Hello! Thank you for reading and reviewing the previous chapter. I now must break the emotional news that this is the final chapter of Staying. I hope you enjoy it, and thank you everybody for reading!

P.S - I own nothing, except for the plot :)

The leaves had fallen – the ground was blanketed with warm, autumnal shades as preparations began for the first flecks of snow to come twirling down in their wintry dance. Summer was no more, until one day the sun should shine high in the sky again. People in the city would now have to wrap themselves in woollen scarves and thick boots. Bikinis and sandals would have to wait another year in the depths of a wardrobe. This time of year held a sort of preserved beauty about it – the unspoiled enchantment of nature. These seasons are supposed to represent death, in one way or another, and yet for six individuals, it marks a new beginning.

Snowflakes were scattered by the wind, falling gracefully. Some landed on the church spire, and others rested on the cobbled path by the church's entrance, paving the way. The wind was picking up in speed, but spirits were high on this particular occasion.

Inside the church, there was a beautiful sight to behold. One that brought a tear to the eyes of many. Lit candles radiated their glow, a dream-like haze casting its spell over everybody. Pastels were dotted against the aged oak that held this chapel together, as an organ hummed on in the background. At the altar, stood a bride and groom, proclaiming their love for one another.

Jeanette – clothed in white silks – held her trembling hands in Simon's, repeating her vows after the priest. Her glasses were beginning to fog up with tears of joy, as she was getting closer and closer to becoming married to the love of her life. The pair exchanged soft smiles, the realisation and significance of today not quite sinking in.

Their family and friends were watching contentedly, hearts swelling with love. The eldest of the Chipettes sat in the front, her royal purple bridesmaid dress unable to conceal the curve of her stomach, not that she would want to. Her husband draped an arm around her, as she rested both of her hands on the bump. Not long now, and they would be blessed with two bundles of joy. If they were going to be anything like their parents, these boys would be a handful for Alvin and Brittany. But they would love them all the same. The strawberry-blond felt a kiss on her cheek, and she sighed in delight. All was right in the world.

Eleanor and Theodore – also seated in the front – watched as the bespectacled couple exchanged rings. This wasn't the first wedding they had watched, and their hearts fluttered at the thought of it not being the last. The youngest chipette was wiping away a tear when she felt the silver engagement band on her finger brush against her cheek. Not long after the pair were freed from invasive interviews, and the legal aftermath of Jake's death, Theodore had taken all his courage and made a sudden proposal. It wasn't formal in the slightest – both were in the comfort of their home when he suddenly asked, making it seem more like a suggestion than a proposal of marriage. But Eleanor said yes, happier than she had ever been in her life.

The youngest chipmunk couldn't help but notice his fiancé gazing in awe at her ring. This made him smile. He tried his best to make it match her necklace – the one she had so lovingly kept after all these years. In his eyes however, she was the treasure. He felt so lucky to have her here by his side, safe and sound, and yet when he woke that night in hospital, she echoed his very thoughts. Now they could live the life they deserve, protected from any harm. Theodore's smile widened as his counterpart nestled into him, an equally large smile on her face.

Simon could hardly believe his ears as the priest finally announced him and Jeanette as husband and wife. Intertwining his fingers with Jeanette's, he took a step forward. The chipmunk let his breath ghost over her lips for a moment, revelling in this moment. He was sure to never let her go. They truly were meant to be together, and if the last few years didn't prove it, then he wasn't sure what would. With his eyes beginning to well up, he whispered a soft "I love you" before his counterpart's pair of lips caught his own.

The place erupted into a series of cheers and claps, as Simon and Jeanette united as one. There was not a dry eye in the house. The pair walked down the aisle, hand in hand, cheeks dusted with a light shade of pink. This was everybody's cue to follow, and head into the crisp, wintry air. All were fascinated with the sight of snow falling to the ground, everything a clear shade of white. It was beautiful. They had to resist the temptation of frolicking for the sake of taking photographs. Instead, the six nestled into their respective counterpart as the photographer instructed them to stand in front of the church. A perfect one for the mantelpiece, Brittany thought, bundling her shawl tighter around her shoulders.

Alvin was about to smile when he noticed Dave standing opposite them, watching. He saw that the man was thinking, and wondered just what it was he was thinking.

Dave stood by as his boys and the Chipettes readied themselves for a group photo. Never had he seen them so in love, and so happy. In a matter of months, he was going to be a grandfather, and now Theodore was next in line to be married. He couldn't lie – he felt old, but he was well aware of the way in which their lives turned out over the last twelve years. If he could, he would have let the girls stay, just to avoid the hardships they had been through, but looking at them now… He knew that standing back and letting the boys work things out for themselves had worked. Now they had grown into mature young men. They had taken life into their own hands, and sought out their own happiness. And here they stood, with all the happiness in the world. His eyes welled up as he looked at Alvin. He was proud. So very proud.

The eldest chipmunk saw his father's expression, and knew exactly what it meant. Elated, he grinned and looked to the camera, pulling everybody closer together. He was surrounded by the people he loved, and not a single thing could ruin this moment. They were connected by a special bond that could never break. Ever. This day marked new beginnings for everybody, and if one thing was for certain, then it was this – they would always be together.


I'm fighting back tears as I write this - it's been an incredible journey writing this. Two years in the making. That is how long I have been writing this, guys. Thank you to everybody for reading and supporting me throughout - you will never know just how much it means to me. Even when I was writing Leaving, it meant the world. I'm glad that I wrote a sequel, as I feel it tied up a lot of loose ends that were present in Leaving. I hope that you enjoyed the story. I will still keep writing (it's likely to be oneshots for a while) and I'll still be around in the AATC archive. Again, thank you!

Peace, love, and COOKIES! ~ MissSteph22 x :)