A/N: Since I have no idea if Arthur is supposed to represent Britain or just England, I decided that, for the purposes of this fanfic, he represents Britain. Also, there is not going to be any USUK action in this. My apologies to anyone who came here looking for it, but in this fic they're strictly good friends.

"I have to travel to the other side of the country. Since you're here and not at home doing your work, you'll have to come with me." Britain grumbled as he hung up the phone. His green eyes scanned the person sitting far too comfortably on his couch.

"Dude. Road trip. Awesome!" A young man with blue eyes and blonde hair threw his fist into the air in celebration.

"America! Indoor voice, please!" the Brit groaned. "And besides, it's for business. We're not sightseeing."

America groaned and leaned back into the couch. He shoved another fistful of popcorn into his mouth as he flipped through the TV menu. Britain disappeared down the hall briefly and returned carrying both of their jackets. "Come on, let's go."

"Now?" America asked through a mouthful of food.

"Of course now. We have to get going if we're to return before nightfall." America just stared at him in total confusion. Britain let out an exasperated sigh and massaged his temples with his free hand. "You're impossible," he said before tossing America's jacket to him.

America sat for a moment then shrugged and stood up. "Road triiiip! Road triiiip!" he yelled in a sing song voice.

"Please don't sing that the whole way" groaned Britain.

"Naw brah, it's all good!" America let out a large grin. Britain shuddered. He hated it when America talked like that. He felt that it was a disgrace to the English language.

As they left the house, America instinctively walked around to the right side of the car.

"Where do you think you're going, wanker? You're not driving my car!" It's not that he necessarily disliked America, he was actually quite fond of him, though he'd never admit it, but spending too much time with him tried his patience.

"Sorry man. I forgot your cars are so weird and backward." Luckily, America was used to Britain's moods. After all, he was always pushing his buttons to see what kind of reactions he could get out of the usually proper Brit.

Britain ignored the comment and climbed into the driver's seat. He cranked the engine and backed out of the driveway.

America fidgeted in his seat uncomfortably. He never understood how his friend could actually enjoy silence. It always made him so uncomfortable.

"So…" he began. "Got any good music we can listen to?"

"Just the radio."

America grumbled as he studied the console. "What kind of a person doesn't have music on a road trip?"

"I already told you that this is for business. And besides, I enjoy the silence." He gave America an accusatory glance.

America just rolled his eyes as he searched for a station he liked. When he finally found one he liked, he turned up the volume and sat back.

Britain sighed. Even though America was with him, he still secretly hoped that he could ride in silence. He had been so busy lately he really wanted some time to clear his mind. He glanced at America who was staring out the window. He let out a silent sigh of relief. If America's content with just listening to music and staring out the window, maybe I can have some "me time" after all he thought.

"So England" America said.

"It's Britain…"

"Whatever! They're, like, the same thing anyway."

"No, they most certainly are not!"

"Ok. So Britain," Britain rolled his eyes. "What kinda work do ya gotta do anyway?"

Britain resisted the urge to correct America's butchered English. He never listened, anyway.

"Domestic affairs. You wouldn't be interested."

"Sounds boring. What should I do while you're doing that?"

"You can do whatever you want. Just don't get in trouble. And don't pester my citizens with stupid questions again."

America pouted. "It was a valid question!"

"Asking someone if they've been bothered by dragons recently is not a valid question." America whimpered. "You need to grow up and be more responsible. You, as a nation, have duties and you can't keep shirking them. That is going to get you into a lot of trouble one day…"

Britain continued lecturing him. America turned up the music slightly and stared out the window, tuning Britain out. As soon as Britain became conscious that America was no longer listening, he stopped talking. He turned the radio volume down and focused on the road. They traveled like this for a while, both of them lost in their own thoughts.

Suddenly, one of America's favorite songs started playing. He sat up suddenly, startling the Brit, and cranked up the music.

"Just a small town giiirl! Livin' in a lonely woooorld! She took the midnight train going aaanyyywheeere!"

"America! Please! Yo-"

"Just a city boooy! Born and raised in South Detroiiiit! He took the midnight train going aaanyyywheeere!"

"You scared me! I almost crashed the car because you startled me! Does the music have to be so loud? And do you really have to sing? America? Are you even liste-"

"A singer in a smoky roooom! The smell of wine and cheap perfuuume! For a smile they can shaare the night, it goes on and on and on and ooon!"

Britain turned down the music to get America's attention. America glared at him.

"You're not even singing on key…"

"That's not the point! It's about having fun!"

"You sound horrible."

"You need to lighten up. You're too serious all the time. A road trip is supposed to be about going on an adventure and having fun!"

"I told you, this is a business trip, not a road trip."

"You don't know how to have a good road trip. Next week you need to come over to my place and I'll teach you how to have a real road trip!"

Britain groaned. "I don't need to be taught anything from a bloody Yankee like you."

"You've been working so much lately. When are you going to relax?"

"As soon as I'm away from you and I can have my peace and quiet."

America rolled his eyes. "But that's so boring!"

"No, it's relaxing!"

"You really need to learn to have fun. Which is why we're going on a road trip. At my place."

Britain groaned. When America made up his mind about something, nothing could change it.

"Fine," he said as quietly as possible.

"Alright!" America practically yelled. "We'll start off in New York City and go across the country to San Francisco. We'll hit all of the best places, or at least most of them. We definitely have to go to Hollywood, and Las Vegas and Nashville. Oh, and my capitol too…"

Britain grumbled under his breath. He was annoyed at America's chattering, but he was slightly curious to know where all America planned to go on their road trip. He had been there on business, but it had been a while since he went just for the enjoyment. Not since America had declared his independence, actually. He secretly wondered how much America had grown and changed and began to almost feel excited about the trip. He would never let America know that, of course.

Some of the places America talked about he had heard of, but some of them he was completely unaware of. He felt slightly ashamed. America was, after all, his former colony. He really should know him better.

"Hey, America, about how long will this little road trip of yours take?"

"At least two weeks dude."

"Two… Two weeks?" Britain stammered.

"Yeah dude. It takes, like, four days to drive from New York to Los Angeles without stopping."

Britain was speechless as he pulled into a parking place.

"Why are we stopping?"

"We're here…"

"Already? I thought you said it was on the other side of the country. We've only been driving for, what, like, two and a half hours?"

"America… We are on the other side of the country…"

A/N: This was originally supposed to be a comic with a joke about how people in European countries don't realize just how big the U.S. is, and people in the U.S. don't realize just how big we are compared to most countries. Then I decided to just write it out as a one shot. After I started writing it, I thought that it would be fun as a multi-chapter story about their adventures traveling across the USA. I got the idea after my brother had talked to a friend of his who lives in the UK. His friend mentioned that he had to travel to the other side of his country for something and it took him two hours to drive there. My brother and I were completely dumbfounded that it only took two hours to cross an entire country.

If anyone has any requests of places they should visit, feel free to leave them in a review or send a message. I'll try to include as many requests as I can. Also, if you've actually been to any of the places you've requested, feel free to tell about some of your experiences there. I just may draw upon that as I write the story, especially if it's somewhere I've never been.