Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, setting, ect. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Chapter Seven

Week Three, Day Five...

Bruning, Nebraska, with Bella

Bella took in a deep breath. She was not very happy right now. She couldn't believe that she told her two kidnappers that she was pregnant before any of her family, not that she even did have a chance to actually them anything . She felt like a complete failure. She has been trapped in this house for six days, and wasn't able to get out of this room.

She was in, yet again, another bedroom with a walk-in bathroom. This one didn't have a door on the bathroom, so she was glad that Spike never went into the room when she was in the bathroom taking a shower. Nelly only brought her food three times a day, a bit more then they usually gave her. Now they gave her two totally different verities of food, at each mealtime, then giving her the sandwiches she had to eat constantly.

Bella looked out a broken window. They didn't even bother putting up wood, knowing that she was not crazy enough to jump out of a second story window while being pregnant. She didn't want anything to happen to her baby. Her mother instincts were always strong when she is pregnant.

The sun was just about to set, giving the hay on the ground below, a brown golden glow. She closed her brown eyes, before any tears could fall out of them. She moved away from the window, and started pacing the bedroom. She stopped near the door, when she heard angry voices below. She put her ear near the crack in the door to hear better.

"What did the Master say?" asked Nelly, her voice slightly raised in panic.

"Their pissed," said Spike, his voice was angry. "She wasn't supposed to be pregnant right now. That just ruined their plans big time."

"So are their any new orders?" asked Nelly, softly.

Bella was able to see that they were on the top of the landing of the second floor. She saw them move into the room right next to hers. So she moved over to the bed, where the walls connected, and a small hole was hidden right behind a painting of a trees. She lifted the painting, and watched them talking, once again.

"Yeah," said Spike, taking off his shirt and revealing his muscles. He had a natural six pack, and his chest was hair less. He threw his shirt on top of a black duffel bag. "We are to get the girl on this content until she has the kid."

"What about the kid?" Nelly asked, as she took off her pink tank top and threw it next to Spike's on the duffle bag. Nelly stood their in her plain white bra. "It's not like she will be able to raise it?"

"No," said Spike with a chuckle. "The masters want the kid also. They had something special for it, too."

"Like what," said Nelly, excitedly. She walked over to Spike, and dragged her blood red finger nails down his muscular chest.

"I don't know," he said, gripping Nelly's hips. "I don't care what happens to the kid, and the woman."

"Then starve her," said Nelly, as she bit Spike's lower lip, drawling out a loud moan from him. "We could use the money for other things."

"Can't," said Spike, pulling Nelly closer to his body. "The Masters need her alive."

Spike kissed his way down Nelly's neck. Biting her after every other kiss. His hands went around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Why can't we just tell them that she committed suicide," Nelly whispered into his ear, before bitting down on it hard.

Spike grabbed Nelly's forearms, roughly, and pulled her body away from his. His once lust filled eyes changed to anger, less than a second. "I don't give a damn what you say, Nelly. We are keeping the woman until she gives birth to the kid, and giving her to the masters. We are not lying to them or anything. We need to do this. We have to do this. We need to bring back our little girl."

"Don't you think that I know this! I have been waiting a long time, I just want my baby back," said Nelly, with tears lining her eyes. "What if it doesn't work this time? What if we fail? What if Bella is the wrong woman?"

"Nelly," said Spike, soothingly. He ran his hands down her back. "We will get our daughter back. I will make sure of it."

Nelly looked Spike in the eyes. She nodded once, before bringing his head down toward hears. Her lips met his in a rough kiss. The passion escalated quickly, making Bella release the tree photograph on the wall, closing off the hole to the other room. Bella didn't want to witness Nelly and Spike having sex. She couldn't quite comprehend all of the words she heard about Nelly's and Spike's interaction.

"I need to get out of here," said Bella, into the darkness of the room.

St. George, Utah

With Rosalie, Emmet, and Carlisle

In a hotel room at St. George, Utah was three of the Cullen family members. They arrive yesterday with a car that they rented from a city further in Utah, where Alice Cullen and Katie Denali were located. While Carlisle, Emmet, and Rosalie were in Utah, they were using fake Identities. They were posing as the White family. A divorced father of two children.

All three of them were using different first names also. Carlisle was now know as Cole White. Emmet was know known as Ernie White, while his wife; who is going to be playing his sister is Sugar.

Alice was the one to pick out their names. Which made Rosalie, who is now going to be called Sugar, angry. To her it sounded like a stripper name. Like come here sugar. Apparently, Alice also sent Rose some clothing to distract the two guards. The clothing looked more like stripper wear.

"So is everything ready for tomorrow?" asked Carlisle.

"Yes," said Rosalie, grumpy. "Why the hell did she pick out horrible names?"

"Well it is Alice," said Emmet, as if that solved everything.

Rose, threw her head back, "Yeah, if you are going as a name of a sweetener."

"I think it is cute," replied Emmett.

"For a stripper," replied Rose, and she sat down at the end of the bed.

"Rose," groaned Emmet. "It is just for under an hour. I think that you would do a wonderful job as Sugar."

"Thanks," said Rose, sarcastically. "For implying that I would make a good a stripper."