

Lydia rolled over to the far end of the bed, and watched as Jackson collapsed in the middle, looking far to exhausted to even drag himself up to the pillows.

After recovering Danny walked off with the condoms towards the bathroom and Lydia couldn't restrain the smile when she got a look at Danny's face. He was the picture of the cat that got the cream and she really didn't think anything could spoil the guys mood.

Lydia slid under the covers of Jackson's luxurious bed, she had a love hate relationship with it. It was a big spacious bed which meant plenty of room for threesomes, the downside was there was enough room for three people to sleep comfortably without touching and Jackson, despite her best efforts, never cuddled.

She watched as Danny came back into the room carrying a washcloth which he used to clean away Jackson's lube slicked hole, Jackson making an odd purring noise at the ministrations. Lydia rolled her eyes because Jackson had always enjoyed being pampered and Danny clearly was going to be fine with pampering him.

Danny turned and threw the cloth across the room and it landed into the laundry hamper and Lydia smiled fondly when Danny said in typical guy fashion, "he shoots, he scores! That's twice in one night ladies and gentlemen." Danny turned back to the bed and kneeling onto the mattress he leaned over and pulled Jackson up to the pillows, ignoring the incoherent mumbling. "Come on Jacks, lets get you under the covers."

Danny pulled the covers up over Jackson and then jumped in behind him, scooping the smaller guy up in his arms and spooning into his back.

"Good luck with that, Jackson doesn't do cuddling. Its like pulling teeth trying to get him to." Lydia warned as she eyed Jackson's weak efforts to extricate himself from Danny's hold.

"Yes, well Jackson needs to learn that he's in a relationship and when in those its not always about what you want. Its give in take so he can just learn to love it." Danny sounded cheery the whole while snuggling further into Jackson's back. Jackson himself seemed to stop struggling and except his fate.

Lydia had about two seconds to feel a pang of jealousy that Jackson allowed Danny to cuddle him but never her, when she felt a arm snake around her waist and pull her into Jackson warm embrace. She peaked under the blankets to notice it was Jackson's arm that pulled her in and she smiled. It was then that she knew for sure that bringing Danny into their relationship was the right move. Both she and Jackson were very strong willed and had a tendency to dig their heels in when fighting. Danny had always had some weird power over Jackson and the two never argued, Jackson more often than not caving to the other mans will.

"I thought you didn't cuddle Jacks," she couldn't resist taunting him, he was rarely this pliant and even rarer did he cater to other peoples needs.

"Shut up Lydia." Lydia found herself smiling because there was no heat to the words and Jackson only tightened his grip around her waist. She smiled happily before dozing off in two sets of strong arms.


Danny woke up to find Jackson curled up, face nuzzled into his chest. The events of last night came rushing back and he couldn't stop himself from smiling. He looked over Jackson's shoulder and noticed Lydia wasn't in bed anymore and couldn't help but worry that something might be wrong. That she might be regretting their activities.

Reluctantly he dislocated himself from Jackson and crawled out of bed. Stealing a pair of Jackson's boxers, a little to snug for comfort but would do for now, and grabbing his discarded shirt from the previous night he made his way downstairs.

He found Lydia sitting on the couch with her legs up nestling a cup of coffee. She was wearing one of Jackson's shirts and it covered her right down to her just above her knees. He absentmindedly wondered how much more one of his own shirts would cover on her.

"Everything alright?"

Lydia looked up at him and smiled. "Everything's brilliant, feels a bit like a dream with how good everything turned out."

"So everything is good? This whole me, you, Jackson relationship thing, you still want to try it?" He really hoped the answer was yes because last night had been simply amazing. He had even found it hot watching Jackson go down on Lydia, though he still had no desire to try it himself.

"Hell yeah. I could watch you fucking Jackson all day, that was so hot." Lydia spoke with such enthusiasm and Danny found it infectious. He had always thought Lydia wasn't something unique and if he was to share Jackson with anyone he was glad it was her.

"Don't know if Jackson would agree, his first time he'll probably be too sore for a day or two."

"Yeah well its only fair. Jackson's been a pain in our asses for long enough, its about time he got a taste of his own medicine." Danny looked at Lydia with a shocked expression before they both burst out into a fit of laughter.

"So what's the plan this morning?" Danny asked after the laughter died down.

"Well Jackson rarely gets his ass out of bed before noon on the weekend, so we could watch the Notebook or something before he stumbles down." Danny saw the knowing look in Lydia's eyes when she mentioned watching the Notebook, yesterday he might have been embarrassed, but today he just felt oddly comfortable with everything.

"Lets." Danny grabbed the movie off the coffee table where he was sure Lydia had strategically placed it and popped it into the Blu-Ray player. He sat down onto the couch next to Lydia and wrapped his arm around her when she leaned into him.


Jackson woke up to find himself alone in his far to big bed. The memories from the prior night flooding back into his mind. He found himself snorting at the thought that only he could have a threesome with his two closest friends and still manage to wakeup alone.

He stumbled out of bed, not bothering to dress and made a bee-line for the shower. His ass still felt sore and the remnants of lube was not the most pleasant of sensations. He washed thoroughly, trying not to think about what happened to Danny and Lydia, his mind only supplying him with negative thoughts.

Jackson dried himself off and slipped into a clean pair of boxers and made his way downstairs, groaning when he found Danny and Lydia curled up on the couch watching the bloody Notebook. Danny looking far to happy for someone having to suffer through such utter crap. He replied to their good mornings with a grunt and made his way to the kitchen in need of coffee.

Coffee in hand he bypassed the couch in favour of the armchair. He made sure to keep his focus on the TV because he hated the jealous feeling he felt creeping up on him that he was the one left out. He wondered if this was what they meant by the three of them dating. Use him for sex and everything else they'd have each other. He had to admit if Danny wasn't gay Lydia would be perfect for him and vice versa.

"Jackson quite sulking and come here," Lydia said as she moved over giving him room to sit between them.

Jackson didn't move, despite wanting to. It was a problem he had always struggled with while dating Lydia. She always gave him the option and he always picked the one which left him less vulnerable, which more often than not was opposed to what he actually wanted.

"I'm fine." It came out as a grumble and he knew he was being more than a little petulant.

"Jackson. Ass. Here. Now." Danny said with a snap of his fingers. Jackson would be lying if he said he didn't find that tone more than a little arousing.

Jackson's body seemed to obey the order before him mind thought to much on it and he found himself sliding between Danny and Lydia on the couch. Danny immediately wrapped his arms around his shoulders and pulled him into his side while Lydia curled up wrapping her arms around his waist. He made sure to take a long sip of his coffee so that neither would catch his smile.

"This movie still sucks," Jackson pointed out as he threw his legs over Lydia's and got comfortable between his two favourite people.

Note: This story is done, hope you enjoyed it. Like I mentioned last chapter I posted my other two polyamorous fics. The Derek/Jackson/Danny fic is called Treaties. The plot is Jackson and Danny have a strong friendship that they cant pursue due to Jackson being promised to Derek Hale. The Jackson/Danny/Lydia fic is called Threesome and is very loosely based on a UK sitcom of the same name. Both fics are more plot driven than this one was. I also have a couple of new Jackson/Danny ones you can find under my stories on my author profile.

Treaties is a bit of a darker fic with mature themes while Threesome will have quite a bit of relationship angst.