A/N: I have to apologize; until a review today I didn't realize that this wasn't posted. I uploaded it and thought I had posted it already. I'm sorry y'all! I hope it doesn't seem too short and sucky since you've waited so long.

Finn walked into the dark room, thinking he'd find his son sleeping. When he saw that Noah's little eyes were wide open, he smiled; he must have been waiting to hear all about his mama's opening night.

"Hey buddy," he said, leaning over the bed. "Mrs. Janice said you were sleeping."

"Da," the little boy said, smiling and reaching for him. Finn picked him up, walking him over to the window seat and sat, looking down at him in the moonlight. Noah amazed him every day; he was changing right in front of their eyes. He could talk…sort of. He could walk and run and play and laugh…Finn's chest tightened every time he heard Noah and Rachel laughing together. Nothing in the world was more beautiful than that.

"I wish you could have been there," Finn told him, kissing his cheek. He brushed some of the dark curls off the boys forehead, watching them fall right back down. He told Puck that Rachel was the one that didn't want Noah's hair cut, but it was both of them. Something about the little mop of hair made him smile every time he saw it.

"Da," the boy said again, grinning up at him.

Finn smiled back at him. "She did great," he told his son. "No, it was better than great. It was amazing. Fantastic. Terrific. Everyone thought so, so it wasn't just me." Noah cocked his head to the side, listening. "I was so proud of her. You'll see a recording of it when you're older, I'm sure. You'll be proud too. She'll blow you away."

"Mama," Noah said, nodding once.

"Yes, mama," Finn said, nodding back. He looked out the window, thinking about seeing Rachel on that big stage, hearing her heart in her songs. He'd cried several times throughout the show, even though it was a comedic performance. April Rhodes had created what would have been a train wreck if it was anyone else; it was perfect for her, though, and Rachel only added to its perfection. When it was time for the cast to take their bows, April had taken Rachel's hands and made her stay out when the curtain closed on the remainder of the cast. When April stepped back and left Rachel in the spotlight, the rest of the crowd had joined Finn on their feet. Everyone had raved about how amazing she had been as they were walking out; Finn had felt so proud he'd thought he would burst.

"That was awesome," Puck said, hugging Finn after the show.

Finn nodded, hugging Quinn as he told Puck, "She did even better than I thought was possible."

"Tell her that we can't wait to see her tomorrow," Quinn told him as Puck put his arm around her. "We'll round up the rest of the group and meet you guys for lunch."

Finn had nodded. "I can't believe the entire Glee Club came," he said. They had all come up for Puck and Quinn's wedding just a few weeks ago, and Rachel hadn't thought they'd make another trip so soon. "She'll be so happy."

"We couldn't have missed it," Will said from behind them, a very pregnant Emma at his side.

Emma shook her head, close to tears. "She was wonderful," she said, hugging Finn. "Tell her we said so."

Finn smiled. "I will. And then you guys can remind her tomorrow."

When he'd finally gotten backstage to Rachel, he'd figured she'd want to go out with her cast mates to celebrate. "I just want to go home and be with you and Noah," she'd told him.

She'd been quiet on the way home, snuggled beside him. Finn had talked nonstop about how great she'd been, but she'd just nodded. As soon as they'd gotten back to their apartment, she'd told him she was going to take a quick shower so he'd come in to talk to Noah.

"There are my boys," Rachel said, leaning against the doorframe.

"Mama," the little boy said, reaching for her. She walked into the room and took him, holding him close to her as she sat across from Finn on the window seat, their legs touching.

"I was telling him how amazing you were tonight," Finn told her, smiling. Rachel smiled back at him and kissed the little boy on his forehead. "Is something wrong, Rach? You seem a little…calm."

Rachel shook her head, looking at him. "It's finally all happening," she told him. "Everything I've ever dreamed of…it's all coming true. It's just…when I was standing on that stage tonight, looking around at all the people, I realized something; it would seem so empty if it wasn't for you and Noah. I would be on Broadway, something I've dreamed about since I was a little girl, but I wouldn't have you to come home to and talk about it to. I wouldn't have someone who's been with me through every struggle to know just how much it means to me." She put her hand on his. "You make everything worth it, Finn. You and Noah, you're everything to me. And if something happened tomorrow and I wasn't able to ever sing again, I would have tonight and I would have the two of you…and it would be okay." She laughed a little. "I never thought that could be true, but it is."

Finn leaned over and kissed her. "You're our everything too," he told her, looking into her eyes. "I don't know where I would be without you."

"You would be a C student," Rachel said matter-of-factly.

Finn grinned. "Well, there's that."

"When April offered me the part, I thought you were dead," she said, taking a deep breath. "I may have eventually tried it, but Finn…" She shook her head, close to tears. "Standing on that stage, all I could think about was how wrong it would have all been if you weren't there." Finns hand moved up to caress her face and she turned her lips into his palm. "I don't think I could have still been Rachel if I didn't have a Finn."

"Don't be sad, baby," he told her. "You have me. I'm not going anywhere."

"Me," Noah said, looking from Finn to Rachel.

Rachel smiled down at him, her eyes shining with tears. "Yes, you too," she said to him.

"Rachel," Finn said, tipping her face back up so that her eyes met his. "You have us."

Rachel nodded. "And I'm so grateful," she told him. "I'm so happy…I feel like my heart is going to explode. Seeing you in the crowd…knowing that I still have you and that we have Noah and that everything is okay…" She closed her eyes for a moment. "I don't know what I'm trying to say."

Her eyes opened when Finn took her hand, putting it over his heart. "I know what you're saying," he told her. "And I know exactly how you feel."

Rachel smiled, relaxing. He did know. He was the only one who could.

Her cast mates probably thought she was nuts, but Rachel Berry Hudson spent the night of her Broadway debut sitting in a window and holding hands with the only man who would ever make her heart and soul smile, their sweet baby boy between them. It was every dream she'd ever had, and it was real. And all of it was because of Finn Hudson.