Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries

Chapter 18

Elijah knocked politely on the door before him, and waited patiently for the occupance to gather their courage to answer.

"I know you're in there, Rose, Trevor. Open the door and I give you my word I will not kill you."

Elijah stated softly.

A moment later the big oak door squicked open and a beautiful young woman stepped back, inviting Elijah in. Elijah smiled in thanks and let himself in. Looking around he noted their little home was just a small humble cabin.

"I see you re attempting to settle in.. How very unwise of you."

He commented airly as he took in the small leaving quarters in mild disgust. Elijah noticed the absence of Rose' ever present dog and commented questionably where he was.

"Where is young Trevor? I find it strange to not see him holding onto your dress behind you like a lost child."

Rose clenched her jaw to refrain from raising to his mocking tone. She watched as he stalked around her home, looking at everything and even picking up a book from her bookshelf to shuffle through idly.

"He is out gathering firewood. I'm sure he will be back shortly."

She answered curtly, ready for the visit to be over. Elijah hummed noncommittally, aware of the fear emmitated off the delicate looking vampire before him. Rose jumped at the sudden loud sound of Elijah snapping the book shut.

"No matter, we will start without him. It has come to my attention that you my dear Rose, and your Trevor, harbored a certain damsel a few moons ago."

As he said this Elijah watched the emotions play across Rose' face, the most prominent dread.

"This certain damsel happens to belong to my brother Niklaus, now imagine what he would think knowing this is the last place his precious property was known to be alive."

At his words, Rose went paperwhite in panic.

"She isn't here, I swear! She escaped into the night! I went after her but three strange men appeared. They took her and disappeared into the woods. I tried to follow them but they were gone, I'm so sorry!"

Rose explained as fast and desperately as she could. Tears fell down her face as she threw herself down to the floor before the Original as she begged to be spared. Elijah sighed at the pathetic display.

"Can you tell me anything about the "strange men?"

Rose latched onto the question like a life line, hoping to be as helpful as possible.

"Their were three of them, all had swords strapped to their hips, I didn't see there faces but one of them said something."

Rose said seriously.

Elijah started to feel uneasy the longer she spoke. "Please enlighten me."

"He said, "So this is the girl who will lead the Originals to us?"

Elijah wondered if maybe it was Mikeal but discarded that idea immediately because Mikeal would have just killed her. So who was it? Who knew about the doppleganger?

Rose suddenly perked up with a dawning expression on her face.

"I remember something else. The swords, they had some sort of symbol on the hilt. " Rose mumbled, trying to remember the detailing on the sword. Elijah suddenly appeared right in front her in a flash, urgency clear on his face. "What symbol." he demanded of her. Rose looked up into his eyes and suddenly remembered.

"Three spear like sticks criss crossing each other with what looks like branches surrounding it."

Rose sputtered out, her undead heart beating furiously, waiting for Elijah to kill her in his rage. But she blinked, and he was gone. But before he vanished she could have sworn she heard him mutter, "The Five."

Eatery - The Past

Jeremy stared out the window of the small dingy Inn room he was stuck in with boredom, waiting on Klaus to get back. After the fifth sigh Kol snapped from where he was laying down on the only cot in the room.

"Alight that's it! Let's find you something to eat."

Jeremy jumped, startled at the sudden outburst but gladly followed him out the door.

"Won't klaus be mad?"

Jeremy inquired nervously. If it was one thing about Klaus that Jeremy feared, it was his blinding rage. Jeremy had heard horror stories about how Klaus had murdered dozens of people in pure unadulterated rage and he had no intention of being the focus of it in the future.

"It doesn't matter Jeremy, love. Klaus wouldn't dare hurt you in anyway for any circumstance."

Kol assured Jeremy with a frown, noticing Jeremy's unease. If anything, Klaus would try to murder him for taking his mate into unknown dangerous territory.

After they sat down and ordered Jeremy food, a drink for Kol, Jeremy asked Where Elijah was. Kol took a swig of ale before answering.

"He's looking for information about the disappearance of Katerina Petrova, you saw her at the party, remember?"

Jeremy did remember. How could he not? Wait she disappeared? She wasn't killed, like he was told in the future? Something must have changed. But what? Jeremy widened his eyes in surprise. The night of the party! Instead of Klaus and Elijah running after Katerina, they ran after me to save me! That's what changed. But what could this mean for the future?

"Yeah, I remember, But I didn't know she disappeared."

Jeremy answered Kols question absentmindedly as he was deep in thought.

"Yes, well she did. Of course Klaus was SO worried about her, he asked our good brother to look for clues on her whereabouts, and asked me to watch over you. You know, make sure your not taken by any stray werewolves who think your their potential mate."

Kol sneered in disgust. As if Jeremy, his mate would ever be with such a lowly beast.

Jeremy blushed hotly in embarrassment.

When Alexander showed up he was caught off guard and didn't know what to do so he let Alexander take him. Or at least he didn't put up a fight. Something told him the three of them would find him anyways.

"Uh, and Where is Klaus?"

Jeremy mumbled as he averted his eyes, not wanting to make eye contact in embarrassment. Kol shrugged nonchalantly as an answer. Jeremy huffed in frustration. Sometimes Jeremy felt like it was Elena all over again, nobody ever told him anything, even when it pertained to himself and he was getting sick of it.

Klaus - Past

Klaus threw the bloody heart from his grasp to the ground. All around him corpse littered the ground. All of that, and he still had nothing.

Klaus turned around to the sound of the pathetic whimpering from behind him.

"Ah, what do we have here? A survivor? Maybe you ll have something interesting to say?"

Klaus taunted before picking the weeping man and slamming him against a nearby tree.

"Now, be a good man and tell me if you know anything about the disappearance of your charge, Katerina Petrova."

Klaus demanded to know. He had tracked down the family that had taken in Katerina after her family had disowned her to find out if they knew anything about disappearance, but everyone he had interrogated hadn't known anything. Not even compulsion revealed what he needed to know.

"I don't know anything I swear!"

The man wailed out. But Klaus caught the bump in the man s heartbeat. The human was lying. Klaus narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Klaus slammed the man back into the tree again before catching eyes.

"What do you know about the disappearance of Katerina Petrova?!"

He hissed into the man s face. The man answered immediately with eyes glazed over.

"A man came to me, told me he d pay me a great sum if I could get the girl to the party, the only condition was to ask no questions."

"Who was he?"

Klaus asked.

"He didn't give a name and I didn't see his face, he wore a hood."

The man answered monotonically.

"Thank you, you've been most helpful."

With that Klaus snapped his neck.

Inn - Past

The sun had just went down when Elijah stalked through the Inn room they were staying in.

"Niklaus, we have a problem."

"What it is?"

Klaus asked sensing the urgency in Elijah s voice.

"The Five are back, and they have Katerina."

Klaus s eyes turned cold.