
I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn nor do I gain any money of doing this. KHR and its characters belong to Amano Akira. Please do not sue me because I'm just a rabid fanboy who is currently unemployed and just suddenly got addiccted with KHR fandom.


It's Yaoi 8027 (Yamamoto / Tsuna) pairing, as in male x male love each other or doing sex together. If this subject turns you off, which I really doubt it does or why else you open a story with two male characters as the main pairing? You had better press the Back button. Alright, you have been warned! I don't want any complaints, reports or flames about this story since I don't think I do you any harms by uploading this story to the net.

You Really Are No-Good Tsuna! - Chapter 1

'The Worst Challenge Ever'

It was 7:40 AM in the morning with another beautiful sunny day shining gaily throughout the Namimori town, when a tired yet also confused-looking brunette boy was walking lifelessly with his head hung down by a little itty bitty inch all because of his sluggish mood. Today was Friday and this could explain a lot of why the boy was walking so unenergetically to his school, Namimori Middle School. He was wearing a loose white dress shirt, with its bottom was tucked unkemptly inside of his pants. Judging from the look of it, the Namimori uniform shirt was slightly too outsized for him and it was all thanks to his quite slim and shrimpy body. He was also wearing a pair of long black pants that was fitted perfectly on his slender hips and a dark navy blue colored sleeveless sweater that was put on atop of his shirt. Also, he was wearing a long and slim tie with the same color with his sweater, wrapped neatly right on his column.

For some people, this beautiful day was some kind of a very energizing and encouraging beginning to do their daily routines. Yet for a certain middle-schooler, it was something that was less interesting than any other people would consider it would be.

It couldn't be helped though since he had gone through a very long and tiring night due to some reasons, for example like, an annoying little broccoli-monster was disturbing him all night, a foul and purplish stench was coming from outside of his room making him having a difficulty in sleeping, and a loud bickering between the broccoli-monster and the egg-shaped-head-monster over such a trivial matter was also putting him in this sleep deprivation syndrome. But of course, those weren't the main cherry on the top of the tall three. There was something more, much more complicating and troubling for him.

'Hiiee... There's no way I can do that!' shrieked Tsuna scared in his mind as he remembered the worst night ever in his life.

Whenever he remembered the whole last night event, the young Vongola couldn't help but to shiver and shudder all of his wobbly muscles in upcoming fears and anticipation as if he were pretty much scared to the root of something that was bound to come. After all, it really was bound to come.

'No way... what should I do now?' asked Tsuna with a desperate voice rhetorically to himself as he ruffled his hair, much more because of his anxiety.

The very nervous and panicky boy was then closing his eyes to shake of all his fears as he walked down the blocks. But, he miserably failed so pathetically classy. Instead, the Decimo ended up remembering the worst challenge he had ever taken last night...

Last night in Namimori, the moon was shining brightly as it brightened the serene night when Sawada Tsunayoshi was trying to sleep in his room, wearing his light bluish tee with number '27' written in white on its front and a white colored line on its collar. He was also wearing a pair of loose knee-high khaki short pants that fitted rightly on his slender waist. He was still lying gently on his bed with his back faced against the bed, the white soft and fluffy bed with a light green colored bed covers. That was until he was suddenly alerted by the sudden voice besides him.

"What is this?" a sudden babyish voice suddenly rang throughout the room with a slight annoyance voiced in the tone. Hmm, this wouldn't be good.

That was when the young boy noticed that the irritated voice was addressed to him or more appropriately speaking, was interrogating him. Located not far from the bed edge, the one and only, yellow-pacifier holder was standing curtly near the laying boy with his small infantile hand was holding something that looked like a piece of paper. The baby was wearing an exquisite black suit, altogether with the matching black pants and an orange silk shirt inside of his shirt and of course, his one and only black fedora with orange strip encircling the base.

Knowing it was Reborn that was talking to him, the shy future Vongola boss was suddenly jolted up from his bed and sat down to look at his home tutor.

'No way... I wonder what he is up to again...' thought Tsuna hazily as he pondered what would be happened to him this time.

Tsuna was confused to the core as if he was having a hard time solving a 4x4 convoluted rubix box. He didn't know why Reborn would talk to him like this in the middle of the night. He also didnt know what Reborn had in his repertoire again. Of course, Tsuna didn't like it a single bit. He hated surprises. Then again, the brunette remembered that an element of surprise was a usual thing that the skilled hitman usually did. For example, Tsuna remembered clearly when Reborn 'treated' him to Take-sushi, a sushi restaurant that Yamamoto's dad owned, and ended up running away, doing the infamous 'Dine and Dash', leaving the Dame-Tsuna alone to clean up the mess.

"Reborn," begged Tsuna with a pathetic and desperate voice as he rubbed his teary and sleepy eyes indulgently.

"Not now, I'm trying to sleep─" not even able to finish his sentence, Tsuna suddenly noticed the thing that the yellow Arcobaleno was holding. And it made him screeched with a sudden shock attacking his chest simultaneously as the jumbled pieces were starting to form a conclusion. It was none other than Tsuna's math exam paper!

"Hieee!" shrieked the young brunette crazily, as he then added again, "Where did you get that?" asked the young boy in total shock.

Being solid and as composed as he really was, Reborn shoved up his hand to lift the exam paper in front of Tsuna's shocked eyes then just simply replied, "I just happened to find it folded neatly in between the pages of your math textbook inside of your bag."

"Happened to find? That's not 'happened to find'! You intentionally rummaged my bag!" replied the timid boy with a little bit of disbelief voice tone in his words.

It was a plain and general truth for Sawada Tsunayoshi to always hide his embarrassing paper tests whenever he got it from the school. It was, however, rather unfortunate for him that he didn't have a perfect hiding spot to conceal his pathetic test reports. It was still a perfect mystery why he could graduate from his first year into a second year student in class 2-A. It must have been because of Reborn's or Gokudera's hard works that made him to be able to do so.

"Shut up, Dame-Tsuna," still using his interrogating voice tone, then the home tutor asked again, with his onyx eyes gleaming unfathomably toward the now-looking nervous boy, "Would you care to explain this?"

Actually, Reborn didn't bother to wait and listen for Tsuna's explanation. He already knew what the Dame-Tsuna would answer him with the oh-so-pathetic excuse that the young Vongola always gave him about. What he really wanted was actually way beyond that. After all, Reborn was so mysterious in so many ways. He always read so many steps further before he launched his plan. This was just one of his ways to reach the right destination and teaching the future Vongola boss a lesson worth to be a leader.

Seeing that Reborn was still wouldn't let him go without one-hell of a good answer, the panicked Decimo turned a little bit pale with his clammy hands started to fidget in a rather inartistic ways.

"Umm... errr... I..." muttered Tsuna pathetically as his chocolate colored eyes were running all over the place to avoid answering Reborn's accusations. He knew that he couldn't run away from the Arcobaleno yet he didn't have any intentions to answer it either. Hence, it was quite a dilemmatic problem for him.

Knowing that the nervous good-for-nothing wasn't responding to the said question, the skilled hitman grew weary of it. With his left hand was holding Tsuna's math exam paper, a really bad one, indeed, he immediately changed his chameleon pet to a small handgun and pointed it to the brunette's head with quick successions.

"Tick-tock," said the raven haired baby imitating a clock sound.

"Hieee!" screeched Tsuna from the bottom of his lungs as his brown eyes widened in total shock, almost as large as a dinner plate, he then said again, "Stop it! It's dangerous to point a gun over someone's head!" Of course, the gun was scaring the shit out of him. After all, Tsuna was a helpless scaredy-cat without his hyper dying will mode.

The skilled hitman who was still pointing the gun on to his student was only smirking out his signature grin in his very famous fashion and then he said,

"Why?" asked the hitman innocently as if nothing was wickedly wrong ever happened, "I shoot you every time, Dame-Tsuna." replied Reborn easily as he threw another smug face to the scared Tsuna.

"Don't say it as if it's a usual thing to do!" retaliated the young Vongola to his tutor.

Not caring to delve further, Reborn then said again with the gun was still pointing at the Vongola Decimo's head, "So? Explain? Why did you get only a 20 for the test?"

20? That was quite laughable. Well, at least his test score was above his usual average test score which was only about 17.

"Or I can pull this and then..." as it then followed with a soft click sound from the pistol. This time, Reborn's threat sure would scare the whole life out of Tsuna. That Reborn! He didn't even change any facial expression or flinch by a little when he said that!

"Hieee! Okay, okay, okay! I'll explain! Just anything but that!" pleaded Tsuna desperately.

Feeling that he'd done enough, Reborn immediately stopped all of his scenes altogether. He put away the paper test and changed Leon back into the animal form. He decided that it's enough for the day. He felt like he didn't need to threaten his pitiful student more than this.

"No need to. I don't need your excuse, Dame-Tsuna." said the Arcobaleno as he shrugged a little as if he didn't care. Altough, Reborn actually did care about Tsuna's whole being. That's why he did all of this. He only wanted Tsuna to understand that.

"Well, what can I say! Math is not my best subject, Reborn!"

"Everything is not your best subject, Dame-Tsuna." corrected the raven haired baby to the boy as he then added again, "Sometimes, I feel so useless teaching a hopeless kid like you."

Pfft, and a baby just said it to him like that? Tsuna had definitely lost his pride. That was, if he had any, of course. He might not seem like it, but of course he at least had some pride as a man. Tsuna might be a little bit pathetic but he sometimes could be very dependable and strong. He just didn't realize such potential was existed inside of him yet. And that was what Reborn wanted to aim from the start! To make him realize of such potentials.

Hearing what Reborn had just said to him, Tsuna couldn't help but to feel a little bit iffy about it.

'You... you said it as if you were way older than me...' thought the young Vongola speechless in his mind as he was then sweat-dropped a little.

"Then, don't teach me anymore! Let me be, then. It's not like I bring any harm by being like this, right?" explained Tsuna to his home tutor with a timid voice tone. It would seem that the he had already reached a full acceptance with his uselessness which was very sad for Reborn to hear that.

Seeing the future Vongola boss was talking so pathetically like that, Reborn knew that he had to enlighten the passionate fire inside of his student. He knew that Tsuna was capable to be stronger than the boy thought he was! Reborn then coldly took a 180 degree and turned on his heel with his back facing the desperate Decimo, he then mysteriously said,
"You really haven't changed, huh? Dame-Tsuna. You can't even confess to the person that you truly love." with a slight but noticeable emphasize at the word truly when he told the brunette.

And of course, it made Tsuna to be so...

"What?" stated the Tenth with a puzzled look lingering on his expression. Tsuna definitely didn't understand of what Reborn just said to him! What did Reborn mean by the one that Tsuna truly love?

'What does Reborn mean by that? Why did he say that I can't even confess to the person that I truly love? He... He knew that I have confessed to Kyoko-chan! But why did he say that?' thought Tsuna perplexed inside of his mind as the words kept on lingering inside of his head trying so hard to doubt himself further.

Of course, it made Tsuna to be way confused in so many levels. He really didn't understand what his tutor meant by that. He knew that he had confessed to Sasagawa Kyoko. And although it ended badly, but it didn't mean that he hadn't confessed yet. He knew that Reborn had also known about such incident! After all, it was because of his dying will bullet that made Tsuna to be able to confess with the girl whom he possibly had a crush on. And, what's with the emphasizing on the word truly?

It could only leave into one single conclusion.

'Does that mean... It's not Kyoko-chan that I truly love?' thought Tsuna in his mind as the conclusion seemed to start forming,

'Well, I have thought that I like her... And I kind of admire her... But... Do I love her...?' asked Tsuna confused in his mind.

At least, he was sure that he loved Sasagawa Kyoko before the yellow pacifier holder said it to him. But, right now, he began to second guess himself. Did he really love her? Or was it just a stupid instant crush? Then who was the one that he truly love? One that he really wanted to be together with? The one that he would like to hold dearly and if possible, genuinely kiss?

Knowing that he couldn't find the right answer to the overflowing thoughts in his mind, he decided to just ask his home tutor, with a huge confusion written in both his expression and his tone, the young Vongola asked, "What do you mean by that?"

Unfortunately, Reborn didn't bother to answer him. Still facing away from the Decimo, he smirked his famous grin and then said,

"I don't know. I feel so useless explaining it to you, Dame-Tsuna."

But this time, what Reborn just said to him was kind of making him to think deeply of his current life and somehow, it also sent a sudden and sharp pain on his chest.

It made him somehow remembered his past life. It made him to think about whatever that he's been through and what he had achieved in his life. It was just like when he was hit by the Rebuke bullet but without the bullet, of course.

And somehow, thinking that he hadn't achieved anything good in his life made him wonder about his future. He never really gave a thorough thought about it before but now, it was like he was forced to think that way. Deep down, Tsuna knew that he had to somehow think about pursuing his dream. He knew that he couldn't just live a life like this.

His whole life was nothing more than a vicious cycle about chasing his stupid crush every day, running away from trouble and hiding deep inside of his safety zone, and maybe failing in almost everything that he did or was expected to do. But, that was because, he was always afraid to think about it.

That's why, he refused to think about his future. He would only bury himself with happy thoughts and it somehow made him to be okay with being such a pathetic Dame-Tsuna. Yet this time, what Reborn had just said made him awake from his La-La land into the land called reality, just like a wake-up call for him. And, he couldn't help but to contemplate about it.

'He's right... Reborn is always right... I'm no-good Tsuna and everyone knows that. It has been years since people keep calling me with that and I didn't even bother to change it.' said the brunette boy with a slight frown in his face expression.

Tsuna was now lost in his thoughts. It was as if he was shot by the desolation bullet that the certain Longchamp had. What Reborn said was somehow kept ringing from the back of his mind as if complaining of such pathetic achievements in his life. And every time he kept thinking it, the 'Dame-Tsuna' word kept floating and lingering in his mind effectively making him uncomfortable with the nickname. He kept wondered why he didn't even bother to think about it or to just change it? Would he be happy if he were to be called like that forever?

'Why I didn't bother to change it...? Why did I just accept that and being labeled as no-good? Am I really that no-good? That hopeless? Will I be like that forever?'

The young Vongola kept questioning himself about his whole good-for-nothing label. He had never really thought of it but when he actually did, he realized that it made him feel so uncomfortable in so many ways. It made him feel like he was so pathetic! And every time he thought about it, something was growing inside of his chest. Spinning and churning inside of his heart and made him having difficulty in breathing. It was as if a sharp and imaginary knife was suddenly lunging at his chest effectively tearing his heart apart in quick successions. It made him winced in pain when he noticed how no-good he really was.

And, God, it hurts a lot...

"After all, nothing good will ever come from you, Dame-Tsuna." said Reborn out of the blue to the speechless boy.

And, it triggered something inside of his chest. What Reborn just said suddenly made something growing inside of his chest. It made him feels like something was urging in his chest to come out.

'What did he just say...? Nothing good will ever come from me...? He's right though... Nothing good will ever... ' thought Tsuna sadly in his mind.

But every time the words kept repeating on his mind, the sudden urge that was rising inside of his chest was also growing stronger than before, rendering him to let it all out all the passionate fire inside of him! It was like the time when he was fighting Rokudo Mukuro and about to lose. It was exactly the same like that! All the urges inside of him, this was all identical when the cocoon form Leon suddenly hatched!

The churning pain from before was now dissipating a little and turned into something eliciting from inside of his chest. It was like a weird feeling for him. He wondered what kind of urge was this because it kept multiplying into another level as if it was waiting to tear the seams!

'No...' he denied sharply in his mind, 'No! I don't want to be like that forever!'

And he finally had the courage to let it all out!

"Stop it..." muttered Tsuna weakly to his tutor with a little bit change on his voice tone. It seemed that his voice tone was colored by anger and determination.

Noticing that Tsuna seemed to be determined enough to change the 'Dame-Tsuna' title, Reborn knowingly grinned to the determined boy and then he acted innocently,

"What is it, Dame-Tsuna?" asked the Arcobaleno to the Decimo.

The home tutor then suddenly turned back on his heel and faced Tsuna again. He looked at the boy's expression and contemplated on it a little to read the written expression on the boy's face. He could see that Tsuna's brown orbs were glowering with determination and courage. It was something that he rarely saw from his number one pathetic student but somehow it made him happy to see that Tsuna finally realized of his own potentials.

Tsuna couldn't stop the eliciting urge inside of him. He had had enough about that stupid 'Dame-Tsuna' nickname! He might not seem like it but he decided to change it! He wouldn't let anyone to call him like that again, at least, as for right now, he was determined to change it! It would be another case if tommorrow he decided to fall back.

"I said stop it! Stop calling me like that!" said the Vongola Decimo with a lot of determination voiced in his tone and anger lingering at the end of his words.

It was like seeing a new side of Tsuna that was shown whenever he went into his hyper dying will mode. It made Reborn to be quite amused to notice such a change of heart from his pupil. But of course, Reborn decided to test it even more. He believed that Tsuna had more potentials than this, only when the boy was determined enough to do it.

He smirked his signature smile again, from the edge of his fedora, knowing that it was possible for his student to eventually change and then he simply stated matter-of-factly,

"Hmm, just because you have a little courage doesn't mean it can change you, Dame-Tsuna."

Again, he was trying to test how much determination that the young Vongola had, and how far the future boss was willing to change. He tried to provoke Tsuna again to measure whether Tsuna was determined enough to change or not.

"I'm not 'Dame-Tsuna'! I won't be like that forever, Reborn!" replied Tsuna slightly angered with the fact that Reborn was still calling him with the nickname.

It made the yellow-pacifier holder to be a little bit stunned from the unwavering determination that he could feel emanating from the brunette eyes. After all, Reborn believed that Tsuna was able to change. He knew that Tsuna was befitting enough for the position of being the Vongola Decimo. He knew that he believed Tsuna, no matter how pathetic the boy really was. But deep down, he knew that the potential was sleeping inside of Dame-Tsuna.

'I can see determination in his eyes. That's good, Tsuna. You need that kind of determination if you want to change.' thought Reborn amused in his mind.

Knowing that the boy was willing to change, he then asked Tsuna again,

"Then, let me ask you something, what is it that you truly best at, Tsuna?"

This time, Reborn didn't use the 'Dame-Tsuna' to address the young Vongola. It was a really good start for Tsuna! Maybe he could convince Reborn to stop calling him that way ever again. Or not...

Because, as of right now, the Decimo didn't know what he should answer to such question!

"Err... Ummm..."

Great, now he was speechless as fuck. Back to the square one again, Dame-Tsuna?

Seeing that Tsuna was stuttering nervously like a child was caught stealing a candy, the Arcobaleno then added again,

"Besides failing?" asked Reborn to the panicky brunette boy as he also raised his eyebrows as if to show a questioning gesture to his pupil.

Yet, Tsuna was still as speechless as ever as if a cat had just got his tongue. How unfortunate of him to be like that this time.

After looking at the boy for a moment, Reborn decided to stop waiting for the young Vongola to speak up his mind. The skilled hitman concluded that what Tsuna had just said before was a fluke and he felt so disappointed about it. He started to turn his back again, this time he didn't bother to look at his student's eyes.

"Hhh," sighed the weary Arcobaleno in exasperation as if he was utterly tired of explaining a same thing over and over again, "See? Wasting time as ever," said the raven haired baby matter-of-factly to the stunned middle-schooler.

However, Tsuna was too occupied in his mind to even say a thing to reply the strict home tutor. He was still busy contemplating in his mind to find the rightest answer that he needed, to prove that he wasn't a no-good Tsuna. He closed his eyes tightly, letting the lid to be fully closed, in regards of anticipating the upcoming fears of failing that was bound to come. He also clutched his green wool-blanket tightly with his slender hands to convert his fears and disappointment. But, it was no good at all. And, Tsuna knew that he failed miserably.

'No... Just when Reborn stopped calling me no-good... No... I can't disappoint him like this! I have to think about something. But I really don't know what! I am afraid that I will fail yet again whenever I try to do anything...' thought Tsuna in his mind as the fears started to form and desperately embracing him to the greatest depth of vain.

He tried so hard to think all the possibilities that he could possibly do in order to prove Reborn wrong. But he couldn't. Now, the fears started to take control of him and decided to clenching him tightly and took away all of his hope. That was when he noticed a faint light of hope was shimmering up inside of his darkest and clouded mind. He somehow found the right idea to say!

'Ahhh! Then just don't do anything! I have to say something that Reborn can't prove about it! That way, Reborn won't be able to find the truth of it at all!' said Tsuna enthusiastically to himself. Knowing that he was very happy to find the right reason, he decided to mentally compliment himself, 'Wow, you're really a genius, Tsuna!'

Of course, Reborn noticed the sudden change of heart that was emanating from the future Vongola boss. He noticed that he needed to push the Decimo a little bit further to enlighten the flame inside of the brunette boy.

"You are all talk, Dame─" not even able to finish his words, the Arcobaleno was cut off by a shocking statement from Tsuna.

"Sex..." said Tsuna weakly to the cursed Arcobaleno with his cheeks blushing like a tomato cherry. He did not just say that! Dame-Tsuna who failed at almost everything was somehow very good at sex? No fricking way.

It was quite unexpected for Reborn to hear that but he decided to just shrug it off of his shoulder. Nevertheless, Reborn couldn't help but to blink his eyes a little in a shocked attitude after hearing such things from his pupil. But of course, Reborn was able to maintain his composure and worked out his poker face.

"Err... Umm... Sex. I'm... good at it..." added Tsuna again after knowing that the home tutor didn't seem to pay attention to what he had just said before.

But, how awkward that really was! Tsuna stated it as if he was a sex addict! Heck, he was still a prude virgin! He couldn't really mean that, of course!

Feeling awkward of what he had just said, Tsuna decided to clear the air, he then said,

"I mean... I might good at it, you know. It's not like I ever do something like that."

This time, he was able to clear the strange awkward air that was enshrouding his room. Of course, he almost looked like a sex addict when he said that he really good at sex! That's why he needed to explain it to the home tutor! That he might be good at sex. At least, it was possible of him to be like that. He'd never know that until he tried.

But of course, he was mistakenly wrong to say that. Because, if only he had just considered a tiny little bit of Reborn's personality, he would have known that Reborn would say something like...

"Prove it."

And of course, it made Tsuna to screech like crazy!

"Hieee! You can't be serious!" screamed Tsuna from the bottom of his lungs as he noticed that the harsh conclusion was surfacing to above.

But, Reborn didn't seem to bother for his argument, he then proceeded to speak out for the rule and how to do at this so-called challenge.

"In the next 24 hours, you have to do it. And, if you succeed, I'll stop calling you 'Dame-Tsuna'." stated the Arcobaleno easily to the panicked brunette.

The rule was quite simple for Tsuna. He just needed to offer up his virginity to someone before the time limit of 24 hours was up. It meant that he needed to get laid during a time limit between 2 AM now to the next 2 AM in the next day. It was a quite simple rule actually. But, hell, Tsuna knew how hard it would be for him! He even thought that it wasn't possible for him to do so. After all, he was just a second-year student in Namimori Middle School and a total loser too. How the hell he was supposed to get laid?

"No way! I'm just fourteen, Reborn! There's no way I should do that!" retaliated the young Vongola in chaotic expression.

Then again, who was he fooling by that? He looked at the nonchalant and innocent expression of the Arcobaleno and that's when he noticed that there's no turning back from it!

'He's joking... He must be joking! Right? Oh no, the look in his eyes... No way! He's not joking at all!' thought Tsuna panicked inside of his mind.

Damn right, Tsuna was so nervous and panicked about it. His first survival instinct was convincing him to run away from this stupid madness. But he knew that he couldn't run anyway from here. Heck, he couldn't even run away to anyplace without tripping over the invisible air!

"If you're big enough to kill someone using your X-burner, you're big enough to do that."

And, it was hardly believable that this was said by a little baby who wore a black suit.

"But, Reborn!" protested the Decimo in disbelief. This time, he knew that he's going to lose the argument with Reborn.

"Don't worry, I'll help you somehow." said the Arcobaleno soothingly to the desperate boy.

Now that would be very troublesome if Reborn decided to help him with that. After all, things tend to get messier when Reborn was involved! Wonder how would Reborn help him to get laid?

Not even bother to let Tsuna to back down, Reborn decided to use the power of his to threaten the shy Vongola. He looked deeply to the inside of the boy's pupils and he said,

"Are you going back on your words? In the mafia world, going back with your own words equals─" with a menacing voice tone that could possibly make Tsuna to pee on his pants, he slowly pronounced the words rather evilly.

Of course, Tsuna was scared the shit out of him by those words!

"No! Don't shoot me!" He closed his eyes in panicked and trying so hard to cover what's left of him under the blanket. But then, before he possibly had a heart attack, Reborn then explained,

"I didn't intend to shoot you. You don't get killed if you're going back of your own words in the mafia world."

It was such a relief to hear that from the Arcobaleno. Now, after he knew that the punishment was not a death sentence, Tsuna began to ponder that maybe it was okay for him to fail the challenge.

"Thank God..." said the Tenth in relief as he put his hand on atop of his chest to show how grateful and relieved he was.

Was it okay for him to feel relieved? Wrong. After all, it was Reborn that was talking to him. And, he should have known how a little bit sadistic his home tutor could be...

"However, the punishment is, I shall confiscate your tongue." said the number one hitman easily to the Decimo.

How could the baby say such things like that? Reborn was always scary and mysterious!

But of course, Sawada Tsunayoshi's respond was... his one and only... trademark...


"Hhh," sighed Tsuna in desperation after he remembered such stupid challenge that he took from his home tutor, "But if I don't do that, Reborn won't stop calling me with that nick-name." said Tsuna weakly with a timid voice tone lingering the sentence.

As much as he wanted to stop being called 'Dame-Tsuna', he couldn't help but to think that the challenge was almost impossible for him to do. Heck, he didn't even know with whom he should get laid with?

Kyoko-chan? Impossible.

Haru? Not interested.

Kurokawa? Not interested version 2.0.

Bianchi? He didn't even want to think about it or he could end up dead.

Old grandma who lived nearby? Well, she was kind enough to give him a chocolate in the Valentine's Day but... really?

Tsuna was even desperate enough to consider 'taking on' his male friends in order to win the challenge, whatever it takes, including using a sleeping pill to knock them unconscious...

Gokudera would probably don't mind doing it with him since it was an order from the tenth but of course, his conscience was hurt to even consider that.

Hibari? He couldn't help but to shiver every time he remembered the head of disciplinary member, so that means no. Even though, the prefect seemed to have a little bit of interest to 'bite him'.

Mukuro? Too creepy. Period. No further explanation needed.

Ryohei? He never really thought about that but he pondered what would happen if Sasagawa Kyoko knew about it.

Lambo? God, he couldn't believe he even considered that! He's not a pedophile.

So, that leaves him with...

"Yo, Tsuna!" suddenly an energetic but also deep voice was beckoning the young Vongola from behind.

In reflex, Tsuna turned on his heel and faced backward to see who the one that was calling him like that was. As he turned back, his eyes suddenly locked with the twin sharp hazel eyes located not far from his place. That was when he saw him.

"Ya-ya-yamamoto?" stuttered Tsuna in disbelief.

Hah! Speak of the devil! It was Yamamoto Takeshi, the popular baseball player in Namimori Middle School who happened to be one of Tsuna's best friend, that was calling at him like that! Right, just when the Decimo was thinking about his certain Rain Guardian. Such a great coincidence, indeed!

The taller boy was wearing almost a same exact uniform with the brunette was. He was wearing a white long-sleeved dress shirt with its sleeves were rolled up to his elbow and its bottom was tucked inside of his pair of black pants that fitted perfectly on his lean waist. Not only that, he was also wearing a blue colored sweat T-shirt inside of his white button-up shirt. Just like Tsuna, he was also wearing a dark navy blue long-sleeved sweater which its sleeves were also rolled up to the elbow. The young baseball player was also wearing a black cotton wristband on his left wrist that made quite a contrast with his tan skin. Overall, with his tall posture and muscular body, the raven haired Rain Guardian was looking almost effortlessly hot.

After catching up with the Decimo which wasn't taking a long time due to his top notch speed, Yamamoto smiled his signature all-day-sunshine grin to his friend. After all, a smiling Yamamoto was the best looking one instead of the frowning one.

Feeling a little bit uneasily fluttered from the warmth smile emanating from the young jock, the future Vongola boss decided to distract it before it went overboard.

"Umm... Err... Where's Gokudera-kun?" asked Tsuna to his raven haired friend as he tried to shut away all his stuttering feelings.

After all, he shouldn't really feel like this toward his friend, right? Wrong. He'd been feeling awkwardly weird ever since he woke up from this morning. This was all because of Reborn and his stupid conversation of the one that he truly loved!

Knowing that the Tenth was asking the whereabouts of his friend, the taller boy then decided to explain the reason of why the silverette wasn't here,

"Oh, Gokudera said that he'd meet us at school. He has to attend some errands, if I recall it correctly." explained Yamamoto carefreely to the stuttering brunette.

Suddenly, feeling a little bit mischievous, the Rain Guardian decided to ask, "Why? Did you miss him already?" asked Yamamoto with a playful voice tone. It was always funny to tease the Decimo like that because he knew that Tsuna would be blushing like crazy when he said that.

"N-n-no! I-I-I w-w-was just a-a-asking..." retaliated the brunette in a rather awkward fashion.

"Ahahaha, so you did miss him! Awww, I'm so jealous of him! I wonder if Tsuna has ever missed me like that?" asked Yamamoto bluntly as he folded both of his arms behind his head and walked slowly beside the shrimpy Tsuna. It seemed that the baseball freak was showing a little bit of wondering expression on his face.

After hearing such thing, Tsuna could feel that his face was crazily blushing as he felt his face was a little bit hot due to the sudden blood flows flowing to his cheeks. He didn't know why he was heavily blushing like that, making a tomato to be looked pale in comparison, but what he did know was, he was kind of embarrassed because Yamamoto asked him whether he ever missed him or not!

'What? W-w-why did Yamamoto ask such things! O-o-of course I have! I mean, we're friends, right? It's possible for a friend to miss each other!' thought Tsuna nervously in his mind.

After all, it was possible for 'a friend' to miss each other! Were they just friend? Or there's something more? Tsuna certainly didn't know about it. That's why, he was definitely in for a surprise after this.

"Ummm... Errr... I..." stuttered Tsuna nervously to the taller teen, still with a dark blush hovering his cheeks that was certainly apparent to the other boy.

"Ahahaha, you're blushing!" stated Yamamoto happily to the blushing boy, which of course, made Tsuna to be blushed crazily even more!

In respond for that embarrassment, Tsuna tried to look away from his easy-going friend. He really wanted to just stop the conversation and if possible, ran away from it. That was when he noticed a change expression of the raven haired boy!

"Tsuna..." said Yamamoto firmly with a deep, baritone voice and he looked very serious about it.

Of course, it made Tsuna to wonder in puzzled look. He stopped looking away from the young jock and that's when he noticed a new and rather, unfamiliar face expression of Yamamoto Takeshi. It made the Decimo to contemplate thoroughly because of that.

'Huh? Why did Yamamoto suddenly get all serious like this?' asked Tsuna rhetorically to himself.

He looked at the sharp hazel eyes in front of him, with his eyes locked tightly to the Rain Guardian's eyes. A slight and fast heartbeat suddenly struck him when he heard something so unimaginable coming from his raven haired friend. It was almost like a low blow for him since he definitely didn't see this coming.

That Yamamoto would say...

"Will it be okay if I kiss you, Tsuna?"

─To Be Continued─

Author's Note:

Hello, I'm a new KHR fan and I have a big obsession about it that I cannot seem to take it out of my mind! This is my first and new KHR fanfictions! So, how did it go? Is it good? Do you like it? Is the character OOC? Tell me about it, alright? I'd really want to improve my ability in writing KHR fanfictions.

Don't worry! There WILL be a hot, long, explicit and detailed 8027 lemon on the next chapter, specifically written for the perverts, about 14k words of lemon, I think. Mwahahaha! There certainly is lacking a good, hot, detailed lemony scene for 8027, right? And, I do believe they deserve it! I am gladly spreading the love for 8027!


MinaNaru4ever / 8027forever


For my MinaNaru fans, I promise you, I'll be working on the stories soon!