Hey, fellow Phantom Stallion fans! This is my first fanfiction, so I hope it isn't too awful. This is set after Jake comes home from a year at college. Please, please review! :)

Even though Sam had been waiting all morning for the sound of truck tires on the gravel drive, she jumped a little when she saw one of the Ely's pickups rattling over the bridge. She had camped out on the porch with her summer reading and a glass of lemonade. It was too sweltering to move quickly, but she leapt from her chair and jogged towards the truck. She hadn't seen her best friend in nearly a year, and her heart was thumping like a drum in her chest.

"Jake!" She shouted as he climbed out of the truck. Sam threw her arms around him, inhaling the familiar scent of saddle leather and desert air that seemed to always cling to his shirts. But there was something else…was Jake wearing cologne?

Before Sam could tease him about the heavily scented product, she noticed a girl sliding out of the truck. She was pretty, with pale blonde hair and hazel eyes. Sam noted her short denim skirt and high-heeled sandals, along with the fancy purse that she clutched like a lifesaver in one hand.

"Sam, I'd like you to meet Audrey," Jake said, shooting the girl a smile. "My girlfriend."


The word made Sam's blood run cold, for reasons she didn't quite understand. Jake was looking at her expectantly, so Sam shook Audrey's hand.

"Nice to meet you," she choked out. "I'm Saman-uh, Sam."

The other girl-no, woman, because she was definitely 'mature' in all the ways that Sam wasn't-gave Sam a distant sort of smile.

"Jake and I grew up together," Sam offered, although she was sure that Audrey couldn't care less.

"Wanna see the horses?" She asked, gesturing to the barn. Audrey shrugged, but Jake nodded.

"You still got that little mustang?" Jake asked when they reached the barn. For a split second Sam thought he was talking about the Phantom. Then she realized that he meant Ace. The bay gelding was lying down in his stall, resting from the glaring heat, but he rose slowly to his feet when he saw his visitors.

Sam rubbed his forehead, her fingers tracing over the white star. Ace poked his head over the stall door, extending his nose towards Audrey. She backed away, hands going up like shields.

"He won't bite," Sam told her. Audrey shuddered.

"I'm not much of a horse person, actually. They're so big and scary…look at the size of those teeth!"

Sam just stared at her. She couldn't believe her ears-Jake Ely, dating a girl who didn't like horses? It was as if one of the cows had suddenly grown wings and flown away.

"I don't know how you stand it in here," Audrey added, waving a hand in front of her face. "It's so hot and smelly!"

Sam bit back a laugh, but Jake's expression was serious as ever.

"We can go inside if you want," he offered. "I'll introduce you to Wyatt and Grace."

Sam trailed after Jake and Audrey, feeling more like a third wheel than ever before. Jake looked so different. He had gotten taller, and cut his hair a little shorter. It didn't look bad, but he had changed. And Sam wasn't sure that she liked it.