Chapter 5

Sophie's Prov

It was finally time for grans human funeral, it looked like the whole of Bon Temps had come out for it. I knew that a lot of people were here to pay their respects for a wonderful woman. But there was people in the crowed of humans that had not even liked my grandmother never mind talked to her.

Just as the ceremony was about to get under way, Barrett Hale my grans brother, was seen being rolled up the hill by Jason. Sookie looked spooked about the fact that he was here, I didn't know why. Whatever he was, whatever he did, he was still grans brother. He still had the right to pay his respects towards his sister. Even if he was 'paedophile scum of the earth.'

In the little time the human minster had begun the ceremony, which would lead my grandmothers "soul into heaven." Sookie looked so stressed out, I could tell her shields were barely holding on. I had no sympathy for her, she wouldn't have this problem if she just embraced her fray side and stopped pretending to be human.

And I was right as usual the service was less than half way through when Sookie lost it! Big time, before near the whole of Bon Temps she started screaming that they were small minded stupid people and for all of them "to just shut up!" Before running away, like usual the going gets tough Sookie runs way, from the problem/s like a little girl.

Well the effect of Sookie's little outburst was that the funeral was stopped as everyone when home, because everyone felt "they were not wanted there" couldn't have put it better myself. I didn't want anyone of them there, when I berried my grandmother. And gran properly didn't want anyone of them there either, considering some of the things people had said about every single one of her children and grandchildren over the years and the hypocrites that they were, sat there supposedly celebrating her life. If she knew even half of what the people at her grave side had thought about and sometimes even said to us. Then she would have given them a piece of her mind, and then her right fist (she was one mean old lady.)

After the funeral was closed up and everyone had went to merlotte's for the wake. I asked Jason to talk to him later at Fagstasia. He did not want to go there with or without me. But I persuaded him to go by saying that I had to talk to him because I was in trouble and that I had seen his future. I knew that would get him there at the right time, he always wanted to know his own future. I always bribed him with what I would see about him, to get him to do things for me or gran. So in this instants where he felt that the world was ending for him I knew that he would come wither he liked it or not.