Okay, orginally, I was only to write the chapter where Jared finds out Kim's secret from Jared's POV, but last night I decided to write the entire story in his POV. The chapters should be posted sooner with smaller spaces of time between each post since I already wtrote the main outline of the story. I hope you like the story and please tell me what you think!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Twilight or Percy Jackson!

Chapter One: I Want to Know Where She's Been All My Life

I step back take a look in your direction
See in the reflection the same single man
That had taken you for granted
Like water in the desert I didn't think it'd happen
But I guess it had to happen

Jared's POV

You know that quote? The 'Life sucks, then you die' quote? Yeah, well, who ever made up that quote was high or something. When life sucks, you don't die. You have to keep going even when you just want to stop and end it all. And to think I thought my life sucked before I turned into a werewolf. Yeah, you heard me. Werewolf. I'm not crazy, I swear! I turned into a furry wolf with a tail and a snout when my anger caused me to exploded and phase for the first time. And I had gotten so angry over something so stupid; my friend Paul said that there was a girl who sat next to me in my world history class when I knew for a fact that the seat next to mine was empty. That was when I phased into a werewolf. Paul as well.

Sam Uley is the alpha of our little pack. He phased alone and he had to figure everything out by himself. It's a surprised he didn't go insane. I would have for sure. But the three of us patrol the tribe's land and protect it from the Cold Ones. Which are also known as vampires, but we like to call them leeches. Sam phased when the Cullens came back to Forks. The Cullens are a "family" of vampires. The only reason why we tolerate them being so close to La Push is because they are "vegetarians" and don't drink human blood. We have a treaty with them, and so far they haven't broken it.

Paul and I missed the past three weeks of school. We had gotten control of our wolves and we didn't phase at the slightest thing that set us off. Paul had a much harder time than I did because he already had a small fuse to his temper. Now it was even smaller. Neither of us wanted to go back to school- we didn't see the point of it- but Sam ordered us to go, and you couldn't disobey the alpha's orders. So Monday morning found the two of us groaning and cursing Sam's name as we forced ourselves out of our beds and make our way to the local high school at a time that should be outlawed for people to be up at.

I fell asleep in most of my classes once I got all of my make up work. Maybe the teachers will go light on me while I work on everything that I missed…. It was worth a shot. When I got to my world history class, I knew that I was late, but I didn't care. History never did interest me so I doubt that I would be able to stay awake in this class. But when I walked into the classroom, the most wonderful smelling scent hit my nose and I was instantly alert. Where was it coming from? I had to know! It smelled like…. Flowers… and pine. There was another smell as well, but I couldn't identify it.

I was brought out of my musing by Mr. Mallek, the teacher. "It's nice to see you here again Mr. Thail. Do you have a pass?" He asked, making his way to me. I dug through my pockets and handed him a slightly crumpled hall pass. My teacher of my previous class had held me back and lectured me for missing so much school. I had barely managed to keep my temper in check so I wouldn't phase and kill him.

As I made my way to my seat, I could hear the whispers that circled the room. The entire school really. I had changed quite a lot since turning into a werewolf. I had grown several inches, gain a lot of muscle, and I had to cut my long black hair until it was much closer to my head. The length of my fur corresponded to the length of my wolf's fur. According to the rumors, I had joined a cult, or started taking steroids, and several crazy, stupid things.

"Can I have the work I missed?" I asked so I wouldn't have to get it later. I planned on taking a nice nap from my seat in the back. "Yes, you can. See my after class. For the moment, take your seat and Kim will help you if you have any questions." Mr. Mallek said before going back to his teaching. I ignored him as I made my way to my seat. Startled, I noticed that there was someone sitting in the desk next to mine. But I could have sworn that there wasn't anyone before. She must be new… I mused to myself.

The closer I got to my seat and this strange, new girl, the enticing smell got much stronger. I tried blocking out the scent, but it wasn't working very well.

I spent the rest of the period trying to figure out what else it smelled of besides pine and flowers. "Uhhh…. Kim…. What did I miss while I was… sick?" I said, hesitating every few words. I didn't want something to slip and for this girl to figure out what I was. Sam would kill me and then skin me alive if that ever happened. I was almost positive that Mr. Mallek said that the girl's name was Kim.

"You missed the Greeks and the Romans. You're really behind. It would be smart to get someone to tutor you." She said, her voice sounding like the voice of an angel. But how could I have a tutor? When I wasn't in school, I was patrolling, hardly leaving time for someone to help me catch up in class.

Then Kim looked up and our eyes met. It was like the entire world had stopped. I had tunnel vision and the only thing I could see is the dark haired beauty who sat in front of me. Everything that I once held dear or that mattered to me, was shoved away. This girl's happiness, wants, and needs became the most important thing to me. She alone held me to this planet. Not gravity, but her beauty and her love. And I knew that she would love me as much as I loved her. There would be no one else. This was it. She was the one who I wanted to marry and who I wanted to carry my pups. My life had completely turned upside down in a matter of a few minutes.

I didn't know how long I stared at her for, but the I heard the bell in the back of my head. I ignored it and continued to watch Kim. She shot out of her seat and was almost to the door before I could stop her. The only reason why she did stop was that Mr. Mallek had called to her, asking her to wait a moment. I hurriedly shoved my things into my backpack and got out of my seat so quickly that my chair almost fell backwards. I hurried to where they were standing. I didn't really pay attention to Mr. Mallek like I should have, but who could blame me when there was a goddess standing right in front of me! But I got the gist of what he was saying: that I would have to go to tutoring to catch up on all my missing work and that since Kim is there a lot, she would be able to help me. I beamed at the thought of spending even more time with her. I couldn't wait for the day when we would spend the entire day together! But this would work for now. As long I got to see my Kim everyday.

Okay, so I put eveything I wanted to say at the top... I think. Can anyone guess the song?
