A/N: Shouldn't have done this, but I couldn't stop myself. I've been writing this for awhile I guess. I had it lying around in my laptop and fixed it up some. I've already written more to go with this, since this is just a prologue. But I decided to see if I should I even bother to keep writing this.
And it is kinda random, the other chapters are a little better. But like I said I wrote this who knows when and I wasn't sure how to edit much without getting rid of the concept.

Hinata looked around the rumble of the scenery. A few feet away from her Sakura laid unconscious on the ground. She could see both Naruto and Sasuke standing in the ground between them and their attackers. They were fending off three missing nins. So Hinata used what strength she had to crawl towards Sakura, unable to stand due to a sharp pain from her leg.

"Hinata!" Her head turned seeing Sasuke screaming and coming towards her. She hadn't notice one of men slip between Naruto and Sasuke's defense. She confused as to why he was so frantic. She didn't have anytime to figure it out as a blow hit into the back of her skull and smacked her into the rumble on the ground. Everything went black, but she could still hear the one voice shouting her name.

Hinata could felt a sharp pain in her head, well not just there. Her entire body felt sore and broken. She could feel the various bandages wrapped around her leg, torso, and skull. With trepidation she slowly opened her eyes afraid of what she might see. She winced to the bright light of the room, but her eyes adjusted to see the white room, obviously of a hospital..., "Where am I?" She muttered.

"Hinata!" The loud, booming voice caused her to wince as the blond male came into her view. His face was very close to her own making her far too uncomfortable as he invaded her personal space.

"Ummm...Do I know you?" Hinata asked meekly as she looked at his bright orange attire. She felt bad as his face seemed to fall at her simply question.

He pulled away with a strange unreadable expression to her before screaming out once again, "Sakura! Sasuke!" She winced again at the loud noise feeling a pain her head.

"Naruto, shut up! Hinata needs to rest!" A pink haired woman ironically yelled as she entered the room.

"Yelling even more won't help the situation either." Sasuke commented as he followed behind her. He looked at Hinata who was starring at him. "What?" He raised a brow at her attention.

"Sasuke-kun, who are these two?" Hinata asked shyly. She had never spoken much to the man and ever time she was afraid of his mood and reaction he may make; even though he had never been angry or upset with her before.

"Hinata doesn't remember me or Sakura, but she remembers the teme!" Naruto screamed only to get hit by Sakura.

"It is probably just some amnesia, the guy did hit her across the head." Sasuke explained calmly as he walked towards the bed. He studied her expression closely seeing how her cheeks colored a light pink and how her head turned to the side away from him.

"Hinata, what do you remember?" Sakura asked calmly. She looked worried at the teammate they had known since childhood.

"Um...I don't know..." She answered unable to make eye contact. She felt like she was letting them down as they looked at her with pity.

"What is your name?" Sasuke questioned simply.

"Hinata Hyuga"

"How about your immediate family?" Sakura added.

"Ummmm..." Hinata felt terrible. She knew she had a family, she knew that she was a part of the large and remaining Konoha clan of Hyugas...But she couldn't remember a name of face of any of them.

"Do you remember what happened to you?" Sasuke asked, changing the question since he could see her discomfort.

Hinata looked up slightly, "Last thing I remember is Sasuke-kun running towards me" She answered simply. When she looked over to the loud pink and blond haired people she could notice how their eyes had widened.

"She remembers Sasuke." Both of them spoke turning their heads to Sasuke, who remained calm and uninterested about this fact. His attention focused to on the lost girl in silence.

A/N: So what ya think? Continue? Yes? No? Maybe? I need reviews!