Disclaimer: I don't own OHSHC ; only my oc... oh and the extra characters too.

Early in the morning...

"NATSUME ! ! !" Kezuki shouted.

With a big harrisen(paper fan), Natsume hit kenzuki's on his head as hard as she can.

"Ken-chan, you're disturbing the guests!" Natsume exclaimed.

"Nats! Ohayou! I need your help. My parents have a big favor for you."

"What's happening here? Both of you are too noisy." Haruhi said.

"Why are you guys so hyped up, anything wrong?" The twins asked.

"Nats... please! I'm begging you to help us." Kezuki said as he kneeled down.

"Don't tell me it's 'that' again?" Natsume replied reluctantly.

"... yeah. So please help us. You're the only one who can do it." Kezuki begged.

"Natsu, what's wrong? Why is kenzuki-kun begging to the point of even kneeling down on the floor?" Haruhi asked again.


"PLEASE ! ! ! I'm begging you! QAQ" Kenzuki cried.

"Natsu, why not help him? He's already begging too much."

"But haru~ Ok. I get it. You're in luck today ken-chan. You should properly thank haru for this."

"Haruhi-chan... No... Megami-sama(goddess), thank you so much." Kenzuki cried.

"Hey, seriously... what is 'that' you're talking about? What is 'that' thing?" Hikaru asked.

"If I explain, it will take us forever."

"It's ok. We'll listen even if it takes forever. We'll help out too." Kaoru replied.

"No!" Natsume flustered.

"Eh? Why not? Don't tell me you're going to have fun without us." Kyouya butted in.

Kenzuki hooked his arms around natsume's arms and started pulling her.

"Hurry up nats! My parent's are waiting!"

"Why is his parents involved?" Kaoru thought.

"Parents?!" The hosts exclaimed.

Kenzuki dragged natsume towards his house. The host club members followed since thay're very curious about what kenzuki and natsume were talking about and what that favor was. As soon as they reached kenzuki's house, kenzuki's parents welcomed them. They hugged and thanked natsume for accepting their favor. Well, it's not like she had a choice.

"Natsume-chan, I'm very sorry for bothering you about this again." Kenzuki's mom apologized.

"Well, it can't be help since that idiot only listens to me. Oops, sorry for calling him an idiot."

"It's ok natsume-chan. That son of ours is really an idiot in the first place. We're really sorry for bothering you again. We'll make it up to you next time." Kenzuki's dad added.

"Uhhhmmm... may I ask why doesn't he want to go down again? Don't tell me he's playing house again?"

Kenzuki's parent's sigh in approval.

"Apparently, he brought them there too..."

"Eh?! He even brought the kids there?! That idi~" Natsume menaced.

"Ano~ I know I'm intruding but can you fill us with the details too?" Kaoru asked.

"Oh my! Who are this handsome young men here?"

"Oh! I almost forgot about you guys... Auntie, they're... how should I say this..."

"Oi highlights girl! How hard is it to introduce us to other people?" Hikaru protested.

"Very. Very hard."

"What did you just say?!"

"Are you deaf? Got a problem with that? Huh?!"

Natsume and hikaru started bickering... again.

"Sorry for the rudeness of my sister and our friend. I'm natsume's twin sister, haruhi. Nice to meet you ma'am. We also would like to help out. So, would you kindly tell us the details?" Haruhi said to kenzuki's mom.

"Oh deary, you're like a carbon copy of each other. Well, you see my other son refuse to go down from our rest house in the mountain. Apparently, he only listens to natsume-chan. That's why we're asking a favor. He's been up there for more than two weeks and we're starting to worry." Kenzuki's mom explained.

"Haruhi-san, May I ask something?" Kenzuki's dad whispered to haruhi.

"What is it uncle?"

"Are those two- I mean natsume-chan and that kid going out with each other? They seemed to be very close to each other."

"What did you say uncle?!" Nastume exclaimed.

"Well, that's how I see it."

"Impossible! Me? With this damn cat? Never!"

"You have my sentiments with that highlights girl."

"Dad! Don't say such rubbish things!" Kenzuki protested.

"Ken... you're mad. How cute."

"He's dad is a bully." Hunny whispered.

"Excuse me madam... I'm curious about something." Kyouya said.

"What is it young man?"

"Well... about that favor. Natsume-san was strongly against the favor a while ago. Why is it so?" Kyouya added.

"Well... That's because-"

Natsume suddenly appeared beside kyouya and clung on his arm.

"Auntie... We're leaving." Natsume said as he pulled kyouya away.

"Hey! We're not yet done asking."

"No. We're leaving. Bye auntie and uncle."

Everyone bid good-bye to kenzuki's parents and went back to the inn.

"Haru, it's better if you guys stay here. Ken-chan and I will be back in a while."

"Hey you." Kyouya pinched natsume's cheeks. "We're not yet done asking for the details."

"Isch noching imporchant weally. (It's nothing Important really.)" Natsume said.

"Then tell us why don't you want us to accompany you." Kaoru asked.

"It's dangerous there. The rest house is by the mountain area."

"Then the more that we need to accompany you. What if something happens to you there." Kaoru added.

"Ken-chan and I are locals here. We won't get in trouble. I'm more troubled if something will happen to haru or you people when we go there!" Natsume exclaimed.

"You're unexpectedly worried about us?" Kyouya asked.

"Of course! You're still our guest." Natsume flusterred.

"What's happening here?" Tamaki suddenly came out.


"What's the matter?" Tamaki added.

The group face palmed. No wonder no one was so noisy when they went to kenzuki's house.

"Eh? Ehh?! What's happening?" Tamaki repeated.

"Whatever. Just stay here, please?"

"Are you going somewhere?" Tamaki asked.

"Yeah. Just in a while."

"We're going too!"

"Nice one tono." The twins said with two thumbs up.

"I already said NO!"

In the End, they went to the mountain area where kenzuki's brother resides. The host, well mostly tamaki, begged to let them escort her. She even bothered to explain about what could lie ahead of them but it seemed like they didn't care. So to save up some energy, she allowed them to come and of course kenzuki was with them too.

On the way...

"Are we really going to enter the mountain range?" Hikaru asked.

"No. We're not." Natsume said sarcastically.

"Can you be serious at least once when you talk to me?"

"Can you quit with the random questions?"

"But I'm curious!"

"But I'm a DERP!"


"You know- If I don't know the two of you, I would think that both of you are flirting with each other." Kenzuki said dejectedly.

"With this twerp?!"

"With this damn cat?!"

"Who are you calling damn cat?!"

"Who are you calling twerp?!"

"See what I mean? Perfectly synced." Kenzuki sighed.

" R!" Natsume and hikaru said in unison.

"Stop copying me!"

"I can't believe that those two have too much energy. What do you think takashi?" Hunny asked mori.

"They never get tired of bickering." Mori replied.

"Kenzuki-kun, is this really the right way?" Haruhi asked.

"Yeah... from here on it'll be dangerous." Kenzuki replied.

"How come it's dangerous?" Kyouya and hunny asked.

"Well... because of this."

They passed by the forest road until they reached a suspension bridge. Natsume and hikaru finally stop bickering as soon as they saw the bridge. Apparently, they have to cross that very old bridge to be able to reach their destination.

"Are we seriously gonna cross this?" Tamaki mumbled.

"Are you sure it's safe to cross?" Kyouya asked.

"Are you afraid ootori-san? I'll hold your hand when crossing if you like." Natsume smiled.

"No thank you. I was only thinking if this bridge is crossable."

"Ohhh... ok. How bout you mitsu-senpai?"

"Did she just ignored me?" Kyouya thought.

"I'm fine with takashi."

"Ok... Suoh-san? Need help?"

"O-o-of co-co-cou-cour-rs-rse n-n-no-no-not. A re-re-real man c-c-ca-ca-can cross on h-h-hi-hi-his o-o-ow-own." Tamaki stuttered.

"You not convincing."

"Tamaki-senpai, I'll help you cross."


Natsume was menacing.

"Well then let's go in pairs when crossing. At least that way you'll be more at ease." Natsume said while a stress mark was growing on her forehead.

Everyone agreed with the plan.

"Since suoh-san won't get off my sister, they'll be a pair. Mitsu-senpai and takashi-senpai are pair number two. Then... ken-chan, pair up with ootori-san."

"Eh? Me? With him?"

"No with the tree. with the tree. Just pair up with him. I'll be more at ease that way. I don't want to be scolded about insurances or something. You can do it, right?" Natsume said with a puppy dog eyes.

Kenzuki can't refuse natsume when she does that. It's too cute to ignore.

"O-Ok... but what about you?"

"Me? We're odd in number so I'll go by myself. Plus, I've crossed this bridge many times already. I'm sure nothing bad will happen to me. Besides, I'm not scared that I might fall." Natsume boasted.

"I don't think you should go by yourself." Kenzuki said worriedly.

"Then just pair with us." Kaoru said as he placed his hand on top natsume's head.


"We're counted as one anyway. Just cross with us." Hikaru said.

"If you get scared natsume-chan, I can hold your hand." Kaoru suggested.

"Kaoru are you cheating on me?" Hikaru said with a saddened expression.

"Baka(Idiot), of course not. I would never replace you no matter what but right now she's our princess whom we need to protect."

"Princess?" Natsume thought.

"You're right. No matter how vicious that highlights girl act, inside she's a fragile princess that we must protect."

"Vicious?! fragile? What the heck is wrong with those brains of them?" Natsume thought.

"Right now we must do our duty. It's good that you understand. Hikaru~~~"


The twins hugged each other and started twincesting.

"We're not working today and there are no customers so cut the crap. It's creepy." Natsume protested.

"Don't say such rubbish things with this precious mouth of yours." Hikaru said as he lightly pressed his finger on natsume's lips.

"That's right hime-sama." Kaoru said as he also pressed his finger on natsume's lips.

Natsume's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

"What the heck was that?" Natsume thought. "You're seriously creeping me out."

The twins grinned as the slowly moved closser towards natsume. Kenzuki butted in and pulled natsume towards him.

"Cut it out both of you." Kenzuki said in an angry tone.

"We're just joking. bleh~" Hikaru said.

Kaoru suddenly had a pissed of expression.

"Oh! Whatever! Just cross already!" Natsume exclaimed.

Natsume flushed. The other hosts plus kenzuki started crossing. First we're hunny and mori. Obviously, there weren't any problem. Next in line were kenzuki and kyouya. Natsume was a little worried not because they might fall or something but because they both have cold and dark aura surrounding them as they passed. It was quite scary, I guess. When it was tamaki and haruhi's turn to cross, there was quite a commotion.

"Tamaki-senpai, let's go. It's our turn." Haruhi instructed.

"W-w-w-w-w-wa-wa-wai-wai-wait!" Tamaki wobbled.

"Suoh-san, stop being a chicken and cross already! We can't wait all day long just for you to cross!" Natsume exclaimed.

"Waaaaaaahhhhh... stop being mean daughter #2." Tamaki cried.

"Let's go senpai. We can go slowly." Haruhi smiled.


"Guuuuhhhhh! I'll curse you forever suoh-san. How dare you cling to my beloved sister like that?!" Natsume whispered as she menaced.

"Natsume-chan, is scary sometimes." Kaoru sweat-dropped.

Haruhi and tamaki slowly walked passed the bridge. Natsume was really pissed off to the point that she was producing a very large amount of dark aura. She thought that she should just have insisted on making kenzuki and haruhi be a pair. Oh well... regrets. After long minutes of wobbling, tamaki and haruhi finally crossed the bridge. The last one to cross were the twins and natsume.

"Our turn. You guys go first." Natsume ordered.

"It's ok ladies first." Hikaru insisted.

"Are you guys... don't tell me you're afraid?" Natsume taunted.

"O-of course not!" Hikaru exclaimed.

"Oh really now? Then start crossing."

"That's why I said you go first." Hikaru insisted.

"You guys are really afraid, aren't you? Your legs are shaking."

"Who won't be?!"

"Haha. Then let's make it like this. Since I told the other guys earlier that I'll hold their hand if they're afraid to cross, I'll hold your hands. I'll be in the middle so that I can hold both of your hands. Kaoru-kun first then me then hikaru. How's that sound?"

"Ohhh... okay..." The twins obediently agreed.

On the other side of the bridge...

"What's taking them so long?" Kenzuki asked.

"I bet hika-chan and na-chan are fighting again." Hunny chuckled.

"Ohhh... They're crossing." Mori said.

Natsume stretched out her hands and held the hands of both the walked first followed by hikaru then natsume. When they were crossing the twins were a bit scared but still prideful.

On the other side of the bridge again...

"They holding hands?" The host said skeptically.

"What?! They're holding hands?!" Kenzuki exclaimed.

"They sure are. Look." Hunny added.

"Why? Those two... I'll curse you for holding hands with nats." Kenzuki mumbled while menacing.

"Kenzuki-san is starting to be scary." Hunny said.

"Don't bother him." Mori said as he pulled hunny to the side and away from kenzuki.

Back to Natsume and the twins' side...

"Scardy cats. hehe." natsume taunted.

"W-w-w-wh-who are y-y-y-yo-you calling s-s-s-sc-scard-scardy c-c-ca-ca-cat-t-tssss?!" Hikaru protest as he held on the rope and tightening his grip on natsume's hand.

Natsume painted a smirk on her face then started shaking the rope.

"W-w-wh-wha-WHAT THE HECK are you doing stupid highlights girl?! " Hikaru panicked as the rope started swaying side by side.

"You're really that scared?" natsume said as she tries to laugh in a moderate volume.

"Natsume-chan, please stop it." Kaoru, who's almost losing the color on his face, asked politely.

"But it's fun. I'll never get a chance like to ever bully you two. It's little of my pay back to the both of you." Natsume giggled.

"Natsume, Y O U - ! I'm going to get back at you once we crossed this bridge. Just you wait!" Hikaru exclaimed.

"What? I can't hear you. Try saying that again." Natsume sarcastically said as she jumps and slowly racking the bridge.

"Na-na-natsume-SAMA, please have mercy!" Hikaru panicked.

"I thought so you said that." Natsume said with a big grin written all over her face while feeling triumphant.

Kaoru managed to arrive at the end of the bridge then natsume. When hikaru was about to reach the end, the plank he stepped on collapsed.

"HIKARU!" Natsume screamed.