All mistakes are mine

Chapter Two

A couple of hours later Finn felt Rachel stir beside him. He opened his eyes and looked down at her, smiling as he spotted her trying to get her hair out of her face. He let out a slight chuckled and moved his hand to help her. She let a small giggle escape her and Finn felt his heart flutter at the sound. He had missed that giggle so much. His hand lingered behind her ear and both of them didn't move an inch. For a moment they just stared into each others eyes. It was Rachel who broke the gaze as she felt something buzzing beneath her. She moved and picked up Finn's phone, looking at the screen before handing it to him.

"It's your mom," she whispered as he took it and accepted the call. Rachel watched him as he got up and started to pace around the room, burying herself under the sheets again to shield herself from the cold air. She felt a lot warmer, but still not warm enough. Which was weird since Finn looked like he had sweat the entire time. His shirt was soaked and his forehead was glistening.

"Sorry about that...," he mumbled and sat down on the bed again, tugging at his shirt .

"Why are you hot? I am freezing." She said and sat up a little.

"It's hot in here Rachel. Mom said you'd feel cold altho it's like Florida during the summer in here. Which reminds me, she wants me to check your temperature." He took the thermometer and stuck into her mouth, pushing her down so she was laying again.

"My mom talked to your dad. He was worried sick. He said you can stay here. Tomorrow morning after my mom's night shift ends she'll pick you up to go to your house to get some stuff and if you want to she'll take you to the hospital to go see your dads." He smiled a little and brushed his hands against her forehead, taking the thermometer out of her mouth.

"Are you coming with me?" She whispered and pulled her knees up to her chest. Finn shook his head no as he grabbed his phone to text his mother, looking up at her.

"I have Glee practice so I cannot come. I will have to attend, cause you know my mom said so and Mr Shue would be pissed if I miss it. By the way if you want me to, I'll let the glee kids know about yo..." He tried to finish but Rachel cut him off mid sentence.

"No...I don't want them to know just yet. If they ask why I am not around, just tell them I have tonsillitis again. I don't wanna deal with anyone's pity. They're not my friends." She said sharply as her red and puffy eyes filled with tears yet again. Rachel flinched a little as Finn put his hand on her shoulder, looking at him as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Don't," she whispered and buried her face in her knees.

" know they're your friends...They love you and care about you." Finn tried to convince her, but she just raised her head and moved away.

"You think they love me? Sure...They don't even LIKE me. Until Sectionals they at least valued my talent, but as you can see, they don't even need me for that anymore. Santana, Quinn and Brittany are constantly out to get me. They hate me. Tina is too wrapped up with Mike to care and Mercedes hates my guts. Puck is Puck. He seems to be the only one to actually cares a little about how I feel, but he cannot stand me for too long either." She ranted, slowly panting. Finn moved towards her and tried to speak, but Rachel shushed him and shook her head.

"I hurt you Finn...I get that...but you hurt me too. I don't need your pity. The only people on this planet who love me unconditionally are my dads. I always thought you'd be the same, but I guess I was wrong. I lost you, I hurt you and now I am going to lose my daddy as well and in a blink of time I'll be all alone." Sobs escaped her body and she got up and ran out of the room into the bathroom, locking herself in. Finn immediately jumped up and followed her, banging his fist against the door.

" up...please..." he begged and kept hitting the door. Rachel ignored him, sitting on the toilet with her knees tucked underneath her chin. She noticed her body trembling a little and cursed herself, rocking slightly back and forth while tears kept falling down her cheeks.

"Leave me alone." She said and rubbed her face against her arms, letting out a long sigh. She heard the banging getting fainter until it completely stopped. She moved her head up and heard a soft thump against the door, not knowing Finn slid down the length of the door and was now sitting against it.

"Rachel. You may or may not believe it, but I am not pitying you. I, of all people, actually understand how you feel. I grew up with only a mother. I never knew my father unlike you, so losing him must be a hundred times worse. I don't want to give you pity, but if something happens, I wanna be there to help you deal with it. I know Kurt will be there as well. He lost his Mom when he was younger. I know you're strong most of the time, but even you need to accept the fact that you cannot be strong all the time. I wanna be there for you. I need to make sure you're okay. We may not be together anymore, but I still care about you and fact is you're my friend." Finn let out a deep sigh and tilted his head back in frustration. Seeing Rachel so vulnerable and broken showed him once more he wasn't over her. It showed him that he needed her and he needed to be there for her to make sure she was okay. She kissed Puck and hurt him, but he needed to put his feelings aside for a moment. Truth was, he missed her like crazy. As his girlfriend, but even more as his friend.

" the must be freezing..." he whispered and rubbed his face. His heart made a jump as he heard Rachel move around and unlock the door. He got up on his feet immediately and towered over her, opening his arms as he saw her shivering.

"Come here..." he mumbled and wrapped his arms tightly around her as she buried herself in his embrace.

"Thank you..." Her voice was muffled and low, but Finn caught what she said and smiled a little. He shifted and led her back to the room, motioning her to lay down on the bed to tuck her in.

"Catch some more sleep." She smiled and snuggled deeper into the sheets and blankets, closing her eyes. He watched her as she fell asleep once again, his heart fluttering a little.


The next morning Rachel got up and felt already a lot better. She noticed a slight sweat on her forehead and smiled, stretching her muscles. She inhaled deeply, noticing that the hoodie she was wearing still smelled like Finn. She smiled as she got out of bed and made her way downstairs. The smell of pancakes filled her nostrils and she felt her stomach growl in response.

"Good Morning," Finn greeted her, balancing a pan and a plate in his hands. She flashed him a tiny smile as she noticed a little flour on his nose, walking over to the table.

"Morning Finn." She sat down and looked at it, discovering a plate filled with fruits and pancakes, a bowl of cereals and a jug of orange juice.

"I made some vegan pancakes...with the help of Burt. I am not sure if they're okay, so I cut up some fruits too." He smiled his half smile and put some pancakes on her plate. Rachel felt her eyes fill with tears again. This time out of joy.

"That's very thoughtful of you, Finn...thank you." She whispered and grabbed a fork, taking a bite of the pancake on her plate. She made a face as she chewed, scrunching up her nose. Finn started to laugh and grabbed the plate, tossing the pancakes into the trashcan.

"You may eat the fruits only." He chuckled and grabbed his cereal, almost chugging them down in one bite. Rachel giggled and nodded her head, eating the fruits as she watched Finn. The two of them sat in silence until Rachel heard the front door open and Carole come inside.

"Hey there...," she yawned and put her stuff away, stopping dead in her tracks.

"What the heck happened here?" She asked in shock as she noticed flour all over the floor, pans and plates stacked in the sink. Her jaw dropped and she rolled her eyes.

"I made Rachel breakfast..." Finn shrugged and immediately got up t puto his bowl away and wipe the flour off the ground. Rachel bit her lower lip as she saw Carole's eyebrows shoot up in disbelieve.

"You want to tell me you actually got up before 8 am to cook?" Finn's head shot up with a sheepish smile.

"Rachel needs all her strength and stuff. Plus, I couldn't sleep. The bed in the guest room is uncomfortable and in my room it was like a sauna." He shrugged his shoulders and kept cleaning until Carole walked over and stopped him.

"How about you two go take a shower while I finish up here. Than you get to practise while I drive with Rachel over to her house to pick up some stuff and take her to the hospital afterwards?" Rachel's eyebrow raised and she shook her head.

"No, Mrs Hummel..I just came home from your night shift. You must be exhausted...I can to..." Rachel tried to say but Carole cut her off.

"Sweetie, don't worry. I slept a little during my shift. Plus, I won't allow you to go out there all alone. I'm fine really." She smiled and walked over to her. Rachel got up immediately and looked at her for a second, opening her arms to wrap them around her.

"Thank much," she whispered and felt Carole squeeze her slightly, placing a kiss on the side of her head.

"You're welcome. How about you finish your fruits while I go get your stuff? You can shower at home and slip into something more comfortable." Rachel nodded and sat down at the table again, picking up her fork to finish her breakfast. Finn grinned at them and followed his Mom upstairs.

"How is her dad, mom?" He asked as he grabbed some clean clothes. Carol let out a long sigh and turned to look at her son.

"Not good sweetie. He's in a coma and no one knows when and if he'll wake up again. There is a lump in his lung as well. It's cancer." She smiled sadly and Finn looked at her.

"Well if it's cancer, they can give him like chemo can't they? That's what they did with Aunt Anna when she had breast cancer." He said with confidence, his small faltering as his mom shook her head.

"It's not that simple. Lung cancer is only treatable when it's in an early stadium. They can take out the lung that's affected and receive chemo to prevent it from coming back, but if it's passed the second stadium or has spread, he's gonna die from it." Finn stared at his mother as she spoke, feeling like time slowed down around him.

"Bu-bu-but...I mean...does Rachel know that?" He said and Carol shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know how much she knows, but I think for now she shouldn't know. It's already tough in her, let's not make it worse." Finn nodded his head and took a step towards his mother, kissing her cheek before walking into the bathroom to shower. He couldn't believe what he just heard. He just knew her dad had to fight. He couldn't leave her alone.