Patricia was very excited tonight her and Joy were going stargazing.

The redhead walked downstairs to find her girlfriend.

"Hey Patricia you ready?"Joy asked as she walked by the staircase that Patricia walking down.

"Yeah,"Patricia replied.

"Alright let's go!"Joy cheered as she opened the door.

Patricia smiled and then followed Joy outside.

The night was beautiful it was a full moon and everything.

Patricia and Joy found a nice spot in the grass and laid down.

The two began looking at the stars.

"Hey Joy look there's a constellation that looks like a wolf,"Patricia added as she pointed to the stars.

"Your right,"Joy smirked.

Then the little brunette looked at the night sky and spotted another constellation.

"Hey Patricia that one looks like a fox,"Joy pointed out.

"Yeah it does,"Patricia replied.

"Thats cute the wolf and the fox,"Joy laughed.

"It sure is,"Patricia agreed.

"You know your kinda like a wolf in some ways,"Joy laughed.

"How?"Patricia asked.

"Well wolves are fearless and their bad ass like you,"Joy replied.

"I suppose your right but if I'm the wolf then you have to be my fox,"Patricia added.

"Sounds good,"Joy replied as she leaned over and kissed Patricia.

So.. I got this idea because I've seen a lot of Peddie multi chapter one-shot stories and I thought "Hey what the heck? I'll do one for Joy and Patrica" So I'm taking request for chapters in the future so if anyone has a request for a one-shot for this story please tell me in a review!^^ So yeah i'll update soon.