A/N: Hello there~ This is my first KHR story that I'm writing with my best friend izumichan13! She will be Katsumi and I will be Minami~ 3

Hope you like it!

Me: I'm deeply sorry for my first story, I haven't been able to get much ideas on it so the update will be very slow now. I'm sincerely sorry... T.T

Izumi & Me: Ciao Ciao~ :D

"This is English."
"This is Japanese."
'This is thoughts."

Chapter 1: We fell into KHR?

~Real world in Katsumi's house~

~Normal P.O.V.~

It was a fine Friday night where two best friends with their pets are reading Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn fanfictions and other stuff related to it in one of the friend's room.

The room was not big or too small. It was big enough to have a slumber party with 5 people or more. There was a single bed in the room and the walls were red, white, and black. There is a wooden desk near the window and had books, utensils, and a black and red table lamp. The bed was similar color to the walls and the lamp. Or to be exact, most of the room was red and black. Except for the closets, drawers, and bookshelves since they were made out of wood.

Inside of the red and black room, there were two girls sitting/laying on the bed with their laptops. Let's start with the owner of the room first, the one that is lying down at the end of the bed. The one lying down is name Kashiya Katsumi, age 14. She has white hair that has red streaks and it went down to her shoulders. Katsumi also has deep red eyes, near to the color of blood, and she was the high energy one of the two friends. She was on her red and black laptop looking at pictures of KHR and reading fanfictions of it too.

Katsumi also has a pet kitten and her name is Tiger. Tiger was a female kitten that is white and gray. The tips of her ears, paws, nose and tips of her tail were gray, and the rest were white. Tiger was lying next to her owner and also doing the same as her owner; looking at pictures and reading. Tiger is a very smart kitten.

The other friend was sitting at the top part of the bed with her back on the walls. Her name is Mishima Minami, also age 14. She has jet black hair that change color at day and night. Meaning at day, or in light, her hair turn light brown; and at night, or darkness, her hair turns jet black. Her hair went down past her shoulders, meaning length of mid back. Minami also has red eyes but they were a little lighter than Katsumi's. It's more of a strawberry color red. Minami wore glasses and they were black and white. She was the cheerful, yet quiet one of the two girls. Minami was on her white and black laptop, which was on her lap, and reading a KHR fanfictions.

Like Katsumi, Minami also has a pet but her pet was a fox instead of a cat. Her fox was a male fox and his name was Moon. Moon is a white fox that was black on his paws, tips of ears, and tips of his tail. Moon was sitting on his owner's shoulder and he was reading along with his owner. You can say both of the two girl's pets are very smart.

Katsumi was wearing a dark purple and black t-shirt and a pair of black shorts that went down to her mid-thigh. She was also wearing a purple feather earring, a necklace with a ring attached to it with a letter K imprinted on it, and a ring on her middle finger that had a pattern of flowers. As for Minami, she was wearing a black long sleeve shirt and a black and white skirt. She was wearing an earring that had her birthstone (Ruby) on it, a necklace that has a feather attached to it, and a ring on her middle finger with a pattern of stars imprinted on it.

Somehow both girls were not exactly normal girls. They are indeed fangirls of anime, but they are dangerous themselves. Ever since elementary school, where the two girls first met each other, they were in the kendo club. They been doing kendo all the way until now and they were still. Both were the strongest female kendo student in all their schools. As for their talents, both of their parents were worried that both of them might get raped or kidnap by people since they've been hearing lots of news about it.

Due to their parent overprotected behavior, they were forced to have defensive weapons with them at all time when they were only 5th grade. Defensive weapons was ok for the two girls but what they didn't know was that katanas were call defensive weapons instead of killer weapons from their parents. Ever since then, Minami and Katsumi was used of it and both brings their katanas everywhere with them. As a little 'bonus' for Minami, she supplied herself with extra daggers that she hides under her skirt (currently) or anywhere else that she can easily grab it when she need to. (Izumi: We'll tell more about this 'defensive weapon' talk at the end of the chapter so we will be moving on with the chappie ok~?)

"Hey Minami, do you know why fangirls does this?" Katsumi got up and scooted herself so that she was sitting next to Minami who hadn't even look up from her fanfiction that she was reading. Katsumi just stare at her best friend for a good minute before Minami finally noticed her. "What do you mean by- Holy crud nut! Why the heck are you showing me that?" Minami shouted as she put one of her hand to block the laptop screen (Katsumi's) and her face look at the opposite direction. "Just stumble on it. And don't worry, you're not the only one that is being 'ugh' by it." Katsumi exits of what she was on and went back to reading.

"For answering your question, I have no clue. As a fellow fangirl, I don't understand why other fangirls like yaoi…" Minami muttered as she turns back to her laptop and continue reading. "I know right. I don't even get how they even get those pairings together." Katsumi was burning holes at her laptop screen when she saw another yaoi picture of KHR characters. "Mukuro and Hibari? Oh heck no. They hate each other's guts." Minami also burning holes at Katsumi's laptop when she saw a picture of Hibari and Mukuro nearly kissing. (A/N: Both me and Izumi despise yaoi. So we're really sorry for the people to who has interests in them and also reading all this. We're extremely sorry.)

"Meow!" Tiger purrs loudly at Katsumi and Minami as if saying 'I don't like yaoi too'. "Rowl!" Moon bark (Not sure how fox bark or cry) agreeing with Tiger since he was a male and he don't like another male. "Oh well, others think different from other people. I don't have a grudge against yaoi or anything. I just don't like it." Minami push up her glasses and continue to read her fanfic again. "Yeah. I'm the same." Katsumi stretch her stiffened back and began to read KHR fanfictions like Minami.

~Time Skipped, about 20 minutes later of reading and silence~

20 minutes has past of reading in silence excluding the purring of Tiger and yawns from Moon. Minami also yawns too and began to stretch her body out of its stiffness. Katsumi saw what Minami was doing and did the same.

"Katsumi, you want to get something to drink? I'm kind on thirsty from reading too long." Minami stood up and walk to the door with Moon on her shoulder. "Sure, I was getting thirsty anyway." Katsumi follows Minami out of the room with Tiger happily on her head.

Both girls were walking down the hallway of Katsumi's house and it was quiet. Katsumi parents were out and Minami's were still at work. So that's the reason why Minami came over to Katsumi's house and planned to sleep over. Minami was the first to broke the silence as she ask a question to Katsumi.

"You know it would be great if we can go into the world of KHR, right?" Minami piped up as she grins at Katsumi. "Duh. That would be so epic if we can!" Katsumi shouted out and earns giggles from Minami. "Yeah."

As they reach the kitchen, something that was in front of them is not what they expected to see. "Uh, Katsumi?" Minami turns to her white-haired friend. "Yeah?" Katsumi replied with her mouth slightly open. "What is…that?" Minami exclaim as she points at what is in front of them.

There was a hole in Katsumi kitchen! Not just any hole. When you look into it, there is a never ending darkness in it. Plus, it's in the middle of the kitchen! Tiger hissed at the hole while Moon was growling.

The two girls were in a state of shock so their body tensed up. The hole suddenly began to suck in whatever is in front of it. That means Katsumi and Minami. "R-Run!" Minami shouted as she grabs Katsumi by the arm pit.

But it was too late, Tiger lost grip of Katsumi head and began to suck into the hole. "Tiger!" Katsumi shook off Minami's grip and jump to catch her kitten into the hole. "Katsumi!" Minami turn her heels and jump into the hole along with Moon on her shoulder still.

"AHHH!" Both girl scream as they travel roughly through the hole. The hole shrink as all them suck in and left no trace of them being there, in the kitchen.

~Scene change~

"Gyahh!" Both girl scream along with the screams of their pets. Minami fell first and Katsumi fell on top of her. "OW!" Katsumi grunted as she put her hand on her head. "Would you mind getting off me?" Minami screams at her friend and her glasses were crooked due to the rough landing.

"Ah, sorry!" Katsumi quickly got off of Minami and help her up. Minami dust off her skirt and fix her glasses so that it was where is suppose to be. Katsumi look at her friend and then look side way. Minami look at Katsumi and see a shocked face. "Huh? What's wrong?" Minami trace to where Katsumi is looking and same reaction happened to Minami.

Next to them, was Xanxus laying there unconscious with the Varia staring at them. "Huh?" The both of them blurted out and look down. They saw 7 rings lying in front of their feet and their facial expression change from shock to confuse and shock.

The two girls then turn around and saw Tsuna on his knees staring at them, and also his guardians, including Dino, Romario, Colonello, Squalo, some of Dino's subordinates, Basil, Shamal, Ken, Chikusa, but Reborn was nowhere to be seen. (A/N: Correct me if I got any of the naming wrong. I don't remember much about Vongola Ring Battle Arc.)

"EH?" Both girls exclaim but stop as they saw a gun pointing at them. "Tell me who are you and where you came from now or else I'll shoot you." A baby said in Japanese and his words were demanding.

Katsumi mind exploded as she sees the gun in front of her and she had no idea what the baby just said. She swiftly grab Minami's arm and started to sprint out of the scene shouting.


"MY GLASSES!" Minami's glasses fell off and drop onto the floor in front of Reborn.

Katsumi ignore Minami shouting and continue to run away from that sadist hitman, which known as Reborn. They ran out of Reborn's sight in only a matter of seconds and that amuse the hitman.

Reborn pick up Minami's glasses and smirked. 'That's an interesting pair.' He thought with a smirk.

~Back to Katsumi and Minami~

Both girls were panting hard as they lean onto the alley way walls. Tiger and Moon came out from behind the two girl's neck, since they were hiding in their hair, and look at their owner worriedly.

"I'm *pant* fine *pant* Tiger." Katsumi petted the worried Tiger and she nuzzles her owner's finger. "I'm also fine Moon, so don't worry." Minami petted Moon too and he lick her fingers.

While the two girls are trying to calm down their breathing, they both notice someone in the shadow of the alley is coming toward them. "Who's there?" Minami said in Japanese squint her eyes since she doesn't have her glasses with her.

"Hmph, looks like we've been seen." A man in black said as he points a gun at the two girls. (Geez, getting point by a gun two times a night was not their lucky day)

Katsumi and Minami both sat up and put Tiger and Moon on a trash can. The two animals obediently took their seat on the trash can and watches as their owner got into battle stance.

"Ho? You little girls think that you can beat us?" One of the men black mocked. "Yes." Both girls said bluntly with a bored expression and that made all of the men in black twitch an eye. "Why you!" The leader of the group ordered his men to charge at the two girls and so they did.

"You better warn me where they are striking. I don't have my glasses." Minami muttered quietly. "Yes, yes. Here they come." Katsumi grin as he informed Minami that their opponent was coming. In a matter of minutes, all the men in black went past the two girls.

They all stop and the girls just grinned. Seconds past, all of the men in black fell one by one, leaving the leader standing there as if he's going to pee his pants. "H-How can two weak looking g-girls beat all high-rank hitman?" The leader of the group fell onto the ground and was trembling as the two girls approach him.

They stop in front of him and their faces were covered due to the darkness of the night. "Weak looking? Don't make me laugh." Katsumi change her language from English to Japanese and glares at the man in front of them. "Whoever said girls are weak?" Minami look into the man's eyes as if trying to burn a hole through it. "W-Who are you?" He exclaim, backing away from the girls.

"Who are we?" Minami repeated sounded a little amuse.

"We're just normal teenage girl passing by that's all." Katsumi answered with a grin on her face.

The cloud move away from the moon and the light shine behind the two girls, making their crimson red eyes glow into the darkness. The man didn't notice it in the dark, but now he does. In the girl's hand, there were katanas in their hands and it's reflecting the moonlights at the tip of the katana.

The man scream as he stumble down to the ground and began to ran away from the two teens. They look at his back with a confuse look but shrugged. Katsumi stop as she look down and see a hammer keychain.

"What's this?" Katsumi bended down to picks up in keychain. "That man a while might have dropped it." Minami narrowed her eyes as she saw the keychain grew larger when it's in Katsumi's hand.

"Wao." Katsumi stare up and down at the hammer in her hands. Then she turns to Minami with pleading eyes. "Can I keep it?" She made a puppy-eye face at Minami. Luckily Minami couldn't see the face since it was too dark and just sighed.

"Knock yourself out." Minami grinned as Katsumi began to try out the hammer by whamming it in the air. "It's extremely light despite its size." Katsumi smile as the hammer turn smaller. "It changes its size too!"

"Haha. You seem having fun." Minami pick both Tiger and Moon into her arms. "Meow~" Tiger smile at her owner. "Rowl!" Moon smiles along too.

Katsumi change the hammer back into its keychain form and put it in her skirt pocket. "I think we should get going. It's getting late." Katsumi grab Tiger out of Minami's arm. "Yeah." Then both girls began to walk out of the alley and just go to where their feet take them.

~Time Skipped~

Minami and Katsumi continue to walk and now they are currently in an empty neighborhood. "Where are we?" Minami look around but can barely see anything without her glasses. "Should I know that?" Katsumi question back. "…No…" Minami replied miserably.

"By the way, have you notice something since we fell into that hole?" Minami ask but she was afraid that she might know the answer. "You mean that we somehow gotten into the KHR world and stuff? Then yes." Katsumi said plainly and Minami mentally groan.

"Is that even possible?" Mina question again. "Again, should I know that?" Katsumi sighed.



With that they continue to walk down the neighborhood. Both girls stop as they came upon a four-way road. Katsumi look at all direction and see that they are all the same and sighed. "Which way?" Katsumi turn her heels around and look at Minami.

"Hmm…" Minami put her hand under her chin in a thinking position and closed her eyes. There was silence between them as Minami continue to think. Minami eyes shot open as she felt a faint presence behind her.

She turn around, took out her one of her katana and points at who was behind them. Katsumi did the same. "Wow!" The shadow figure jump. Tiger and Moon jump onto their owner's katana and jump onto the figure.

Tiger began to scratch the person while Moon was biting the person's hand. "I-I give!" The figure said and both of the girls seem to recognize the owner of the voice. "Y-Yamamoto Takeshi?" They both urged at the same time and Yamamoto just look at them surprised as they are. "Eh?"

~After they calm down their pets, they both began to speak in Japanese~

When the two girls were able to calm down their pets, they both bow at Yamamoto as an apology for their pet's behavior. "Maa, maa. Don't worry about it." Yamamoto smile at the two girls as they lifted their heads.

"But-" They started again but stop as they see Yamamoto carefree smile. Tiger and Moon continue to hiss/growl at Yamamoto but stop as he reaches out his hand at them.

"Tiger, be good." Katsumi told her kitten as she sniffs Yamamoto hand. "Moon you too." Minami told her fox as he inspects the tall boy's hand. Minutes past and Yamamoto outreach hand was shaking slightly. Curse you gravity. Moving on~

Finally Tiger 'meow' and jump onto Yamamoto shoulder and Moon lick Yamamoto hand before jumping onto his other shoulder. Yamamoto chuckle as the two animals nuzzle his cheeks as if saying 'friend'.

"They seem to like you." Minami smile brightly and that made Yamamoto turn his head. She then look at him confuse. 'Is there something on my face?' She thought but shrugs it off as Katsumi nudge her.

"Ahem! We haven't introduced ourselves yet. My name is Kashiya Katsumi and she is…" Katsumi broke off the sentence and look at Minami. "Mishima Minami." Minami finish the sentence.

"My name is Yamamoto Takeshi. Nice to meet you Katsumi, Minami." Yamamoto smile brightly at the two girls and they smile back. But suddenly a growling noise broke the mood.

Both Yamamoto and Minami turn to where the noise was made and stop to see Katsumi blushing. "Minami… I'm hungry. Ehehe." Katsumi scratch the back of her head and laugh stupidly.

Minami just face palm at her friends and let out a sigh. Yamamoto was laughing cheerfully at them but stop as he saw them glaring at him. "Haha. If you're hungry then you can come to my place since my pops owns a sushi shop."

Yamamoto grin at Katsumi and her face brighten. "Really?" Her eyes were sparkling and she drooled a little. "Haha. Yeah, the both of you can." Yamamoto petted Tiger's and Moon's head and they seem to like it.

"YAY! SUSHI!" Katsumi was practically jumping up and down. 'How is she hungry when she have that much energy left?' Minami mentally groaned.

"Thanks for the offer Yamamoto. I can't refuse your offer since someone is too hyper to listen to me." Minami turn to Katsumi and she was dazing off to sushi land. "Hahaha. Well, let's go!" Yamamoto began to walk and Katsumi was chanted 'Sushi, sushi!' all the way to Yamamoto's home.

~Time Skipped~

~Minami P.O.V.~

We have arrived at Yamamoto's house and we're currently in front of it. Yamamoto kindly opens the wooden door and guides us into the shop. "I'm back pops." Yamamoto greeted his dad, Yamamoto Tsuyoshi, who was in the standing in a kitchen for making sushi.

"Ah, Takeshi. Welcome back." Tsuyoshi put his sushi knife down and greeted him but stop when he saw us. "Who are those cute girls you behind you?" Tsuyoshi gave his son a smirk and I thought I saw a slight pink of on his face. 'Meh, I'm probably hallucinating.'

"Sorry for the intrusion Yamamoto's dad. My name is Mishima Minami and she is-" I got interrupted as Katsumi shouted out. "Sushi!" Katsumi attempt to ran to take a seat but I stopped her before she can. "Katsumi! Respect your elders and introduce yourself!" I scolded her in a motherly tone, forgetting that I changed back to English.

"Maa, maa." Yamamoto tried to calm me down who kind of understand on what I shouted out. "Yamamoto's is right. Calm down Minami." Katsumi pry off my hands and ran up to the open seat in front of Yamamoto's dad. "Two Ebi nigiri sushi and toro nigiri!" Katsumi shouted out, Yamamoto's dad just laugh, and began to make what Katsumi just ordered.

I face palm again and sat next to Katsumi. I look up at her and see that she is drooling. "Katsumi, you're drooling." I took a napkin and began to wipe off the drool. "Don't treat me like a kid!" Katsumi whine and she really sound like one. "You are a kid." I simply said and earn myself a glare from her.

"Then what about you? My mom?" Katsumi yell at me and I just sighed. "If that what's you think of me then I'm ok with it." I rested my head on my hand. "You two seem close. Are you sisters?" Yamamoto's dad asks as he handed the sushi that Katsumi just ordered and also one to me too.

"Itadakimasu!" Katsumi put one Ebi nigiri into her mouth and she squeal at the taste of it. "Not exactly sisters. But you can think it that way if you want to Yamamoto's dad." I smile kindly as a thank you for the sushi. "Tsuyoshi is fine." Yama- err Tsuyoshi told me and I simply nodded and plop a sushi into my mouth.

The sushi was so delicious. I can practically know why Katsumi is ordering more sushi. After we finish eating, I counted all the plates I had and Katsumi. 'I got 3 and Katsumi got 5. Wow she sure eats a lot.' I dug through my pocket of my skirt to take out the money to pay for all this but was stop was Tsuyoshi spoke up.

"Ah, you don't have to pay. Today is all on the house, ok?" Tsuyoshi winked at me and I smile brightly back. "Thank you very much, Tsuyoshi." I said as Katsumi yawn. "I'm tired Minami…" Katsumi said in between her yawn.

"It's already past 11pm so no wonder you'll be tired." I yawned too. "Since you have nowhere else to stay, why don't you stay here for a while?" Yamamoto suggested as he washes done our plates. "Are you sure? We don't want to be a burden to you." I said as my eyebrows slightly tilt together.

"Its fine Minami, right pops?" Yamamoto turns to his dad and Tsuyoshi just smile. "Its fine Minami-chan. You aren't being a burden to anyone here." Tsuyoshi smile at me. I look at Katsumi and see that her eyes were drooping a little. "We will take that offer then." I sighed then smile kindly at the Yamamoto and Tsuyoshi but they turn their head. 'Is there really something on my face?' I question as I look at them confused but shrug it off as Katsumi slump down on my shoulder.

"Minami… I wanna go to sleep…" Katsumi sounded like a seven-year old instead of a fourteen year old and unconsciously switch back to English. "We will, so just bare for a little." I whisper to her and I position her up so that she sat on her chair not on me. "Mmm…" Katsumi groan a little but she listen to me at least.

"Takeshi, show them their rooms. We can have Katsumi-chan sleeping on the floor can't we?" Tsuyoshi told his son. "Ok." Yamamoto replied and ran quietly up to me. "Let's go." Yamamoto smiled at me and I smile back, picking up Katsumi so that she was standing up.

We walk upstairs and down the hallway until we stop in front of a room. Yamamoto slid open the door and guide us in. "I'll get the futons so please tell Katsumi to bare for another while, k?" Yamamoto went into one of the closest and took out two futon. "Katsumi you heard him." I look at the drowsy girl and she just nodded drowsily.

Yamamoto put down the two futon in front of us and I had to ask Yamamoto to pick Katsumi up so that she would be sleeping in the futon. I put a blanket over Katsumi shoulders as she fidget into the blanket for warmth and instantly fell asleep.

I just sighed and began to fix my futon. "Haha. You guys are really like sisters." Yamamoto chuckle quietly so that he wouldn't wake Katsumi up. "Yeah." I replied and yawned again. "Well, I guess I'll be going to sleep now. See you in the morning Minami." Yamamoto stood and walk to the door of our room.

"Ok. Good night Yamamoto." I whisper out loud to him. "Night." Yamamoto wave off and close the door quietly as I slump back onto my futon. 'What a crazy night.' I thought as I remember the entire event that happen today so far.

I pull my blanket up so that it covers my neck and slowly went into a slumber. 'I hope tomorrow will be more normal…' That was the last thing I thought as my head went blank and I fell asleep…

A/N: Yay Chapter 1 is finish! *cheers* Please R&R ok~? ;D

Ebi Nigiri – Shrimp Nigiri/Grip

Toro Nigiri – Fatty Salmon Belly Nigiri/Grip

I don't know much about sushi so sorry if I made mistakes on them! .

Ciao Ciao~

Character Info Corner!

Name: Kashiya Katsumi
Age: 14
Birthday: May 1
Hair color: Whitish-silver hair. Shoulder length. Along with red streaks on hair.
Eye color: Deep red. Almost the same as the color of blood.
Favorite color: Red, black, purple, and blue.
Likes: Animals, anime, be the center of everything, sweets, spicy foods, and music.
Dislikes: People who takes away all attention from her, mean people.

Name: Mishima Minami
Age: 14
Birthday: July 18
Hair color: Normally black but changes color from black to light brown at day or night.
Eye color: Light red. Same color as strawberry red.
Favorite color: White, black, blue, and yellow.
Likes: Animals, anime, singing (not in front of people except Katsumi or her family members), drawing, sweets, supernatural things, and music.
Dislikes: Blood, mean people, ghost, being alone.

More about Minami and Katsumi past of 'defensive weapon'.

As it said in the beginning, Minami and Katsumi got their katanas at young age of 10 by their overprotected parents. For Katsumi parents, they notice that Katsumi mostly wield one weapon since she's in kendo. So they gave her one katana along with its scabbard and told her to keep it with her whenever she's out. Katsumi agreed with her parents and follow what they told her to do.

For Minami's parent, they were more overprotected than Katsumi's parent. They knew about Minami clumsiness so they decided to give Minami two katanas. Minami didn't seem to be bothered by the number of defensive weapon she got. As a secret for herself, when Minami was in 6th grade, she secretly stocks herself 6 extra daggers for herself and Katsumi. Only Katsumi, Tiger, and Moon knew about this but they kept quiet about it. More defenses are better.

Now at age 14, Katsumi and Minami got used to the katana and daggers. Katsumi put her katana in its scabbard and put in behind her back. It was easier for her to draw her katana when she is attack or need to use it. Minami put both of her katanas in their scabbard and wrap them behind her waist. That way she can draw two of them at the same time. The six daggers were hidden either under her skirt (3 on each leg) or under her sleeves when she wore pants.

All these weapons are only use for self-defense, not offense. Minami and Katsumi only use them as offense weapon when they see people in danger. So everything else; self-defense.

Me: That should be a good enough explanation right Izumi?
Izumi: I guess so. If the reader is still having trouble understanding any parts, please point it out and we will fix it immediately.
Me: Also point out any errors or mistake in any part of the chapter too.
Izumi and Me: Please R & R! :D