AN: hey let's do this!

Disclaimer: I don't own Mai-hime.

Warnings: *Futanari warning*



Shizuru looked onwards as the meeting was going. For the fourth time within the week her patience wearing thin at the two figures before her. With her mind on her pregnant wife and the possibilities that were negative nothing seemed to please the Fujino.

"I see that you still refuse to make us apart of this board Shizuru," explained Kanami with a small scowl.

"As I have said before I will not allow you two on this board your methods are quite displeasing towards the company. This charade is becoming very boring for the simple fact that you do not see business as we do."

"Really now speaking of charades how is your wife?" The whole table cringed in shock and fear as the head Fujino slammed her hand busting the glassed water under her. In fury she stood up and walked over towards the wall phone that laid idly in its wake. Smirking and getting up Kanami stood from her chair.

"Don't worry I know when to leave, but know this I will get you to merge with us." Looking with a scowl the Fujino spoke with words of fury her anger keen with poison.

"You will not join this company and if you come anywhere near my wife or family. I'm going to merge your body to the bottom of the ocean is that clear."

"We will see," commented the evil intentioned woman before leaving. After she left the rest of the board looked on the air in the room still stiff with anger Shizuru called it quits. Knowing that this was not how she conducted business, she cleared her voice before speaking once again towards the board members.

"I'm sorry for my rudeness this meeting will adjourn until next week."

With that the room cleared its self. Knowing that she had failed at today's meeting Shizuru loosened her tie, before leaning back in her chair. Since the birth of her assistant's son nothing but fear plagued the tawny-haired Fujino. Never before had her soul felt so cold and void of warmth it had been a week since she last saw her pregnant lover. Submersing herself in work that did not need to be tampered with, Shizuru opened herself to more meetings.

With the knowledge that something was amiss, she looked warily towards the phone that seemed to be calling to her. Picking up the phone she decided to dial the only number that could help her.

Natsuki looked at the smiling baby in her arms hoping to make her wife proud she hoped to give the child within her womb the same happiness. Holding on to the dream that she and her wife created her heart held fast before her minds inner thoughts of her missing wife.

"No word from Shizuru?"

Taking the baby and slowly sitting down on the carpeted floor. Natsuki handed the small bundle towards his mother who was presently on the floor as well.

"I don't know what's wrong I mean we had an argument and I told her I was pregnant and she was happy. But, it just seems that ever since Hiro was born she has been distant I call her work and her secretary says she's away at a meeting. Then I dial her personal office number and it just rings and my first appointment is this weekend and it's already Friday."

Watching the baby smile within his mother's arms, Natsuki smiled at the bonding that the mother and child were displaying. Wishing the same for the child within her womb her mind wondered to her lover, but she quickly centered her conversation towards the woman before her.

"Well has Shizuru came and picked up any clothes or supply's?"

"No and the money in our account hasn't been touched ether and I know Shizuru if she's not eating something is wrong. As well she's has some clothes in the office where she works as well as a private bathroom and shower for her overnight assignments."

"Well if I have to say something she's having the daddy blues," spoke a familiar voice. Turning around Natsuki looked to see Chie with bags in hand as well as a box of diapers.

"Daddy blues…"

"Yeah daddy blues it's something that everyone goes though once having there first. They say the more you have children the more it goes away."

"Natsuki have you taken any other considerations to why Shizuru is acting this way?" Looking at her heads below her she shook her head knowing the reason why, but in her heart she was hoping her reason wasn't true.

"I think it has something to do with her condition and the baby."

"Just as a god send the phone rung looking at the familiar number Natsuki answered the phone.

"Hello Natsuki…"

"Hey Youko don't worry I remember the appointment for tomorrow," said Natsuki with a smile.

"I'm sure you do, but I want you down here for another reason how fast can you get downtown?"

"I can get there in about twenty minutes why?"

"Well I'm going to need you down here it's about Shizuru," spoke the doctor in a wary tone. Without a word the woman stood and left leaving the new family towards there devices.

Shizuru sat back in the waiting chair in the Tokyo branch of Tokyo research center, knowing that she was the only patient she read her magazine peacefully. She was now out of her stuffy suit she wore her standard blue jeans as along with a green button up with the sleeves rolled up around her muscular forearms. Looking at the magazine before her she couldn't process any words as she thought to her wife and unborn. Shizuru knew that her nervousness was starting to form into fear, the tawny-haired father-to-be kept quiet for the rest of the wait.


Looking up her crimson-eyes saw a younger woman in her mid-twenties with a smile plastered on her face. Shizuru looked up to her and stood simply towering over the woman. Looking nervously at the futanari's large appearance Shizuru smiled peacefully putting the woman's fears at ease.

"Doctor Youko will see you now room 208."

Once in the room Shizuru could smell the disinfectant within the room. Knowing that the smile annoyed her nostrils Youko looked with a smile before shaking her head.

"Don't worry you'll be outta here in a minute and as I seem to recall you called me. So what are you here for today is it what we talked about on the phone?"

"Yes it is look I know that Natsuki and I are supposed to be here for the appointment, but am…"

"You're terrified at least that's what you told me on the phone. Can you tell me why you're terrified," said Youko before sitting down. As if to take a deep breath of air Shizuru spoke her emotions pooling out like wildfire.

"Look at me I'm a freak! I was blessed by kami I was able have Natsuki as my wife. But, I mean I'm in no position to hurt Natsuki ether!"

"What do you mean hurt Natsuki like as in how?"

Rubbing her blonde haired peach fuzz chin that seemed to have grown she licked her lips nervously. Without a second thought soon a damn of tears broke out of there steed.

"Look at me Youko I'm a freak and my child is going to hate me because of that! The only reason why people don't notice is because of the money and power of the Fujino clan! Natsuki doesn't know it but sometimes I stay awake at night just thinking if something goes wrong then it's my fault no one else's but mine! That's why I just have to…"

"Stay away…"

Shizuru looked over towards the voice that she knew all too well, stepping from behind the supply closet door cobalt-hair came into view. Crimson-eyes looked into hurt tearful emeralds, taking this as a sign to leave Youko stepped outside without a word.


"So that's it hmm…you get me pregnant and then you act like this!"

"Natsuki…I…can explain…"

"What's there to explain huh? Is it the fact that you avoided me like the plague for the last week. Or is it the fact that you're still having doubts about yourself and how much I and this baby love you!"

Shizuru could do nothing but sit and take the mental beat down that her wife was giving her. Knowing that she deserved everything that she got she could do nothing but listen, but the anger at herself boiled.

"What is it that you have to say Shizuru?"

"Your right Natsuki I'm having doubts about myself and you know what I hate myself every waking moment I look at your belly! I know I wanted this but I'm so scared Natsuki I know our child is going to hate me if anything happens…I'm j-just so scared. I don't what our child to be like me a freak."

Natsuki's emeralds watched as her wife fell to her knees in tears her own cheeks now filled with tears Natsuki walked towards her wife. Shizuru's strong arms that were now weakened by her tears circled themselves around her lover's waist. Petting her lovers head as well as letting her tears fall Natsuki's heart ached in pain at her soul mates demise.

AN: Hey folks I felt some inspiration and I hope you liked this chapter read and review.

Preview: "So what do you two plan on doing? I do know of a lovely therapist that can help you two if you're interested."
