AN: This is my first fruit basket fan fiction. I've always found the first episode more emotional but I'd like to add some funny parts to it and entwine my own plot line. I can't wait to write the next chapter when Kyo shows up (which is way more funny). I'm planning on updating on every wensday but I'll see how that turns out. Enjoy! And don't forget to review! It means a lot to me. x3

Disclaimer: I do not own fruit baskets. Solely my own added plot lines or story ideas within and Ankou Scythe Sohma.

I kept running. I had no clue what I was running from but I knew I couldn't stop running or else. Twigs and old pine needles snapped under my sneakers as I avoided branch after branch. Then I was falling, I stretched my arms out in front of me to protect my face but nothing was there. Twisting and turning I saw a pair of golden eyes through the bush, "You can't hide from me," The voice echoed around me as my screams echoed in my ears.

I woke up with a start. Just another bad dream. Sighing I made my way towards the bathroom. Looking in the mirror I was glad to see the same chocolate brown eyes staring back at me in relief. Finger brushing my blue-black hair into a ponytail I grabbed my school uniform, which I quickly changed into before heading down stairs.

"What a mess," Yuki Sohma commented.

Yes it is, I thought as I leaned into the refrigerator. Shuffling around old fast food boxes, I quickly found the jug of milk I was looking for. Yuki was already dressed in his uniform; his gray hair framed his purple eyes, "Has anyone ever died of a messy kitchen?" I asked, "I hope not," Yuki chuckled before eyeing the best escape root to the laundry room. Not that it would do him any good considering the laundry room was full of useless junk also.

My name is Ankou Scythes Sohma. I'd been living with my cousins for the past month. It's my first and longest time I've been out of the main house. Before then I was kept in secret from the rest of the family because of what I am. I've only met Hatori from the main house who was the family doctor but I've been told that the family is made up of twelve people, all under the same curse as me.

"Ankou?" Yuki looked concerned, "Eh? Oh it's nothing just thinking,"

Shutting the fridge door, I shivered. Adding the now empty milk jug to the mountain of garbage. Yes, a mountain of garbage. It's gotten so bad you could hardly see the other side of the room. You see Yuki and I can't clean. There were always housekeepers at the main house so I never got the chance to learn. And the guy who actually owns the house, Shigure, is a writer and likes to think of the mess as a 'shrine' to creativity. Yuki says he's just making excuses for his own laziness. He usually wears traditional clothes and leaves his messy black hair alone which goes surprising well with his deep brown eyes. Not that I have noticed, you just wouldn't think he would end up very attractive. Wait- did I call Shigure attractive? Okay, something is definitely wrong with me.

"Oh my, how rare, a High school girl here?" Shigures' voice travelled throughout the house. I wouldn't say Shigure and Yuki are complete opposites but there are not many similarities between the two. Yuki is the perfect gentlemen, polite, outgoing and perfect manners. Whereas Shigure was more perverted, messy and mostly annoying at the best of times. They are the closest thing I've had too family all my life. The head of our family, Akito, is my Godfather and when my parents were killed he took me in under his wing.

Shaking myself back out of my thoughts I grabbed my messenger bag to join Yuki to see what Shigure was up to. That was the second time I blanked out. I had to be more careful.

"You were born in the year of the dog? I knew there was something I liked about you besides your pretty face,' Standing in front of the porch was a girl I recognized from my homeroom class as Tohru. I didn't really know her personally but I've met one of her Yankee friends Uo. I watched as Yuki smacked Shigure with his messenger bag, "Please forgive my cousin Miss Honda he's a bit of a flirt but in general he's harmless it's best just to ignore him and pretend he's not there," Yuki grinned at his own joke.

Tohru known also as Miss Honda looked taken aback by Yuki. Sitting on the edge of the deck I let my legs hang down lifeless, meanwhile Shigure was nursing his head injury. "What do you have in that bag, a dictionary?" he mumbled, "No, I have two of them," Yuki replied looking smug.

Chuckling I watched Tohru as her expression kept changing. "So your one of Yuki and Ankous' class mates?" Shigure said ever the conversation starter. "Lets start again. I'm Shigure, Yukis' older, and much less violent cousin," he introduced himself lifting his hand mid speech, "My names Ankou Scythe Sohma it's a pleasure to meat you Tohru," "Oh no! The pleasures mine!" She said smiling.

"So what brings you to our home Miss Honda?" Yuki asked, "Well… You know I live … near by…" She stumbled over her words, "Huh? Where at?" Yuki asked politely, "Right. Eh… I should be going it was nice-" "Hey Miss Honda since your already here would you like to walk with us?" Yuki asked, "Awesome! Now I'll have another person to talk to," I chimed in. "Oh … O-Okay-y," Tohru stammered, Grabbing onto Yukis sleeve I tugged him forward. Slowly we made our way towards schools. I tried to make chit chat with Tohru but it soon died off into comfortable silence.

Following Yuki towards class I realized I had once again forgotten my notebook. By the time I took my usual seat in the back of the classroom next to the window it had already felt as if the whole day had gone by. Lunch was spent once again on the rooftop since Yukis' fans invaded our space so we had to make a run for it. I listened and nodded when Yuki finished talking adding my opinion here and there as we talked. The day felt like it would never end. My best friend Izzy was on vacation, which meant I was on my own.

When the bell rang for the end of the day I swung my messenger bag over my shoulder and speed walked towards the classroom door. My last class was art since Yuki had a student council meeting it looked like I was going to be walking home again by myself. Since the house was on the outskirts of town I had to walk through many small mall strips. As I was walking by the stores I would occasionally stop and window shop.

Swiping my hair out of my eyes I leaned towards the glass window into the bookshop. Suddenly I was shoved side ways, I caught my balance before I could completely fall over. "Hey… Are you okay?" I asked as I steadied the little boy who had run into me. "Why didn't I change?" He mumbled looked confused. "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. My names Momoji Sohma and this is Hatsuharu-kun. What's your name?" Smiling he twirled around as he introduced himself then pointed behind him towards who I guessed was Hatsuharu.

They made an odd pair. Momoji had blonde hair which stuck out under his beanie hat and was wearing an outfit which had little bunnies imprinted on the sleeves. And Hatsuharu was wearing a long coat, lots of jewelry and his hair was odd, it was half white layered into black.

"You're a Sohma?" I asked my eyes widening. "Yup!" Momoji laughed. I looked up towards Hatsuharu he looked like he was off in space staring into the crowds of people. He seemed almost bored, he's necklaces chimed as he turned his attention back towards Momoji and me. "What's your name?" Momoji asked again "Um… Ankou… Ankou Scythe Sohma…" I turned towards the bookstore staring blankly at the book I had been looking at before Momoji had run into me. When I turned back Momoji and Hatsuharu stared almost in shock

"So then you're a Sohma too," he said "That makes sense, that's why I didn't change into a bunny when I ran into," he beamed "But why haven't I seen you before?" "I used to live in the main house by myself but now I live with Shigure and Yuki. This is my first time meeting any other Sohmas'," I confessed kicking at a rock on the sidewalk.

Before they could answer a large streak of thunder sounded. "I have to go, it was nice meeting you two!" I called before mustering a small smile and started running towards the forest path trying to disappear in the crowd. 'I must seem like a rude idiot,' I thought as the grey clouds rolled in. 'No wonder I don't have any friends,' By the time I had made it back to the house (after getting lost at least three times and having to re-trace my steps) I was drenched from head to toe. I was sure my notebooks were ruined.

"I'm home!" I called slipping off my sneakers, which made sloshing noises. Shigure appeared in the doorway. "Your home!" he cried clapping his hands together. "Even Yuki is home we were so worried," he pretended to swoon. Smiling I stuck out my tongue I thought I might as well play along. "Is Anko-" Yuki looked at my outfit "Its raining," I stated Nodding Yuki disappeared before returning with a towel. "Shame on you letting her freeze," Yuki, scolded Shigure. Slugging my way upstairs I left Shigure and Yuki to battle it out before finding something clean to wear.

"Phew, if we keep eating out like this I'm going to have to buy another robe," Shigure stated. We were walking back from eating dinner at the local restaurant again. "I can't believe we were able to afford so much fish!" I beamed as I held onto my left over container. I felt my cat ears showing but I didn't care. "Well then why don't you do the cooking?" Yuki asked over my giddiness "Fish, fish, fish, fish..." I sang skipping like a three year old. "Why? Because every time I make dinner you complain," Shigure chuckled "Ankou doesn't mind," "Pickled radish, curry and fried fish is not dinner. Ankou only eats the fish, its and that's disgusting when you burn it. I think one complaint is more of less justified," "You know Yuki you got a good head on your shoulders but I just don't think your cut out to do house work," Shigure pointed out, "I used to do the house work," I decided to join the conversation dropping out of my happy mood for a while. "Yes but you used the washing machine detergent for the dishes," Yuki dead panned, "We all got sick for at least two weeks," "Yes, but the dishes were clean," I grinned.

"Wait hold up," Yuki stopped walking looking to his left. Shigure and I turned around looking towards the valley Yuki pointed towards a teenage girl was walking into a yellow tent. "Tohru?" I asked brows furrowed. Tohru crawled out of her tent looking exhausted. She looked up towards us as we stared dumbfounded right back at her. She looked like a deer caught in a set of headlights. Shigure doubled over bursting out in hysterical laughter while pointing. "Shigure don't you think your over doing it?" Yuki asked, Bending down I held my package in one hand and reached out with my other. Tohru took my hand, after helping her stand up I smacked Shigure over the head with my fried fish. Who subsided to hysterically high-pitched giggles.

"So you've been living in that tent by yourself?" Yuki asked "Uh-huh," Tohru muttered keeping her head held low in embarrassment. "For how long?" I asked "Just over a week," she replied slightly lifting her head when I spoke. "Oh well that explains it all this land is Sohma property it seemed odd we suddenly had a new neighbor," Yuki continued ignoring Shigures laughter. "I'm sorry, but I only need to stay for a couple more weeks. I don't have much money but I can pay you. Please let me stay," she begged her shoulders shaking the slightest bit. "Those woods aren't that safe, we've got wild animals, bugs, landslides and the occasional weirdo prowling around. Its not a good idea for a girl to be living out there alone," Shigure stopped laughing and became serious once again. "So you're done laughing now?" Yuki asked,

"Don't you worry about me! I'm already used to the bugs and if I can stand up to them I can stand up to- uh…" Tohru jumped to her feet just to half faint falling back to her knees. "Miss Honda?!" Yuki cried checking her temperature. "Ice! Ice! I'll get ice!" Shigure opened the sliding doors sweat drooping at the mess. "And you call the woods unsafe?" Tohru asked looking at our mountain. "Well relatively speaking," Shigure said lifting his finger.

"We have some ice packs in the fridge, I'll find them," I said "If I'm not back in half-an hour…" "I'll save you!" Shigure yelled. Rolling my eyes I started to move frying pans and pots out of my way. Shigure stood up straight as a wild dog howled in the distance. "Do you hear that? There's just been another land slide somewhere," Shigure whispered, "Really how do you know that?" Tohru asked, "I guess you could say its instinct," He chuckled "No he's a wolf whisperer!" I yelled as I kicked another box of old shoes over. " Was it close?" Yuki asked, "Yeah close to the tent... I mean not at all!" Shigure sang looking at Tohru.

"," Tohru gasped as we neared where we found her tent. When Shigure said the landslide was close to the tent I didn't know he meant that close. "Oh this is terrible! Moms picture was still in there I've got to get her out!" She panicked clawing at the close mud, "Please calm down you already have a fever," Yuki soothed, "But- mom…" She mumbled, "Don't strain yourself we'll come back when it's brighter. Your moms probably glad it wasn't you in there, I think she'd be more upset if you got hurt. Wouldn't you think?" He said looking at Tohru. Yuki stepped back to stand beside me. "I feel so useless, even Shigure can comfort her and all I can do is stand here and feel bad for her," Sighing I looked towards the clear sky.

"I can't believe we still can't find the ice…" I muttered, Yuki nodded, "We could always make some," "True. Here you keep looking and I'll go see if I can find her something to drink," Grabbing a cup from the cupboard I turned the tap to cold and waited until it was freezing before filling the cup. I heard Tohru talking and stopped in the doorway. "I have to hold that diploma in my hand… so I can't loose to a small fever…" She trailed off. I sat beside her makeshift bed leaning against the wall as I set the glass onto floor.

"Its amazing. She always seemed so cheerful at school; you'd never guess she'd been suffering like this for so long. When I was young there were so many times I wanted to run away from Sohma house. But I could always find some rationalization to stay. The fact of the matter is I just wasn't strong enough or I could've left. I could've lived in the woods by myself in a tent. I could've done what she did but I didn't," The corner of Yukis mouth twitched in a smile.

"You can call it amazing but I don't think the word does it justice," Shigure stated, "No, no it doesn't," Yuki replied, "She sure is something, loosing a parent is never easy," I whispered, I clenched my fists before standing up. "I'm going out for a while," Yuki said, "What? Where? Your not going to try to undig that tent, are you? At least alone," "I didn't think I said I was going to be alone," Yuki said his eyes glowing, "Be safe, Yuki," Shigure murmured, "I'm going to," I whispered, "Even with the help, you'll all need help," Passing Yuki in the hallway we made eye contact, nodding he followed me.

Stumbling back to the house I set the photo of Tohrus' mother next to her. So she would see it when she woke up. Reaching I took the clothe from her forehead to cool it off again under cold water. 'Why is it that so much pain can be turned against someone so naïve?' I thought as I sat back against the wall once again leaning my head against the side table. The wood felt amazing against my skin as I drifted off into a deep sleep completely forgetting about my thoughts or Tohru or where I was.

AN: YAY! First chapter is done! Thanks for reading if you've made it this far. Reviews would be awesome. I'm going to try to write around three thousand words per chapter. I was going to continue to write this until the episode ended. But I thought this was a better ending. What do you guys think? A good kick off? Or am I just hopeless at writing? Promise to update soon!

^~^ Illusia x3