It had been six months since the defeat of Baby. For the first three months, the Saiyans along with all the other people of earth, had stayed on Planet Plant, since the earth would be destroyed because of the Black Star Dragon Balls. After the destruction happened the Namkains were kind enough to let them use their Dragon Balls to restore earth, move everyone back to earth and then erase the memories of Baby from everyone's mind except the Z-Fighters.

Pan had been excited to start her life back on earth. She finished school quickly and Trunks had found a house for them and Akihiko. Pan couldn't wait for them to all officially move into it.

Pan let out a deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror. Her dark hair was pinned up gracefully and her veil was tucked into her hair. The wedding dress she had on hugged her chest and hips, the long sleeves were tight down her arms. Her skirt flared out, flowing around her.

"You look so beautiful," Chi-Chi told her daughter with a teary smile. "It's so hard to think that my little girl is getting married today."

Pan smiled at her mother and leaned forward to hug her tightly. "Thank you, Mama. For everything you've done for me and continue to do for not only me, but Akihiko and Trunks too. We love you so much."

"I love you too, my Panny," Chi-Chi hugged her tightly.

"Pan-chan!" Bulla squealed. "Look at you! So gorgeous!"

"Thank you, Bulla," Pan hugged her best friend tightly. "I couldn't have done it without you."

Bulla just smirked. "Hey, don't mention it. I'm just happy Trunks let me help with the wedding," she beamed. "I know you two wanted a small one but trust me when I say it was so hard to not go all out."

"How about you do that with yours and Goten's wedding?" Pan suggested with a grin.

Bulla blushed, a small smile coming to her lips. "Oh well... maybe..."

"That would be lovely!" Chi-Chi told her with a nod.

"Okay," Bulma said as she walked in with Akihiko in her arms. "Time to show Mommy your tux." She held the six month old out more and as soon as he saw his mom he grinned.

"Oh my stars!" Pan cooed as she rushed over to him. "You look so cute, my baby!"

Akihiko's grin widened and he stretched out his arms to Pan. She grabbed his little hands, kissing them several times.

"You look beautiful, Panny," Bulma smiled at her.

"Thank you, Bulma," Pan smiled back. "Is Trunks all ready?"

"Oh yes," the woman nodded. "I don't think that boy has stopped grinning since last night," she giggled.

Pan felt herself giggling. It had been just a few weeks ago that Trunks had proposed and both of them had quickly decided that they wanted a simple and small wedding with just their family and closest friends present. It wasn't easy to convince their mothers to keep things simple, but once the older women realized that it was what Trunks and Pan truly wanted, they agreed. Now the day was finally here and Pan was so ready to marry the love of her life.

"You look so beautiful," Trunks whispered into Pan's ear as he held her close during their first dance.

Pan held onto him a bit tighter. She didn't think it was possible to love Trunks anymore than she already did, but each day he had made her fall more and more in love with him. Their relationship wasn't perfect. There were plenty of days that they argued and bickered over the smallest of things, but at the end of the day, after everything had been worked out, there was no where else Pan wanted to be but beside Trunks.

"You look pretty good yourself," Pan grinned up at him.

"I'm ready to ditch this reception and go to the honeymoon," he smirked.

Pan but back her laugh. "As excited as I am for our honeymoon, I'm going to kiss Akihiko..."

Pan's eyes drifted over to where the baby was. He was currently nestled against Chi-Chi's chest, sleeping peacefully as her and Bulma chatted. Her and Trunks would be gone for a whole week on their honeymoon, and their mother's were watching Akihiko. Meaning, Goku and Chi-Chi would be staying at Capsule Corp for an entire week... Pan could only imagine how stressed out Vegeta would be by the end of the week with her father being constantly nearby.

"I'll miss him too," Trunks said. His lips brushed her forehead in a tender kiss. "He's in very good hands, though."

"Yes, he is," Pan agreed. She rested her head against Trunks' chest as he held her closely.

Pan's eyes drifted across the room. Beside her mother, her father sat, stuffing his face. On the other side of Bulma, Vegeta was doing the same. Some of the older Z-Fighters, like Master Roshii, Yamacha and Tien were at a nearby table, talking and laughing. On the dance floor with her and Trunks, was Bulla and Goten. They were still dating and going stronger than ever and Pan was excited to see how soon their wedding would be. Also on the dance floor was Gohan and a pregnant Marron. She was five months along and Pan was so happy to see that Gohan and Marron we're finally getting the child they wanted.

Pan sighed and glanced up at Trunks. He smiled when his eyes met hers and she knew that no matter what would happen in the future, that everything would be okay as long as they were together.

"Do you remember just a few weeks into the Grand Tour, after our first dragon ball and me and you were were looking at the stars in the observation deck?" Trunks asked.

"Yes," Pan nodded.

"I wanted to kiss you that night," Trunks said. "Actually, I wanted to kiss you a lot of nights before I actually did kiss you."

"Why didn't you?"

"Goten walked in that night," Trunks grumbled with a small frown. "Goten ruined a lot of times I couldn't have kissed you," he sighed.

"You poor thing," Pan teased.

"But it's alright now," Trunks smirked. "Because now I can kiss you whenever I want," he said, before leaning down and doing just that.

Pan smiled as she kissed him back. She couldn't wait to spend the rest of her life with Trunks, Akihiko and their family.

The End

For the ones reading this story for the first time, I hope you enjoyed it!

To those who are reading this again after reading it years ago... I know it's different than the original version was, but the plot line and everything else has remained the same. I hope you all enjoyed the changes!

As always, thank you for reading!