Disclaimer: I don't own KHR at all except my ocs.

"...So you're here." Reborn spoke into his cell phone, "Does that mean they already started their test?"

"Yes." The person replied, "Onii-san seemed happy while Hibari-san was-"

"I get it, Dame-Tsuna." Reborn sighed.

The tests for the guardians are beginning to start. It's only a matter of time, until Tsukiko's test as the next generation boss will arrive.

Currently Yue and Ryuuga are in a battle of strength and resolve against their fathers. Whereas Kaito, Hiroto, Rune, and...him. Kudou Kuroi, or should I refer as Rokudo Kuroi.

How will those four fare? Against Gokudera Hayato, Yamamoto Takeshi, the cow, and Chrome Dokuro.

"Ah, and Reborn." Tsuna reminded, "Can you tell Kyoko that I'll be bringing Gokudera and Yamamoto over for dinner tomorrow?"

"Why don't you tell her yourself? She's been worrying about you the most. Don't shove the job to me Dame-Tsuna."

"...Fine." Tsuna relented, there was no way he's going to convince Reborn to stop calling him Dame-Tsuna, "And how's Tsukiko?"

There it was. Tsuna's usual kind self as well as a doting father. At least he's much better than Iemitsu, I'm going to have a talk to Iemitsu when I visit Nono later.

"She's just like you." Reborn responded, "However a bit different. Even she's capable of accepting her role as Vongola Undecima faster than you were. Not only that..."

"Dame-Tsuki has awakened the ring."

"..." Tsuna paused, "She did?"

"Yes," Reborn continued, "It was when Rune came to assassinate her a week ago. It seems that Dame-Tsuki has been approved of by Primo's spirit."

Sawada Tsunayoshi

"It seems that Dame-Tsuki has been approved of by Primo's spirit." Reborn finished.

It looks like Reborn has gotten into the habit of calling my daughter the same nickname I had before. However, I couldn't believe it. Tsukiko has awakened one of the rings Primo gave to Mayu-san and I back when we were in middle school.

At first, we didn't know how to activate these rings when they were in our possession. Especially since we held our own rings as the tenth generation Vongola Famiglia at the time. Though, as years went by, both me and Mayu-san decided. To give these rings to our children. As Talbot-ojisan said, they will awaken once the rings have found the next generation's true guardians and boss.

Tsukiko awakening the sky ring just proved it. Although what concerns me is about the other six, unlike Tsukiko and Suzuka who had their rings since they were young, the other six have yet to receive the rings.

The rings can tell who is the true wielder. However, Yamamoto, Gokudera, Lambo, Chrome, Hibari-san, and Onii-san will have to be the ones testing six guardians chosen by Tsukiko.

"I see." I straightened myself as I stared at the picture of Tsukiko, me, and Kyoko on my desk.

"Then, once the guardians are finished with their test. I will begin Tsukiko's test."

Even if Tsukiko is my daughter, I need to see if she's ready to step into my shoes. Step into the role of the many bosses before her. The role of becoming the pinnacle of the Vongola Famiglia.

If not...then, Xerxes, Xanxus' son will take over in my place.

Sawada Tsukiko

I don't know why, but mama seems a little bit happier than normal.

Or maybe it's just the mass amount of food on the table or the fact that mama is still cooking.

"Um, mama?" I called out, "Why is there so much food today? Is there a guest arriving?"

"It's secret! Now don't you have school today?" Mama reminded me.

After taking a side glance over to the wall clock, I noticed that Ryu-nii didn't arrive to pick me up. Is there something wrong? I pondered as I left the house without my cousin. On my way toward the school, I come across a familiar face.

"Aoyama-san!" I called out to the person, "Good morning!"

"Good morning, Sawada-chan." I still wonder as to why Aoyama-san referred to me that way, "Sasagawa-senpai isn't with you today?"

I shook my head, "No, normally he's never been late to school, especially in the morning. After all Ryu-nii always walks with me to school."

"Then what about Nagoya?"

"Mm...Kaito-kun?" I pondered about it, "Before he did, but Kaito-kun said something came up this week. So he hasn't been to class, however Kaito-kun's grades in the class are the highest."

Aoyama hummed for moment, "How come you refer to Nagoya by first name?"

"Well," Rethinking back to the time when Kaito-kun challenged me, I replied, "More like, I became friends with him."

"Then, why don't you call me by my first name than my surname also?" Aoyama suggested.

I questioned Aoyama,"Eh? But why?"

"We're friends aren't we, Tsukiko-chan?"

"Of course."

"Then it's settled!" Aoyama smiled, expecting me to say his name.

"Er...now?" He nodded waiting for me.


"No." Aoyama reminded, "Hiroto."


Ugh...I can't say his name with him staring at me!

I flailed internally.

It's great that Ao-er...Hi-uh...! In any case! I can't just willingly state his name just like that!

After multiple attempts in trying to pronounce his name, I finally exasperated, "H-Hiroto-kun."

Aoyama grinned, "See! Not so hard now is it?"

Not when you're being glared at by a bunch of passerby fan girls of yours and Kaito-kun's. Though in the end, Kaito-kun never showed up to class the whole day. Neither was Ryu-nii at the boxing club, from what the vice captain stated. I didn't even find Yue-senpai at all when I asked Kusakabe-sensei.

"..." Is it just me or is something important happening?

"Sawada-san..." A chill broke down my spine. I know who decided to pay me a visit today, turning my head I greeted, "Kudou-senpai."

"It seems the skylark, the loyal puppy, and the loud elephant aren't here..." Kudou interpreted from the fact that I was alone, "I wonder as to why they decided to leave their precious boss alone to fend for herself."

A small smirk formed against Kudou-senpai's face, "You know it's never safe for a girl like yourself. Especially when it's those girls giving you the evil look as well as those un-gentlemen like bafoons eyeing you as a prize."

I frowned in seeing Kudou-senpai.

I could say the same thing about you, senpai.

"Now, now...why such expression?" Kudou-senpai, as usual was going to place a hand against my shoulder however...

"Senpai, isn't that going a bit too far?" Out of nowhere Ao...ahem..Hiroto-kun stopped Kudou-senpai's hand from reaching me.

Kudou-senpai lowered his arm as he watched Hiroto-kun carefully, "Oya? Well if it isn't the kendo club's current sword prodigy. What brings you here?"

"I promised Sawada-chan, that I'd take her home today."

What?! We ne-!

I was going to object to what Hiroto-kun stated, however he sent me a wink to reassure me.

"So if you'll excuse." Hiroto-kun gently pushed my back as we headed down the hallway. Without returning our gazes over to the monochromatic eyed student.

By the time we were outside the school grounds I thanked my classmate, "Thank you."

"It's no problem, plus Kaito would've done the same thing."

After school, Sawada Residence

Staring at my homework, I wondered as to where Reborn went.

Reborn wasn't here even in the afternoon, neither was he here this morning. I'm beginning to become more on edge the more I think about where in the world Reborn is. I mean he does deserve some time of his own than being a tutor to me.

"I'm home!"

Freezing from my desk, I recognized this voice. The same kind voice I've been waiting to hear for a long time.

"P-Papa!" Without hesitation, I rushed out of my room to reach the stairs. Except I ended up slipping at the last step, "HIE!"

For a second there, I thought I was going to slam my face again on the stairs.

"Whoa!" A halt forced the momentum of my fall to a stop.

"Eh?" I blinked in surprise to find an unfamiliar man catching me.


"Kaito-kun?" To my surprise, it wasn't Kaito-kun at all. However the man who saved me right now, held a similar appearance to Kaito-kun.

"Ah! Y-You're not Kaito-kun!" I exclaimed in realization, as the man helped me stand up.

"...I may not be Kaito. However I am related to that brat." The man introduced himself, doing a formal bow.

"My name is Gokudera Hayato. Your father's storm guardian and right hand man. Kaito's uncle."


Kaito's uncle?!

"Wow! You grew a lot since we last saw you, huh?" This time another man in a suit appeared, he held a happy-go-lucky smile to his face.

His smile reminds me of Aoya-...

Stopping I remembered what occurred earlier at school.

No I mean Hiroto-kun's smile.

"Um...I'm sorry, but who are you?" I pondered as the man continued.

"Oh that's right! You wouldn't remember me and Gokudera...My name is Yamamoto Takeshi! Nice to meet you, Tsukiko-chan!"

Baffled by the appearance of two guardians, I soon meet face to face with...


"Papa...!" Without hesitation I rushed up to hug papa, yes this my father.

"You worked so hard, Tsukiko." Papa stated, "I heard from Reborn."

"Oh yeah!" My head shot up, "Have you seen Reborn, papa? I thought..."

"Reborn-san, is currently heading over to Italy to meet someone important." Gokudera-san interjected.

Papa ruffled my hair, "Don't worry. Reborn always returns on time."

I made a small smile.

Dinner wasn't too bad, in fact the atmosphere around the dinner table felt warm. Gokudera-san reminded me of a more matured version of Kaito-kun while Yamamoto-san seemed to hold a similar smile as Hiroto-kun.

Third POV

"I'm home!" Aoyama Hiroto called out entering the back of the shop. He had only recently returned from kendo practice.

There's a lot of customers today in the shop, I wonder why?

Aoyama thought as he made his way up the stairs to put away his stuff.

"Yo, Hiro."

Aoyama's eyes widened, before him was none other than, Yamamoto Takeshi.


"It's been awhile hasn't it, Hiro." Yamamoto began, "Nothing seems to have changed."

Aoyama's head lowered as he faked a smile, "Yeah nothing has changed at all."

Passing his older cousin, Aoyama's expression changed revealing his facade. As a small hint of anger flared in Aoyama's eyes.

Except you.

I'm going to become stronger.

Strong enough to protect those I now care for.

Enough to defeat you.

As Aoyama returned to his room, Yamamoto Takeshi sighed to himself.

I knew it.

He still hasn't forgotten that incident.

"Takeshi, can you help me?" Tsuyoshi called out.

"I will!" Yamamoto replied as he rolled his sleeves up to help his dad.

In an apartment complex...

The sound of a door closed, Nagoya clicked his tongue while shifting his gaze over to the person by the door.

"Tch." Nagoya spatted, "Since when did you arrive? Your speed slowed."

"Not long." The adult eyed his nephew, "Jyuudaime is already with Undecima. Do you know what this means, Kaito?"

"Of course." The teen huffed, "You and the rest of the Vongola Tenth Generation guardians started our tests. To prove that we're worthy to protect hime."

Hime? Gokudera paused before a smirk formed against his face. Nagoya's protectiveness reminded him of how his past self was. I understand, Jyuudaime. The reason as to why you chose him as my successor.

I gotta say. This'll be like facing a younger version of myself.

"In this," Gokudera loosened his necktie, "I won't be going easy on you as before."

"Easy?" Nagoya directed his laughter toward his uncle, "I never wanted you to go easy on me in the first place."

Lazura: It took a while, but I finally finished creating this beautiful chapter. Although I do have reasons as to why I didn't update so here goes:

-If you read my profile page, then you understand as to why. However I will respond when it comes to advice for a fic or in need of a beta. I'm currently betaing Kuuhakuparticles' yowapeda fanfic know as Iris Complex.

-Another is that I did update a story, except it's a collaboration fic known as Fall For Me. UnseenSilverWind, Lenkachu, and I haven't updated the fic since two years ago...but we came back to update it! xD We'd really appreciate it if you guys would read our collaboration fic!

-I might create a separate side blog on tumblr to post fanfics. Plus I'm moving Tempi Memorabili (the one shot chapters) probably over to tumblr or deviantart (depends)

All in all, I won't stop writing. I'm able to write bits of ideas I may return to which will become a chapter like this one. I find leaving an author's note chapter rude, so...what I'm trying to state is that I haven't given up my old fics.