Category: Land before Time

Rating: T

Couples in Series: Littlefoot/Ali, Cera/OC, Ducky/OC, Petri/OC, Spike/OC

Couples in this installment: Petri/OC

Warnings: AU

Chapter: Prologue

Copyright: © characters and places by United Pictures; © Plot and OC by me


"Are your friends always like that?" Rana asked Petrie the next morning.

"Pretty much." He nodded, offering her some green food. "But they're nice."

"That much was obvious from the stories of your adventures." She swallowed some tree-stars. "Though I still doubt that Sharptooth-part." She shook her head.

"Chomper did exist, does exist." Petrie defended himself. "You can ask anyone in the Valley. They'd support me in this."

"Fine, fine…" She raised her wing-hands. "So what happened to him?"

"Happened to whom?" Littlefoot's head appeared beside them, shortly followed by Ali's.

"You'd expect flyers to be the fastest eaters, considering their smallness." Cera's voice floated up to them from ground-level.

"I'm sure they just slept in." Ducky stated, a crest-call echoing in the cool morning-air to emphasize her point.

"Yeesh." Petrie flapped his wings a few times, landing on the Longneck's back. "Are you all in a hurry?"

"Well, we have still four more stories to cover." Trike said softly. "And no doubt more, if Cera's hints are any indication."

Rana joined her mate on the brown back, looking a bit unsure at the Longneck. Littlefoot merely smiled. He certainly was big enough to carry them both for a short while.

"Oh well." The dark-brown flyer shrugged. "Same place as yesterday?"

"How about the River-edge?" Ducky suggested. "If we go somewhere else for each story we can show our mates the Valley as we talk."

Her brother nodded in agreement. Tega stood a bit behind him, watching the other dinosaurs talk.

"Fine with me." Petrie agreed and the ten set out to a bigger clearing at the River-edge, where they were less likely to get into someone's way.

"Remember how this dried up?" Littlefoot asked his friends.

"Oh yeah, Dad was being his charming self over THAT one." Cera shook her head.

"When Cera thinks someone is overreacting, you know it's bad." Ducky chuckled, which earned her a glare from the Threehorn. Trike softly whispered into his wife's ear, somehow soothing her quickly.

"So, who's next?" Paro asked.

"Petrie." The Gang chimed, Littlefoot nudging the flyer, nearly throwing him down.

He rolled his eyes as he regained his balance. "Ok, well… we left as one of the last, since flyers are the fastest travelers…"