Missing Sidekick

Chapter 1

It was a dark, stormy night in the city of Gotham. Dr. Jonathan Crane, Scarecrow, was creeping through the alleys towards the narrows. The Scarecrow had been searching for a potential test patient for his fear toxin. As he was searching, a shadow flew over him. He then looked overhead to see Robin, the boy wonder.

'Good thing I ducked into these shadows.' Dr. Crane thought. As he was hiding he wondered 'What if I used the boy wonder as my new test patient? I could get my henchmen to set a trap for him!' He laughed evilly to himself as he walked back to his hideout.

(At the hideout, in the laboratory)

Dr. Crane was creating a stronger fear toxin for Robin. 'The Batman will not be able to stop me this time.' He thought as he perfected his toxin. He went upstairs to order his henchmen to be on the lookout for Robin. If seen, Robin would be shot with a tranquillizer dart and taken to Dr. Crane.

(In the narrows)

As his henchmen stalked through the narrows looking for Robin, they saw a silhouette of a woman walking from afar. One of the henchmen quickly snuck up behind the woman and grabbed her.

"Get off of me! " she screamed at him. Their plan was now in motion, all they had to do was wait for Robin to show up.

(A couple blocks away, on a rooftop)

"Help me, please!" a woman screamed in the distance.

"Hear that?" exclaimed Robin. "Sounds like hero time!"

"Your right, Robin. Take care of that and meet me back at the cave." said Batman.

"Got it!" said Robin as he jumped off the building and quickly grabbed his grappling hook to swing to the next building.

As he jumped from building to building he noticed the woman being held by thugs. He jumped down to the ground in front of them. He reached for his birdarang too late as one of the thugs shot his gun at him.

'Oh no, this isn't too good!' thought Robin as he pulled the dart out of his leg.

"Nighty night birdie!" laughed one of the thugs as he slipped into unconsciousness.

(At the hideout)

"Nice job!" Dr. Crane congratulated his henchmen. They took Robin down to the laboratory and strapped him into a chair. Dr. Crane slipped his mask on and became Scarecrow. Scarecrow smirked as Robin awoke.

"Ah, boy wonder your finally awake."

"What are you doing, Crane?!"

"Oh, Dr. Crane isn't here right now, it's only Scarecrow!" he growled.

"You can't hurt me Scarecrow, Batman will save me!" cried Robin.

"I don't think so he's probably off saving some cat in a tree!" Scarecrow shot back.

"No! He'll notice that I'm missing!" Robin shouted.

"He will notice, but he won't know where to look. Now lets continue with this experiment."

"Don't do this Scarecrow!"

"Who's going to stop me?!" He cackled as he plunged the syringe of fear toxin into Robin's arm. Robin thrashed around as images of his fears flashed through his mind.