Sweet Dreams

A/N: I tried to combine three different weekly prompts and I really hope I pulled it off. Please let me know what you think. And as always thank you for reading and reviewing.

Week 3 Open Character Prompt: Open Character Prompt: Someone has a dream about another team member and is embarrassed the next day when seeing the person he/she dreamt about.

Week 5: Character Specific Prompt: Aaron Hotchner is forced to scold a member of his team, but he has a hard time keeping a straight face. Suggested by WhiiteWolf

BONUS Prompts: Episode Quotes Prompt:7x12 (Unknown Subject – last scene) Prentiss to Hotch: I'm having a bad day.

Summary: Emily has a secret and Hotch really wants to know what it is.

Disclaimer: Criminal Minds belongs to CBS and its affiliates. Unfortunately they have not gotten back to me yet on the paperwork I signed giving me rights so I still don't own.

Chapter 1

Emily Prentiss made sure she was the first one on the jet that morning. She needed to follow through with her promise to come to him and she never went back on a promise, no matter how difficult it might be. She heard him enter the jet, she knew it was Hotch without even looking; he was always the first to arrive. Hotch saw her as he made his way down the aisle to his seat, he sat down in front of her and looked at her with concern on his face. She gave him a small smile and he saw the tears in eyes.

"I'm having a bad day." She said to him quietly, as if she was afraid to speak.

He knew this case had hit a little too close to home for her and he understood why she was here with just those five words.

He let her talk without interrupting her and then he took her hand in his and told her what he knew she needed to hear.

"You are not alone Emily."

That had been three months ago and it was the day everything seemed to change for the two of them. She came to him more and more when she needed to talk. It had surprised him at first that she hadn't gone to JJ or Garcia with some of the things she had come to him with but he liked this time with her. He liked the idea that she trusted him enough to open up with her deepest darkest thoughts. He really wouldn't have it any other way.

His hands were hot on her skin as he moved them up the naked flesh of her thigh. The look in his eyes was so intense that it made her melt beneath his solid frame. He lowered his head and brushed his lips softly against hers before delving deeper between her parted lips. His tongue was swift and determined as he kissed the breath from her. She moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him down flush against her aching body. He positioned himself at her center and began to enter her hot, wet core.

With a start Emily Prentiss woke to the sound of her alarm clock blaring on the nightstand beside her bed. She reached over shutting it off before flopping back down on her pillow throwing her arm across her eyes.

'God not again; I can't keep having these dreams and work around him all day. I shouldn't be having these kinds of dreams about my boss.' She thought.

He was SSAIC Aaron Hotchner, Unit Chief of the most prolific set of profilers in the country; she could not dream of him this way. It wasn't like she tried to have these dreams and there was nothing he could do about them. One dream had been bad enough but now every night for the past week she had had dreams about this man and everyday but none were as detailed as the one she had just woken up from. They had never before been that intense and never had left her with this yearning, this need in her that she felt right now.