"Alright, so this Blaze, Marine, Cosmo, Silver, Bokkun, Tikal, and Shade." Sonic said in one breath, then breathed in deeply after finishing.

"Everyone, this is Fang." Tails introduced, gesturing at the weasel.

"Hi." Blaze greeted.

"Ahoy mate, how ya doin?" Marine waved, and her Chao, Cocoa, waved too.

"Pleasure to meet you." Cosmo said with a small bow.

"Hey, how's it goin'?" Silver asked.

"Hiya!" Bokkun cheered.

"Hello." Tikal said.

"Hi." Shade waved.

"Hello," Fang waved, then looked at Blaze, "And heello there."

"Not on your life." She retorted, crossing her arms.

"Oh, kitty's got claws."

"Kitty's got claws and fire power." Blaze added, lighting a flame in her hands.

"Okay, I get the message."

"Yeah, that's what I thought." Silver grumbled.

"Ohhh, didn't know the sheila was taken." Fang smirked.

"Wha- taken? N-no, that's not-"

"We're not-"Blaze stammered.

Both quickly fell silent, blushing furiously. Everyone snickered a little, before Marine spoke up.

"So, where'd you blow in from, mate?"

"I stopped in Soleanna for a job, and after that I decided to come and visit."

"How are things in Soleanna? We haven't been there in a while." Tails asked.

"Well enough. I studied some interesting old prophecies while I was there. Somethin' to do with these weird things called-"

There was a loud banging on the front door, and Tails hurried out of the room to answer it. A few seconds later, they heard shouting.

"HEY! I HEARD FANG'S HERE! WHERE IS HE?" a voice shouted.

"And Knuckles is here." Amy sighed. Said echidna stormed into the room.

"Hey Red, how's it been?" Fang asked, unnerved.

"You got a lot of nerve showing your face around here, buddy!"

"Hey, last I checked, there wasn't a law saying I can't come for a visit."

"Let me guess, after the Chaos emeralds again?"

"No, decided to go after criminals instead, it pays better and keeps bread on the table."

"Please, as if I'm dumb enough to believe that!"

"Well, you believed it when I said there was a cat stuck in a tree to lure you away from the emeralds."

"Oh yeah, well I oughta-"

"Knuckles, would you stop shouting for 5 minutes! Fang's not here to steal the emeralds, he's a bounty hunter now, so he catches bad guys." Amy explained.

"I'll believe it when I see it." Knuckles muttered.

"Anyway, what were you studying in that water death trap?" Sonic asked.

"There're these things called-"

Tails rushed into the room suddenly, TV remote in hand.

"Sonic! We got a problem!" Tails exclaimed.

"Aw come on!" Fang growled.

"I turned on the TV to check the news, and Mephiles is causing trouble in town!"

"Meph- who?" Fang asked.

"Let's go guys!" Sonic said, heading for the door.

The others followed.


Mobians screamed as they ran for cover. Mephiles was throwing orbs left and right, not really caring if he hit anything, or anyone for that matter.

One orb headed for a young squirrel, and she bolted out of the way, but tripped and fell. She screamed as the orb closed in on her.

Suddenly, someone picked her up and jumped out of the way. Shadow landed a few feet away, and set the girl on her feet.

She thanked him, then ran away screaming for her mom.

"Ah, Shadow, so nice to see you again," Mephiles laughed. "And I see you brought your little friends with you to play."

Sonic ran up next to Shadow, followed by Knuckles, Fang, and Tails.

The others were helping the citizens get to safer places.

"Who's the crystal covered freak?" Fang asked.

Mephiles eyed him angrily. "Well, you're certainly a new face. But not exactly, since I did see you last night, before I blew up that annoying toy you were riding."

Fang stared at him for a minute, and then exploded.


"Whatever, I have no time for your games. I'm a little busy looking for something."

"And ya couldn't just check the local market?" Sonic asked dryly.

Mephiles sent an orb at them, and they jumped out of the way.

"This guy's gonna PAY for messin' up my bike." Fang growled lowly. He pulled out his pistol, and charged at Mephiles.

"Fang, wait!" Sonic called.

Fang took aim at Mephiles and fired. Mephiles merely blinked, then brought his hand up and caught the bullet with two fingers.

"Holy smoke! How'd you- What the heck are you?" Fang asked.

Mephiles sent an orb at him. Fang used his tail to jump into the air, but Mephiles vanished, then reappeared in front of him, and kicked him into the side of a brick building. He fell to the ground, his gun sliding away from him. Mephiles landed on his feet, crushing the weapon beneath his foot.

"Oh dear, seems I broke your toy." he said mockingly.

"Aw come on mate! First my bike, now my gun! These things aren't cheap ya know!" Fang yelled angrily, getting to his feet.

"Fang, you alright?" Tails asked as he, Sonic and Knuckles ran over to him.

"Kid, I've been through worse. I'm more worried about how much it's gonna be to get another gun like that. That was a rare brand!"

"Yep, he's fine." Sonic chuckled.

Shadow meanwhile, was fighting Mephiles.

"Just what are you after anyway?" he asked as he sent a Chaos spear at the demon.

Mephiles stepped out of the way, and the blast hit the ground behind him.

"That's none of your concern." he growled, sending his own blast of Chaos energy at Shadow.

Shadow zipped out of the way, and Sonic took this moment to spin dash at Mephiles. The demon grabbed him, and flung him at Tails and Knuckles. They yelped and dodged out of the way, and Sonic crashed into the building they'd been in front of.

"What're you after?" Tails asked.

"Since I have little patience for playing with you brats, I'll be going. And if you're so interested in what I'm looking for, you could say it has to do with Soleanna." Mephiles vanished in a puff of mist.

"Well, that went remarkably well." Sonic said as he rubbed his shoulder.

"Yeah, usually he at least gives us a cryptic threat or something." Tails agreed.

"That jerk blew up my bike and smashed my gun! He's goin' down. Way down!" Fang growled, "Oh yeah, one question."

Fang turned and faced the others. "Who the heck was that?"

"That was Mephiles." Tails replied.

"He's a demon, and part of the sun god Solaris." Shadow put in.

"Wait, wait, Solaris? As in the deity of Soleanna?" Fang asked.

"Yep, he and Iblis make up Solaris, although we sealed Iblis away about a year ago." Sonic replied.

"So, what do you think he meant about the thing he was after having to do with Soleanna?" Tails asked.

"I think I might know." Fang answered, pulling out some photos from under his hat.

"I took these in Soleanna. They have something to do with these things call Chaos Fields. Supposedly, they have more power than the Chaos emeralds combined. If you touch them, you get super charged with Chaos energy. At least, that's the theory anyway."

Tails examined the pictures. They were photos of old looking stone walls with paintings of glowing circles, and people kneeling in front of them.

"Wow, these are amazing!" Tails exclaimed in awe.

"Soo, Mephiles wants to get more power? Other than usual reasons, why?" Sonic asked.

"Because then he might be able to release Iblis." Shadow replied.

"So where are these things?" Knuckles asked.

"I don't know for sure. They're kinda random. Ya have to get lucky." Fang replied.

"Well, Mephiles doesn't know where they are, so that's a good thing, right?"

"Right, but who knows how long before he does find it. If we can locate it before him, maybe we can close it so he can't absorb its power." Tails explained.

"So we split up and find it. I like your thinkin' mate!" Fang said.

"Well, that wasn't my idea, but ok."

"Shadow, Marine, Shade, and I can form a group."

"Ok, Shadow and Shade I get, but why Marine?" Sonic asked.

"Eh, I like her spunk." Fang replied.

"Ok, me, Tails, Knuckles, and Silver will make a team."

"And the others can make up two more teams. Alright, let's find this Chaos Field thing!" Fang exclaimed.

They split up, and Fang's team headed for the park.


Will the Mobians be successful? Or will Mephiles find the Chaos Field first? Stay tuned to find out! R&R!