A/N: Major announcement at the end! I'll see you all there![READ FIRST]

Sasuke regretted very few things in his life. One of those things being friends with Naruto, still trying to figure out how that one even happened. Another would be going on that date with Sakura. It did end up with her getting over her fantasy crush, but the waste of time and hearing damage were not at all worth it. An experience he would not wish on anyone. And now, agreeing to let Sakura host a birthday party for Hinata was one of them.

He had taken Hinata out for the day to their private area by the river. They spent a lot of time here and he wasn't really doing anything special, but they both enjoyed their time there. He had started training her in the basic techniques of a ninja that she vaguely was beginning to remember. All her talent was still there, she just needed help in learning how to use it again.

During this time Sakura had rampaged through his apartment, with Ino and TenTen, decorating the otherwise plain surrounding with bright colored streamers and balloons making it unrecognizable that Sasuke lived there. The rest of the guests arrived also while he and Hinata were away, so when they walked through the door confetti rained down on them. "Surprise!"

Sasuke shook his head running his hand through his hair to remove all the glittery pieces of paper. His eyes locking onto Sakura, whom seemed proud of her work. His eyes twitched. He wanted to yell at her, but he would have to come up with a reason to since he already agreed to have the party. He should have known that this would be the result.

"Sasuke?" Hinata gave him a nervous look. She had no idea about any of this. Sasuke didn't even know if she knew it was her birthday.

"It's a birthday party for you." He explained simply in a quiet voice so only she could hear.

"Oh." Hinata blushed with embarrassment. Obviously she had forgetten that detail as well. "Thank you." She said looking at the gathered group. Her voice soft and weak, but at least she was able to speak.

Looking around them room everyone they knew was there. Hinata's eyes caught sight of Kiba, he didn't look happy to be there. Her stomach dropped as she remembered what she had done. She took Sasuke's hand in her own keeping close to him as they moved through the crowd.

"Just how long is this going to be?" Sasuke questioned stopping in front of Sakura.

"Hmmm...I never really thought of a time. I guess people will just leave whenever." Sakura said. She looked at Hinata flashing a big smile. "Happy Birthday, we got you presents. And we can tell some stories, so maybe you'll start to remember more." Sakura wrapped an arm around Hinata guiding her away from Sasuke.

This was going to be a long night for both of them.

"OK, presents!" Sakura cheered. She sat Hinata down on the couch. She and Ino sitting next to her on her left and right side. While everyone else circled the area and the table with the pile of wrapped objects in varieties of paper.

"Hinata, everyone thought really hard about their gift. They all wanted it to be something special that might help you remember them." Sakura explained cautiously. Hinata had been handling everything well so far. But that did not mean it could not go wrong at any moment.

Hinata gave a small nod of understanding.

"Also we didn't put our names on the presents. We kinda wanna see if your memory will help you figure it out. But no worries if you don't." Ino explained further with a large eager smile.

Hinata nodded once again.

"Great. Let's do this one first." Sakura picked up a present with bright yellow wrapping paper.

Hinata slowly peeled it open not knowing what to expect. A fear and excitement running down her spine that made her nervous like when she saw her father on the street. She looked down at the ramen cup. She started at it unsure of what to think. Images of a ramen stand and sitting with Naruto popped into her mind. She looked at the blond man grinning from ear to ear as he usual would. Everyone else was looking at him as well, so it must have been obvious even to them that this gift was from him.

"Thank you, Naruto." Hinata smiled lightly. Glad that it was someone she actually knew rather than one of the people with strangely familiar features.

"OK, next!" Ino called turning away from the stupidity of the blond man. She set another present down in Hinata's hands taking the ramen and putting it separate from the unopened presents.

Hinata felt more confident now. She ripped the paper revealing the item within.

Hinata leaned into Sasuke body exhausted doing all she could to not shut her eyes and let sleep take her. The party had been going on for hours. Each gift she had opened gave her a small flash of memory of the person it was from, which was great, but with each memory her energy drained more.

Still there were certain things she wanted to do. She had to talk with Kiba and Sasuke, both of which had not given her a gift. She noticed Kiba moving towards the door. If he were about to leave then she did not have any choice, but to get this over with now. She got up giving Sasuke a small smile before she went over to the brown haired man.

"Kiba?" She said with slight nervous tone. She did not even remember how much he knew or how much he had learned. If he was not already upset with her than he would be soon. "Can we talk, privately?"

Kiba looked at her with cold eyes. He looked just as drained and tired as she was. He gave a small nod and they stepped out of the apartment into the cold night air. Kiba lead her in silence to a quieter area farther away so anyone stumbling out of the party would not interrupt their conversation.

She sat on the bench fiddling with her fingers. From the stories she heard she had done this habit a lot in her life it seemed appropriate for how she felt at this point, nervous and fearful. "I'm sorry." She said not even able to look at his face.

"I already knew..." Kiba stated. His voice sounding bitter and pained.

"You knew? How?! Did I tell you? Did my father?!" Hinata panicked. She looked up at him trying to force her own memory to give her the answers, but it continued to fail her.

"I kinda figured it out for myself. When you first moved in, you kept crying. It made sense for awhile, but at some point it seemed there was more than what you were telling me. Neji, started avoiding everyone and became a bigger prick. One day I went to Hiashi with the purpose of telling him off, but then he told me everything." Kiba kicked at the ground lightly, tossing a loss rock into a wall. "I never told you I knew. I just figured that if I tried hard enough then you would fall in love with me for real."

"Did I?" Hinata asked feeling her stomach sicken. She did not want to know the answer, but she needed it.

"You said you did, but you were lying. You aren't a very good liar. You were only ever in love with Sasuke, minus those years you had a major crush on Naruto." Kiba informed her.

"How did you know it was Sasuke?" Hinata pressed. She felt bad for asking these questions, but he was the only one who knew the answers to them.

"The way you smiled around him. Even when he was being the biggest prick to you there was still a smile on your face. You forgave him so easily. I still haven't forgiven him for all the crap he did." Kiba explained.

"How do you that means I love him?" Hinata questioned. She professed her love for Sasuke so easily when her memory disappeared she never thought to question it until now.

"Because those are just a few things I did because of you. I did not care that you were using me just to go with your father's plan to free you from being the heiress. I was happy to do it. I always tried to get you to notice me. I love you, Hinata." Kiba stated.

"I'm sorry." Hinata answered. She felt horrible, but she loved Sasuke. Only Sasuke.

Kiba gave her a gentle smile. "I'm sorry too. Happy Birthday." He reached into his pocket holding out to her a small wrapped box.

She gentle took the item wrapping the box and opening it to see the bracelet inside with a small heart shaped charm engraved with the words, 'Only One'. Tears sprung from her eyes as she held the item. Putting a hand over her mouth as she choked on the sobs building in her throat. Kiba sat next to her pulling into a hug for comfort until she could finally calm herself.

Sasuke tapped his foot in impatience. Since Hinata had left with Kiba; He had kicked Rock Lee and Gai out, Neji and Tenten left with them to make sure they didn't kick each other; Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji leaving just soon enough that Chouji did not try to eat them out of house and home, they probably were at a barbeque; He had beat Naruto half to death for eating the cup of ramen he had given Hinata, with extra force for giving such an obvious and stupid gift; Sakura, drunk as hell, went around asking for kisses from anyone willing to give them, finally Kakashi got off his lazy ass taking both Sakura and Naruto; Lastly,Shino had taken Kurenai home and he was finally alone.

He had thought that being alone would be better, but all he could think of is what Hinata and Kiba could be doing. Was he taking advantage of her? Telling her false memories to make her believe she loved him rather Sasuke? He cursed beneath his breath. Looking down at the rectangular present that had yet to be opened.

He could hear foot steps outside the door. He looked over as Hinata walked in alone. She sniffled lightly and he could see a redness to her complexion, smears in the make-up Sakura and Ino had applied, in her hands a small box and on her wrist an unfamiliar bracelet. He stood from his seat passing her to look outside seeing no sign of Kiba. Not sure whether he wanted to run after Kiba for making her cry, giving her a bracelet, or not walking her to the door; All seemed like reasons to rip out his throat.

"Sasuke, is this for me?" Hinata asked creating a distraction that would save Kiba's life.

Sasuke slammed the door turning around to see Hinata in the seat he had just been at looking at the present. He trudged over to her side shuffling his feet trying to regain his calm. "Yeah." He said sitting down.

Hinata smiled. She picked up the give. Delicately peeling the tape back. Pulling the framed picture from the in-tact wrapping. "This picture..." Her voice trailed off as she looked at the image.

"It's from when we were kids, I think before my clan died. But that's you and me...kissing." Sasuke said unable to stop the blush from rising to his cheeks.

Hinata smiled as she looked at the image. She ran her fingers over the glass tracing the cracks of age on the picture. It would be guessed that any two children kissing at such a young age were probably just playing around or had been dared by someone to do it. But there was more than that even without her memory she was certain...Even back then they new they were the only ones for each other.

She would never forget that.

A/N: THIS STORY IS OVER! I thought before it would be a little bit longer. But I feel that this is a good stop, corny ending and all! Sorry if you don't like it, but I have tons of other stories both SasuHina and not. I need to pick up on my other SasuHina, 'Knowing Her' and finish that one. I will never be gone from doing SasuHina stories. This is in my top 5 favorite pairings of all time, so you'll see my stories around.