A war consequences

She was there in her garden, watering the plants, smelling the roses and picking apples from the tree, "Anzu, lunch", "just a minute", she finished picking the apple tree and ran inside.

Her family wasn't rich and yet they were not poor either, sitting with her parents, eating chicken in silence till she began talking

"I think I want to study in a university since I wasn't accepted in the dance school, I want to be a teacher" Anzu said

"I think that's great honey" said her father

"thanks dad, I hope that they will hire me in a school with a young good-looking teachers, then after i fall in love with one of them, we will get married and have kids, I want to name my girls and he can name the boys, I want to call my first daug….."

She was cut off by a loud knocking on the door, quickly her father went to open the door and found a young man, "are you ?" he asked

"yes, what's wrong?"
"a war against England, you are required to join the army immediately" said the young man

"but my dad is old and cannot fight …." Anzu said

The young man interrupted her "I am sorry miss, but your father has no sons and we need men"

"but …." She began but her father cut her off by saying "give me 20 minutes to pack and say goodbye to my family"

Her mother began packing clothes and food for her father but all that Anzu was doing was complain about it and offering to go instead of her father .

"honey" he hold her chin in his hands and looked straight into her blue eyes, that endless ocean, and said " I need you to be strong for your mother, I promise that I will get back, I love you, both more than life itself"

"and I love you too daddy" she hugged him tightly, then he kissed his wife and daughter goodbye and left, Anzu stood outside watching her dad, still crying like hell when her mother said "your dad will be fine, he had never broken a promise before" and with that they went inside and closed the door.

Meanwhile, in England, in a huge office, typing furiously sat a certain CEO, deep in thoughts, thinking about the events that happened during his meeting with the general .


" we are taking a man from each family for the war, and we need you to join "

"why would I do that" said Kaiba with an expressionless face

"we need to show the people that the rules apply to everyone, even you "

"screw the rules I have money" said Kaiba

"think of your image in the public eye, when they see the great Seto Kaiba, join the war to save the civilians from the terrorist "

"I will think about it…"

"you are not a traitor , not a coward, and I am sure you love your count…"

The CEO interrupted "what part of I will think about it don't you understand?"

" very well , and take your time"

With that the general left

End flashback

Seto finished working and left, all the way still thinking about what to do, when he was interrupted by a massive hug from Mokuba, they ate dinner without a word and then Seto told Mokuba to meet him in his office.

"yes big brother"

"Mokuba sit down I need to talk to you"

The young boy confused said "Seto, did I do anything wrong? Cause I swear I didn't, they are all lying to you"


Mokuba sat in a chair waiting for his brother to talk.

"I decided to join the army, and I am leaving tomorrow morning, I need you to act like a grown up and to take care of the company while I am gone"

Mokuba stared in his brother for what seemed like an eternity and then said "but .."

"it will be good for our reputation, the world will see me, the great Seto Kaiba, fight for peace"

" but Seto …"

" enough Mokuba, I was not asking you, I was telling you, now go to bed"

Mokuba left to his room, thinking about what his brother just said, sighing, he decided to sleep in order to see his brother before he leaves in the early morning.

Seto finished working and went to bed wondering if he had done the right thing.

At 5 am, Seto was ready to leave, when something or someone pumped into him with full force, with teary eyes Mokuba said " promise me that you won't die Seto"

Seto hugged back him brother and said " I promise to come back in one piece, I will even bring a gift with me, take care kid" with that Seto left and Mokuba was standing outside the mansion watching the car disappear in the distance before he went back inside.