Takes place five years after 3x03. When Elena was in Chicago she was going to try and tell Stefan she was pregnant but he just wouldn't listen. So five years later Klaus lets him go what happens when he returns and finds Elena with a little green eyed girl.

Elena Pov

I rolled over in my bed when the sunlight glittered across the room. Looking at the alarm it was six in the morning and I could tell it would be a beautiful summer day.

Thank goodness it was Friday.

Putting my hair in a bumped low pony I decided to wear a pair of skinny jeans with black heels, white tank top with a black blazer over it.

I walked to my old room which was my daughters.

Her name was Chloe Miranda Gilbert. She had my dark brown hair that flowed in long waves and it was paired with Stefan's emerald green eyes.

She was snoring softly under her pink blankets and as much as I hated to wake her I knew that I had to.

"Honey? Wake up." I said softly shaking her a bit.

"Mommy?" she asked groggily.

"Yeah, honey we got to get you dressed so you can go see Uncle Damon." I went over to her closet and grabbed a white long sleeved shirt a pair of jeans and some light pink flats. Going to her dresser I picked out a light pink rose hair clip.

She slid off the bed and walked over to me. I smiled she was so cute.

"I wanna go with you though." She said as I did her hair into a little messy bun.

"I know honey, but mommy has to go work then I'll pick you up and we can spend the whole weekend together." I smiled hugging her to me.

"Ok." She smiled back.

"Go make your bed and I will get you some cereal."

I worked for a big CEO as his intern. Caroline and Bonnie teased me saying I was going to end up like the girl from fifty shades of grey I didn't think so because for the last five years only one man had been on my mind….Stefan.

There were so many things that had changed since he left. He didn't know that he had a daughter; he didn't know that I was a vampire, didn't know that Bonnie and Jeremy were married and she was three months pregnant, he didn't know his brother had been seeing a girl named Carey for the past two years.

After he had left I told Damon that I was pregnant with Stefan's baby and that we were able to have children because being the doppelganger made me allowed to have children with vampires.

We went to Chicago and I tried to tell him but he made it clear that he wanted nothing to do with me or come home, so I he has no clue about Chloe.

I became a vampire when she was about six months old. I had been on my way to Damon's to pick her up but I hit ice on Wickery Bridge and my car swerved off the road and into the water. Luckily I had Caroline's blood from the night before when I had cut myself chopping tomatoes.

Damon had been very good about being there for me and Chloe. He was the closest thing she had to a father. He watched her the four days a week that I worked sometimes Caroline would too. Not so much Jer and Bonnie though since they were just finishing college.

"Mommy I'm ready." Chloe stated walking down the stairs with her jacket and little light pink stuffed elephant in hand. She carried that thing everywhere and its name was Ella.

"Ok. Here's some Cherios." I said sliding the bowl across the counter to her.

She climbed up on the seat and began to eat, I texted Damon and said we'd be over in a few.

"Mama?" she asked big green eyes staring at me.

"What sweetheart?" I said putting her bowl in the dishwasher.

"Yesterday at Uncle Damon's when we were outside playing I went to go use the bathroom and I snuck into that one room I'm not supposed to go into and I saw a old picture of you and some boy. Who is he?" she asked. My heart rate quickened knowing instantly she was referring to the picture of me and Stefan at his football game. She wasn't supposed to go in there because the idea of it made me uncomfortable.

"He is uh uh an old friend of mommy's. Come on let's go." I said quickly changing the subject.

I grabbed her tiny hand and strapped her into the car seat and headed for the boarding house.

Stefan Pov

I was on my way to Mystic Falls. Going back to a life that didn't exist anymore. I had not heard from Elena or Damon since that day at Gloria's.

Klaus had decided to let me go saying that my debt was paid.

Finally I had learned to control my blood lust. I just prayed that Elena and Damon would accept me again. Especially after the harsh words I had spoken to her that day.

"We are now landing in Richmond, Virginia. Thank you for flying with our airlines!" Came over the loud speaker.

I grabbed my carry on and went to go find my rental car.

Elena Pov

Chloe was now at Damon's and I headed to work hoping that today would passed fast because I already missed my sweet little girl.

My boss was a good man though. He only made me work four days a week with an outrageous pay that no intern would ever receive. He also loved Chloe.

He once told me that she was the most beautiful little girl that he had ever seen. I had blushed when he said that she must get it from her mother. That was the reason why Caroline and Bonnie thought he had a thing for me. I knew better though because he was about thirty-five and married with two children.

I pulled into my regular parking spot smiled at Jane the secretary and headed to my office ready for the weekend.