Tsuna wasn't really sure what happened. One moment Xanxus entered the orphanage doors, and the next, she is being dragged through the town.

"Uh, Xanxus-nii, it's not that I don't like spending time with you... But where are we going?" Tsuna asked.

"We're almost there," was his answer, and Tsuna nodded as she continued to walk. Indeed, it was fun to finally be able to spend time with one of her brother figures, and since she hadn't seen him in a while, it was even better.

When Xanxus finally stopped, Tsuna was stunned at the sight. It was a mansion, although not as big as Giotto's, still as beautiful. It really was, but the air around it seemed almost gloomy, something she didn't like.

They walked to the doors, and the inside was even darker than the outside, barely any lights. It was creepy, but she wouldn't say that out loud, though she had a feeling Xanxus could tell she was a little frightened.

"Ushishishi~! The princess is here!"

A strange knife embedded itself in the wall beside Tsuna's head and she squeaked at its closeness.

"Trash, if that had been any closer to her, I'd kill you," Xanxus threatened.

"Ushishi. The prince knows what he is doing. He would never harm his princess," Bel said as he stepped out of the shadows. Tsuna smiled and waved at him, and he waved back with his usual grin on his face.

"VOOOIIIIIII! Is that shitty boss back yet?!"

"Scum," Xanxus growled out. "Shut up."

"Don't tell me what to do you lazy ass boss! And what is she doing here?!" Squalo yelled, jumping down from the second floor.

"I brought her here," Xanxus replied.

"Hello again, Squalo," Tsuna said.

Lussuria ran into the room and pulled Tsuna into a bear hug. "Tsu-chan! I'm so glad you're here! Mama Lussuria missed you!" Tsuna struggled a bit before sighing and hugging the taller man back.

"I'm missed you too Mama Luss. Its good to see you again."

"Tsunayuki," Levi said with a nod, acknowledging the girl. He didn't want to, but if Xanxus liked her, than he did too.

"It's nice to see you again too Levi," Tsuna responded.

"Muu, you guys are too noisy," Mammon said, lifting the illusion around himself.

"Hello Mammon-nii!"

"Hello there, Tsunayuki."

Tsuna was given a tour of the mansion and found it to be very similar to Giotto's just darker. There seemed to be know workers there to take care of the place, and that worried Tsuna.

"So, who cooks?" she asked.

"Lussuria," Xanxus replied.

"Who cleans?"


Tsuna frowned and turned to him. "You don't have any workers like Giotto?"

"Ushishi. Those peasants were pathetic," Bel responded.

"So you fired them?"

"Something like that," Levi said.

"VOOIIII! What's with all of the questions?!" Squalo shouted at her.

"I'm worried, thats all. Mama Luss shouldn't have to do everything, and you shouldn't be picky about your workers. You should be happy and lucky to have them help you. You of all people should know that Xanxus-nii," Tsuna said. "We grew up with Luce helping us with everything, and now I share that job with her. Just because you get adopted into a wealthy family, doesn't mean you can act like a snob."

Everyone stared at the girl in shock, hoping that she would manage to survive. No one ever lectured the boss, and no one talked back to him, other than Squalo, who ended up getting something, usually wine bottles, thrown at him.

"Whatever," Xanxus replied. Tsuna scowled and walked up to him, only stopping in front of his to pinch one of his ears, lifting it up. "The hell?! Let go of my ear damn it!"

"You listen to me. Luce worked her butt off so we would grow up properly, and she taught us to be thankful for what we have. Don't waste her efforts and behave and stop acting like a spoiled brat. You may have a huge pride but that should affect your living conditions, got it?" Tsuna said sternly, still not letting go of his ear.

Xanxus remained silent, his pride refusing to allow him to nod, and just sat there, his ear now throbbing in pain. It didn't help that Tsuna started applying more pressure to his ear because of his silence.

"Xanxus," she said in a stern, commanding tone. He hated getting her mad, but he didn't know if he hated being proven wrong more.

"Fine," Xanxus growled out. "Now let go."

"Good," Tsuna said, her scowl now replaced by a smile. "And I expect them to last, meaning I don't want any of you hurting or abusing them got it? They are people who are kind enough to help you and you will treat them nicely."

"The princess can't make the prince do anything."

"VOOOIIIII! Who do you think you are telling us what to do, huh?!"

"Oi, scum. Do what she says or die," Xanxus told them. It was either he kill them, or they suffer Tsuna's punishments, and although it wasn't violent, they could drive even the sanest man crazy.

"Tsu-chan! I'm so glad you care about Mama Luss!" The flamboyant man hugged her tightly again, and Tsuna only giggled in his embrace.

"Of course. You'll have people helping you, just as how I help Luce, and if you have any trouble, you can call me!"

"She really learned too much from Reborn," Mammon mumbled.


OMG! I am so sorry! School has been killing me. My stress levels are soaring and I'm amazed I haven't had a panic attack yet. Its that bad.

sakurablossoms, I hope you enjoyed reading this!

The next chapter is for The Mouse Maestro.

Thank you to: sakurablossoms, The Mouse Maestro, Yoshikuni Itoe, cancer718, and ChocoMickey.

I'm hoping for the next chapter of Forgive and Forget to be up by tomorrow, but I'm not sure. I still have to finish homework, beta read my friend's fanfic, which I hope you will all read when it comes out, and I'm starting a new story! It's with my OC, who I've never written about! But you'll see her in my new story that will hopefully be out soon.

Thank you for reading and please review. I need some ideas or else I can't write a new chapter! *le gasp*

Any, please REVIEW! Ciao~