Hermione Malfoy watched out her window, observing the idyllic landscape of their wizarding home. Bright pink and yellow flowers marked the edges of the house and a curved white picket fence kept out the wildlife that made its home just beyond the barrier of trees. The Malfoys loved living in the magic woods.

Draco and Hermione's oldest children were home from Hogwarts for the summer. Lucius Harry Malfoy, their first-born son, was lying in the grass, his elbows propping him up on his pile of six books. The fifth-year Gryffindor had his father's blonde hair, his mother's mind and his godfather's poor eyesight (though the last trait was merely a coincidence with no regards to genetics). The second child, a girl who was going into her third year, was named Brynn Narcissa and she had her mother's untamed hair, but it was brown mixed with odd streaks of Malfoy white. Unlike Lucius (who went by Luc), Brynn was both a Slytherin and a quidditch seeker like her father. She was zooming around their house, practicing new moves for next year.

But their youngest son, Scorpius Draco Malfoy, hadn't received his Hogwarts letter yet. He had been eleven for several months and the start of the year was coming soon. Hermione hated to admit it, but she was worried the letter wouldn't come at all. In his eleven years, Scorpius hadn't shown one sign of being magical. Draco wouldn't talk about it, but she knew he was concerned too.

Hermione walked outside into the cool evening air to call everyone in for dinner. Draco would be home from work at the Ministry soon and the kids needed to clean up. Hermione glanced over her youngest son's shoulder, who looked more like his dad than the other kids, and saw what he had been sketching. Scorpius was drawing pictures of the racing broom he wanted and what he thought his wand would look like when he got one at Ollivander's. Scorpius didn't seem to understand how difficult the situation was becoming. If he didn't receive his Hogwarts letter soon, he wouldn't receive it at all.

"Come inside, kids," Hermione shouted. Brynn landed her broom in the front yard and Luc gathered up all of his books. Scorpius didn't move from his spot on the front stoop. "Did you hear me, Scorpius?" asked Hermione.

"Sorry, Mom. I did. Can I stay here and wait? I know the letter is coming today. I just know it!" Scorpius looked so determined that Hermione couldn't say no. Once Draco arrived home from work, he tried to convince Scorpius to come in for dinner, but he wouldn't budge. He thought the owls just couldn't find him and no matter how many times they tried to explain that wasn't how it worked, Scorpius just wouldn't listen. After nightfall, Draco went outside to talk to Scorpius. Hermione listened from behind the screen door.

She loved watching Draco be fatherly with the kids. It was one of the most wonderful things in the world to her.

"Please come inside, son." Draco sighed.

"It's coming today. I know it!" shouted Scorpius.

"I'm sure the letter will arrive eventually. But the owls are sleeping now, like you should be. Maybe it will come in the morning."

Scorpius sat silently for a moment, his chin on his hand. His little grey eyes flickered to his father. "Aren't owls nocturnal?"

Draco laughed. "You may look like me, but you are your mother's son." He planted a kiss on the top of Scorpius's head. "Let's go to bed now." With a sigh, Scorpius gave in.

Brynn and Luc were already in their rooms so Hermione and Draco walked Scorpius back to his and tucked him in bed. They both kissed their son on the cheek.

"Good night," said Hermione as she flicked her wand and muttered "Nox" under her breath.

That night Hermione couldn't sleep. She was too worried about her son. Why wasn't he getting his letter? If Scorpius didn't get that letter, if he was a... squib, it would break his heart. Scorpius loved everything about the magical world and as Hermione stared up at the ceiling, she was terrified she had found the one thing she could not give her son. The thing he wanted most of all.
