Lazura: So, I noticed Mika's review to continue this fic. I...have issues with the way I wrote this fic before, so yet again I'm rewriting this because my writing is different now.

Edited: 9/18/16

Disclaimer: I don't own KHR at all except the ocs.

"Mom! I'm heading out now!" yelled a girl with long brown hair that reached to her waist bearing caramel colored eyes, and wore a Namimori middle school uniform.

"Yes, and don't forget to have a good time at school, Tsukiko!" Her mom replied back in a cheerful manner before resuming her usual daily chores.

'My name is Sawada Tsukiko, I'm fourteen years old. I have two loving parents, but dad would constantly be busy with work. Though by work I mean in the Mafia. Yep! You heard me right, my dad is indeed working in the mafia. However I only found out by a mere chance when I was six years old.'

Flash back

A little Tsukiko hid inside the closet of her parent's room. She silently clasped her mouth to prevent a single giggle escaping her lips.

"Tsukiko! Where are you?" A man with spiky brown hair and eyes to match wearing a black suit headed down the hallways of the house as he called out for the little girl's name.

Soon a woman bearing long orange colored hair. "Tsu-kun, are you sure about not letting your daughter know about you being in the mafia?"

'What?' Tsukiko lowered her hands from her mouth to place her ear close to the door of the closet. She listened very closely to the conversation

"If Tsukiko were to get involved along with you, then who knows what the enemy familgias will do?"

"Tsu-kun, I understand that but-"

"It's okay, this is the only way we can keep Tsukiko safe for now, Kyoko."

Then Tsukiko comes out from her hiding place to see her parents, "Mommy! Daddy!"

"Ts-Tsukiko?!" The two parents yelped in surprise upon seeing their daughter appear out of nowhere. The little girl enveloped her parents into a hug to reply, "Daddy, be careful!"

Tsukiko's dad smiled at his daughter as he placed a hand to ruffle his daughter's hair, "I'll be careful."

The next thing Tsukiko knew, her dad took out something from his pockets and placed a necklace with a ring around his daughter's neck.

"Daddy?" Tsukiko blinked in curiosity of the item hanging around her neck. She took the ring to stare at the item to get a better look. It was a ring bearing a pretty orange gem on it, "What is this?"

"A charm." Tsukiko's dad explained.


"Yes, a charm, in case if I'm not there for you when you need me." Her dad continued as he showed Tsukiko on what to do, "Just hold on to this ring tightly and think of those you care about."

End of Flash back

'I continued to hold onto the ring that dad gave me back then, it doesn't do much as a charm but the least it does is that it makes me feel like my dad is always there for me when I needed him. However today was really unexpected.'

"I hope Ryu-nii is not boxing again!" Sasagawa Ryuuga, the older cousin of Sawada Tsukiko, he comes from Tsukiko's side of the family and is the son of Sasagawa Ryohei. Apparently from what Tsukiko heard from her mom, Ryuuga was like a younger version of his dad compared to his mom. He got his black hair from his mom and often wore a bandage above his nose, but he inherited most of his dad's appearance and personality. Tsukikko headed toward the gate to see Ryuuga standing next to a person bearing the red disciplinary band around their left arm.




"Good morning Ryu-nii and Yue-sempai!"

Hibari Yue, the son of the original Head of the Disciplinary Committee, however from what Tsukiko recalled from her dad was that Yue was indeed the son of the Head working alongside her dad. He had short black hair and steel-blue eyes. 'From what dad told me, Yue-senpai resembled more like his dad rather than his mom.'


Tsukiko sent a pout at the prefect staring back at her, "Yue-senpai, don't call me a herbivore!" She disliked the way he categorized everyone or anyone within Namimori grounds by the terms herbivore, carnivore, and finally omnivore. Although Tsukiko did notice that she never heard Yue call anyone else by either carnivore or omnivore at school.

"Sawada Tsukiko get to class now." Yue shot a glare to Tsukiko, reminding her to get a move on to class.

"Yes, yes Yue-senpai." Tsukiko replied as she waved goodbye to the third year middle school student. "Bye, Ryu-nii."

"See you later Tsukiko!" Ryuuga waved his younger cousin goodbye as he turned back to Yue discussing some matters about the boxing club. Yue seemed annoyed to the point of almost reaching his hidden tonfas.

'Actually to tell you the truth I kind of have a crush for Yue-senpai, but its hard to confess my feelings for him because of the way he stares down at me. Hopefully I will be able to confess to him one day!'

"Hah!" Tsukiko stretched her arms out as she turned her head over the window, deciding to watch the sky for a bit before the teacher entered the classroom. "I wonder if there is anything new in stored for me today?" She muttered in wonder.

Somewhere at the Vongola Headquarters

"Reborn, don't tell me that you're really going to do this." A man bearing spiky brown hair wore a worried look in his eyes.

"Dame-Tsuna, stop treating your daughter like a kid and realize that she has to start protecting herself as the next Vongola Boss." A man in a black suit, wore a black fedora with one orange stripe surrounding the hat, and a green chameleon was on his shoulder.

"I just hope that we're doing the right thing, Reborn." Tsuna stated as he sent a glance at the sky through the window.

Lazura: Now its time to introduce the new OCs in this chapter!

Sawada Tsukiko


Parents: Kyoko and Tsuna

Description: She has long brown hair that reaches down to her waist, caramel eyes, she also has a combination of both her parent's personalities. Like her mom she has a thing for sweets, but also worries about her cousin Ryuuga when it revolves around boxing. She admits to the fact that she has a crush on Yue, there will be a chapter explaining why.

Sasagawa Ryuuga


Parents: Ryohei and Hana

Description: Has short black hair, though he looks a lot like his father when he was younger. He loves boxing, because of his father. He cares for Tsukiko as his little sister.

Hibari Yue


Parents: Kyoya and Mayuri

Description: He looks a lot like Kyoya rather than his kind mom. Later it will be revealed that he uses tonfas like Kyoya. When it revolves around Ryuuga, he finds him as an annoying loud herbivore. Though around Tsukiko, he just finds her to be just some weak herbivore.