With My Little Eye Chapter 2 by Yinx1

Sam walked out of the hotel just as the first police vehicle pulled up. Pulling the collar of his black leather jacket up further he moved with the crowd down the busy Dubai street. Iris was right he was stupid living in an eight hundred a night room was asking to be found and he had caused that man's death. James York. He had returned to the room to wipe the place down of his presence. James was a retiree in town for his daughter's wedding he had learned from the documents in his traveling case. Sam had broken down at that time thinking on the fore long suffering he had caused York's family. He sniffed thinking about the daughter's reaction to the news; how much heartbrokenness would be felt on the happiest day of her life. Sam pushed the thoughts out of his mind with a shudder, tried to at least. The only thing good is that he was sure Iris' crew had scattered the security system so he wasn't going to be identified by the hotel cameras.

Sam blinked rapidly as his emotions began to get the best of him. Besides James, she was the only person he ever cared about that he had to kill. Sure had only met and known James the better half of five minutes, but he was an innocent and so was she. She didn't deserve to be taken out like that.

Spotting a local cafe he favored, Sam bought a triple shot espresso latte and a bowl of chicken marsala. He sat at a back booth so he could see the door; if there was any trouble. He knew there wouldn't be; she told him to disappear, which meant he had about three days to breathe. Still he kept a wary eye on the door.

Mercedes stared at her mirrored compact. Opening it, things weren't as they appeared. At the base where the powder should have been was a digital line map of the world. Her finger scrolled the touch screen until she saw a tiny lime green dot on the inlet of Dubai. She pressed it. On the mirror side of the compact the world disappeared narrowing down to street all the way to a tiny cafe.

She watched the dot leave the cafe making its way southwest along an alley. Mercedes sighed, why couldn't things be simplershe thought closing the compact and placing it back into her purse.

The luxury black town car with blackout windows pulled onto the tar mat as a large private jet started its engines. Mercedes got out and hurried up the steps just as the door closed. Take off was almost nonexistent with the state of the art plane it was more like a helicopter. Once inside she headed straight for one of the many personal rooms, passing by many burly men and women, in everyday wear, standing at the ready.

She opened the door not even shock at the sight. He was already at it grinding his tan hips into a small thing that Mercedes was sure had less than a week to live. The girl gasped her young face redden with embarrassment trying to cover herself up.

"Relax Iris likes to watch," he smirked at the young girl as his hazel eyes winked at Mercedes.

Shaking her head, "Not today, Puckerman, so hurry up and finish," Mercedes collapsed into a nearby pewter leather arm chair. She took off her heels.

Puck raised an eyebrow as he began thrusting again into the young woman. "You know better than anyone that I can't just speed up my loved making." Mercedes rolled her eyes at him standing to take off her coat. "Fine," he mumbled pounding into the girl until she came screaming. He lay down on the bed, "Lick it clean, then get out." The girl obeyed and scrambled lower on the bed taking his semi hard member into her mouth.

"Such a gentleman," Mercedes snarked with look of disgust on her face.

Puck made a kissy face her way. "I know it's your favorite part but you're in some kind of period mood; I was afraid I'd get my dick bitten off." He flicked the girl's forehead hard, and she hurried out of the room.

Mercedes' eyes followed her. "I swear they are getting younger and younger."

"I checked her out she's nineteen. No parents, just a great, great aunt or something, that doesn't know she's alive. I'm fine. "

She nodded solemnly, "How long have you had her"? He never kept them longer than two weeks. Tiring fast and casting them away for the newest little thing to warm his bed.

"About a week but she curious, so she'll have to go sooner than expected. Shame really…" he shook his head, "her blow jobs were amazing."

Mercedes watched him silently get out of bed and begin to get dressed. A slight twinge of guilt came over her. She had been one of those girls with him but Puckerman had taken a very strong liking to her, therefore she was trained. She had been one of two and she was grateful every day. That child won't be as lucky.

"Penny for your thoughts," Puck asked coming over to her. He had dressed in low rise jeans but no shirt; he liked to show off his battle scares, which were many. Mercedes knew the stories of each one.

She shook her head, "I um just wondering about things—"

Puck studied her intently, "Things? People? A certain green eyed blonde"? Mercedes blushed. "Why didn't you kill him again," he hand her his glass of scotch.

She shrugged taking a large gulp of the drink almost finishing it off. "I thought I could was ready but…" her voice trailed off.

"I could have told you that," Puck snatched the small tumbler back finishing off the drink then got up and poured another. "You shouldn't had left to get with him. Look where is got you." He came back with two glasses.

"I know what happened I was there!" She snapped taking the glass. "I know I shouldn't still have feelings but I do. I hate it…sometimes," she said the last word quietly to herself.

"Especially when you have me," Puck muttered bitterly. They were silent for a couple minutes. "So we have three days," Puck got up. "You going to be ready this time"? His voice was stony.

"I have to be, right," Mercedes whispered finished off the drink. She looked up at him. His once playful demeanor gone, replaced with a harden face his teasing eyes were cold and withdrawn. Goosebumps appeared on her arms and legs, her stomach began to knot with dread.

Puck unbuttoned his jeans lowering them as he walked to bathroom. "Yes," he voice stern and low. "You won't allowed to fail and live this time, Iris."

Mercedes felt an icy chill down her back. She knew this would happen if she failed. Even though she might be one of Puck's women, he always made it known that he wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in her.

"Come give me a bath," he said disappearing into frosted glass room. Mercedes stood up, beginning to unzip her dress, she followed.

He awoke to the doorbell; raising his head up, he looked at the time of three twenty five. Swinging his legs over the edge, he reached behind his nightstand taking the Velcro holder of his 9mm. Standing he headed to the door.

"Shoot 'em between the eyes," his wife mumbled through her long dark hair moving to his side of the bed to keep it warm.

"With much pleasure," he chuckled twisting the silencer on.

The door opened and Sam stared down the barrel of the gun. "Hey, Mike," he grinned.

"Sam, the fuck, man it's three in the morning," Mike lowered his gun and backed up letting Sam pass on the way in. Groaning he closed and locked the door leading the way to the guest room without a word.

Sam flung his pack down on taupe throw blanket at the end of the sea green bedding. He took in his surroundings of the simply decorated room. It's white walls with sea green banner and pictures of lilies hung on the walls adding a punch of color. "I guess you want an explanation."

Mike held up his hand shaking his head, "Now…now is not…the time." He turned and walked out closing the door behind him.

Sam took off his clothes, taking his gun and placing it under the mattress he went into a restless sleep. Only to be woken up with tapping of a foot early the next morning. Moaning he turned over looking up into the angry almond shaped and color, eyes of Tina Cohen, Mike's wife. Tina tucked her thick ebony hair behind her ear, glaring down at him. Sam chuckled slyly, "Problems, Love," he grinned up at her placing his hands behind his head make sure she had a good look at his chest and abs.

"I'm looking at one problem now," she hissed. "You have some nerve coming here, Sam."

"Mike knows this is my safe house, and so do you," he moved over patting the bed beside him.

Tina shook her head. "You only come here when you're in trouble…what is it now"?

Sam reached and caught her hand, caressing it with his thumb. "Maybe I wanted to come see you."

"If you wanted to see me, Sam, it would have been better if it was three months ago," she whispered the angry disappearing from her voice replaced by sadness. Tina linked their fingers and Sam gave her a soft kiss on her hand before pulling her to sit with him. "I'm married now."

Sam saw the twinkle of the diamond on her left hand. "I'm sorry, Tina," he said quietly reaching up, thumbing away stray tear on her high cheek bones. They were silent a few moments. "The marriage isn't real, is it"?

"It is convenient." Tina answered. "We can't have real marriages with what we do…you know that, Sam," she looked at him through her lashes. Sam stared at a small framed picture that sat on the desk; the only irises in the room. "It's why it happened," she followed his gaze.

Falling back on the bed he stared up at the ceiling, "She didn't deserve it, Tina."

Tina laid down studying him, "Maybe not," she touched his ear lightly. "But doesn't she deserve it now? She turned her back on you," her hand feathered down to the bandage covering his through and through wound. "Trying to kill you…"

Sam sighed mournfully, "She had the chance but she didn't…she…she still loves me, Tina, I know she does. And I love her."

She poked the shoulder wound hard making him cry out and slap her hand away. "You sure, looks like she wants revenge to me."

Sam adjusted the bandages, "She could have killed me at any time, Tina like I said, but she didn't. I don't know why…"

"Do you think she's playing with you"?

Closing his eyes he flashed back to him asking for a kiss goodbye, "Next time, I promise". "Maybe, but it still goes that she didn't. I think he is forcing her too."

"Why, I mean why come after you. No offence but on the pecking order you are barely a chick."

"Err none taken" he raised an eyebrow. "I don't know why…I need to find out maybe we can still—" He shook his head sadly, the hard truth of the situation hitting him in the gut. "There is no good coming out of this is there," he glance over seeing her eyes fill with tears. Sam knew her answer. "If I don't kill her and she fails…" his voice trailed off swallowing hard.

"He will kill her," she finished sniffing. Laying her head on his chest, Tina wrapped her arms around him. "Will you"? She asked in barely a whisper.

Sam closed his eyes thinking on the time when things were simpler. "I don't know if I can…"