and walked out the door, blinking a few times to get his eyes adjusted to the sun after being inside for such a long time.

He sighed and started heading down a secret path only him and his brother knew about that lead to the...beach I guess you could call it. He would never truly admit it, but he loved to be near water. It relaxed him and it reminded him of the Spaniard would set out to sea. He sighed, 'Damn...I'm thinking of him again...' he thought to himself and emerged from the hidden exit and stared at the big ocean. He sighed through his nose and walked over to the shore line and started walking alongside it...before something caught his attention...

Maybe only a few several yards away from him, was a boy laying on the grass. 'Strange...' he thought to himself and walked towards the boy cautiously, 'This dork looks familiar...' As he got closer, he went slightly wide eyed and took a few steps back. "This fucker..." he trailed off his sentence as the boy stirred and opened his eyes and sat up. He tiredly rubs his eyes and stood up and Romano could get a better look at him. He looked like he was in his early teens..."Oi. Kid..."

The teen looked at Romano, blinked a few times, and the pulled out a pistol and aimed it at Romano. Said Italian glares at it and stood his ground. "The fucks your problem?"

"Shut up..." the boy said in Spanish, "and tell me who you are and what your intentions are..." Romano shifted his glare from the gun to the Spanish boy. "I don't have to tell you shit. You're technically on private property you fucker now lower the gun before I call the cops on your ass."

The boy lazily smirked and put the gun away, "Like you have the guts." and then he looked out to the sea, "But tell me...why aren't there any ships nearby?"

'Ships? This kids weird...' thought Romano as he stared along with the boy. "You're smoking crack. But back to the fucking subject, I would so call the cops on you kid. But one question, if you can understand what I'm saying why the fuck are you speaking Spanish?" he asked and then thought, 'It reminds me way to much of Antonio...'

The boy turned and glared at him. Before Romano even knew what was going on, he was knocked to the ground and pinned by the teen. "I refuse to speak that filth! You're with Kirkland aren't are aren't you?" Then he jumped off and aimed his pistol at him again, putting it to Romano's head.

Romano eyed him suspiciously. "Kirkland? Work with him? Look dork, I'm not working with eyebrow bastard unless you're talking about some other Kirkland..." he said, smacking the boys hand making the gun fly out of his hand and stood up. "I don't know who the fuck you are or anything...but just tell me who the fuck are you?"

The boy glared for a moment and then a cat like grin spread across his face, grabbing Romano by the collar and pulling him down to his level, "You're in the presence of none other then the only and only Captain Antonio Fernandez Carreido."

Okay um...before you yell at me for starting a new story, let me at least explain this one.

I honestly believe that Spain was reincarnated one or two times therefor reducing his age and in this one the reincarnation had him took back to the age 14 or 15. And in my head when he was around that age he was in his pirate days...dont judge me thats how my brain works...

But anyway, again, explaining, Toni is speaking Spanish cuz he was rivals with Eyebrows who speaks English so he refuses to speak it in honor of...him I guess...

And um...yeah this seems rushed but dont blame me! I had the idea, I couldnt wait, and it was 5...6 in the morning...

Ideas are welcome! :D Eh...long authors note.../sweatdrop