"An Enchanting Finale"

Ever since Hibari's 'threat' to Hibird, there were no more signs of the yellow fluffball. The high pitched singing of the Nami anthem stopped echoing in the hallways and the daisies stopped piling up on Hibari's desk.

A week had gone by and the canary was still missing. Hibari really did have an aura that made birds stray away from him.

He brushed the matter off, continuing the same old research about the mysteries of the box weapons. He was the same dutiful person from ten years ago, never complaining about his tasks.

"Ah, Kyo-san," Kusakabe took the moment to interrupt, "I tracked down Hibird and it seems he's been at Nami High the entire time." Earlier, Hibari had requested that Kusakabe locate him. Of course, losing his first bird would never allow him to lose a second one.

Hibari simply nodded. "I was planning to go there earlier today anyway."


Fortunately for the students of Nami High, it was a Saturday. It meant being free from school and the wrath of the ex-prefect. Hibari usually paid Nami High a few visits per week, even though it gave him bad thoughts whenever he stepped onto the school campus.

He closed his eyes in disdain, recalling the time when you somehow managed to draw a huge mural on the concrete with chalks without getting caught in time. A slightly humored smirk plastered his face before fading away with bitterness.

He always wondered why your existence faded away but not his memories of you. Sometimes, he'd think it was better to forget it all, but then he understood that not remembering would perhaps bother him the most.

Hibari noticed a few adjustments around the school, including the repainting of the school and much to his surprise, a few daisies being planted around the grass. It was no wonder why Hibird had been coming with a bouquet of flowers lately, but what this meant was that Hibird had been vandalizing school property.

In the distance, Hibari could hear Hibird's distinct voice singing his favorite tune. The wind carried the melody in the air, and along with something else...

His striking eyes were glued onto a white summer hat that was being guided by the wind, and almost like fate, it landed in front of his feet. The wind stopped blowing and his instincts told him to pick the thing up.

His fingers trailed across the pretty thing before someone called out. "My hat!"

A soft pant filled his ears; his eyes were blinded by the suns radiating light. It took a moment for his vision to adjust, and when it did, his eyes fell upon Hibird first, who was perched on a woman's shoulder.

The woman leaned forward, hands on knees while gasping for breath. 'White... hair,' that was his first impression of the girl. The lovely strands caressed her neck and shoulders, flowing ever so perfectly like the hair of someone he once knew.

"Thank you sir, you found my favorite hat!" She extended her hand, waiting for Hibari to take the initiative to give it to her. "Uh... sir?"

His rough hands clenched the hat, slightly wrinkling it. Her soft eyes and the slightly pouted lips... The features he had once forgotten of someone once again resurfaced. There was just no doubt. "You..." He finally managed to speak.

"Snow!" Hibird fluttered around, chirping exuberantly. Even he noticed.

The confused girl hesitantly reached out, snatching her hat back. "Th- thank you," she was quite frightened by this misunderstanding. She backed away, realizing that the only people on campus were her and the bizarre man. "See you-"

She shuddered when he blurted out the word, "Snow," almost as though demanding her full attention - he was irritated. If she left now, he'd probably never see her again; he'd have to live the rest of his life wondering what could've been.

But... these feelings were unnecessary, why did he have to care? "Please sir, I'm just a gardener here. If it's money you want-"

"This isn't a misunderstanding," he told, but it mostly served to convince him he wasn't insane, "do you hate me so much to pretend you don't recog-..."

The fear in her quaking eyes cut him short. It only occurred to him then that he'd been selfishly scaring the girl because he was so desperate for... He held a semi-smile, amused at his own actions. He shook his head in disapproval; the last time he saw you was a little over a decade ago, how could he recall your appearance?

Perhaps it was just a misunderstanding, a very bitter one too. "I've no right to try and monopolize you, even if you aren't Snow..." He wanted to keep her captive like a caged bird and just hold onto it tightly.

"It'd be selfish, wouldn't it?" He didn't want to scare her, nor did he want to tie her down. She wasn't you, only in appearances she was. He wanted the old naive and clueless Snow he once had in his grasp, but this wasn't what he yearned for.

What if the girl had been you...? Would he not hesitate and drown her/you in his own sadistic love?

His guilt would not allow him to do that. He let you go in a heartbeat; someone like that isn't deserving of such innocent love. "Forget what I said... I haven't been taking my medications," he joked. "Let's go," he gestured Hibird.

"Snow, Snow!" Hibird didn't want to leave, he still loved the ex-bird he knew.

Hibari turned around, already forgetting what you looked like. Even if it meant walking away from 'destiny,' he would be okay with it... Or so he told himself. "Love's first kiss..." He recalled, "What a joke-"

"Would you really walk away like that just because I pretended to not know you, Hibi? You're so cruel."

Hibi... The only person who would nickname him that would be you. He stopped dead in his tracks, not wanting to turn around. The thought that this all could've been an illusion made him tremble; he hated illusions.

A pair of arms embraced him tightly from behind, "I never forgot you, Hibi," the hands clutched tightly onto his shirt. "I still love you."

His slow reactions frightened the girl - did he not love her? He raised his hands, taking hers into his and then brushing them off of him. "You can't be..." Hibari turned around, coming face to face with a familiar smile.

Was it really...? "Now that I have a broader vocabulary list, I can finally tell you I'm sorry for that one time I left a 'present' on your desk," you blushed, humiliated with your unladylike behavior. "My naive self couldn't help it; I loved to provoke you all the time," you scratched your scalp with some humor.

You noticed the odd silence, "Eh..? I said I was sorry for lying about not being Snow!" You frantically apologized, "Or is it that... I'm the only one happy that I'm back?" It was like a bullet to your heart. Ten years and still not a single improvement.

"Oh... Of course, there must be another girl. One without white hair and who isn't a fallen angel, right? Because someone normal like that would be a suitable person for you... Sorry, I wasn't able to change much-"

"Don't be stupid," he caught you off guard, "there's only you."

A smile extended across your face; his face remained stoic. "Snow like Hibi!" You mustered all your strength into a single tackle.

"Hey... You're crowding me."

"I won't let go~"

Well... He'll let this one be another exception. Hell, you were always an exception.

"Snow, Snow!" Hibird chirped, continuing the beloved anthem. "Midori tanabiku, Namimori no~"


"If it still bothers you," you referred to your hair, "we could always dye it black," you entangled your hair around your fingers, wishing they had been normal. "Don't worry, I won't die like last time," you laughed, though Hibari cringed.

You paused short, feeling his gaze on you. You blushed a little, diverting your attention away from him and onto his traditional home.

"I kinda miss your old home... But this is nice too." Your fingers brushed over the wooden walls, admiring the design and shininess of it. "So squeaky clean~"

Hibird perched on your shoulder, nuzzling against your cheek with adoration. Ten years gone and his feelings had never jaded. "Hiss-"

Hibari glanced back at you, curious where the hiss came from but only saw you holding a smug smile while pretending to adore Hibird. "Ahaha, cute isn't he?" Hibari ignored the strange noise. Clearly, it came from you.

Yes, Hibird realized that you both would never get along. You sighed, feeling sorry for the fella. A decade ago you were able to sympathize with him; a weak curve tugged at your lips. A moment later, Hibird found himself twitching in agonizing happiness after being kissed by you~ His number one canary.

He made sure to keep his beaks shut and never tell the secret to Hibari.

You scurried ahead, trying to catch up with Hibari. "Tell me," he interrupted, "why is it that you suddenly decide to show up ten years later?"

It took a moment for you to answer. You looked up at the ceiling, "Well you know, God doesn't like to punish His angels for falling down to earth. He was able to help me recover my memories and come back to you."

"Then was He the one writing those dreadful notes?"

You were offended, "Dreadful? I wrote those!" You pouted, "When the Devil locked away my memories, I was able to at least help myself by sending guidance letters to you... Were they really that bad?"

Hibari smirked a little, "Awful. They sounded like misleading fortune cookies."

Your heart was jabbed a little. At least you knew that your career in writing would never succeed. "Did you really go to hell?" You were surprised at the question, before looking away with disdain.

"Funny thing is, I can't remember. I'm just glad I could exchange the bad memories for the good."

"How could you do something so ridiculous as to sell your soul to the Devil just so that you could lower yourself to being one of us?" You found scorn in his words, and you could understand why. Who would want to be a dirty human?

You shrugged, honestly not knowing why. "A lot of creatures would do silly things for love." You admired his shady eyes, wanting to know every little thing about him so that you could feel his entire existence.

"You're beautiful Hibi," a sigh left your lips. "You've become quite the reliable man, huh?" His striking features became sharper and more intense; he's tall and surely he has a nice build. "I'm sure you've had a lot of women chasing after you, right?"

He didn't answer, instead he kept gazing at you with those eyes that made you feel so weak. It's as though they had the power to squeeze your heart with one glance. "I want you to make me feel every single emotion: pain, joy, sorrow, love..."

He gave a low chuckle, "You already experienced pain and sorrow," he knew it was because of him. Before you could deny that, he said something else that made you turn as red as a rose. "Would you like to feel pleasure?"

An awkward silence filled the air as you struggled to speak, "Kukuku..." You leaned your head to one side of your shoulder, admiring the possible events that could happen. "I- no! No no no! I'm not going losing to my hormones-"

The air in your lungs were cut off when his lips came crashing down against yours, his roughness forcing his existence upon you. He was desperately trying to get a grasp of your taste; his teeth grazed against your lips, slightly nibbling on it.

You pulled away and Hibari could see your satisfaction as your legs struggled to hold you up. "Y-you're always so rash," a blush crept on your cheeks. "Give me a warning next time," you avoided eye contact, not wanting him to mock you.

"Life is full of surprises. You have to keep your guard up or I might just bite you to death."

He was curious as to why you held such a sly look. "Then since you're so hard to move, let's see how you handle this next surprise." He held a stoic expression, daring you to throw something at him. "Marry me."

He was indeed moved. It may not have shown in his face, but he was clearly speechless. This man had denied your love so many times, you were hoping your request wouldn't add another blow to your heart. "I-... Why me?"

You restrained yourself from throwing your hat to the floor and stomping it. The wait was painful and slowly eating away at your patience! Taking a moment to calm yourself, you answered. "Do you remember that one pitiful girl in the hospital from over a decade ago?"

Before he could show any reaction, you answered, "Her name was Leah Valentine who was dying from cancer. That girl was me."

The sudden realization he had made you laugh a little. "You're the herbivore who kept sneezing like you had black pepper stuffed up your nose all the time," he accused, glaring at you for all those times you awoke him from his naps on the hospital rooftop.

"That's a lovely memory you kept of me," you joked, "but anyway... I never met you until it was my last day on earth. You had the scariest aura but you were the only person who ever brought me a gift."

You so wish you had a camera on you to take a picture of the face he held right now. "I told you it was because-"

"Because you were tired of my constant sneezing, assumed it was because I had a cold since my bald head was vulnerable to the air, and thus you gave me a hat."

He paused, pretending to not recall. Yes, even he would secretly admit that he was a jerk back then. "Your stories are unbelievable," he scoffed, avoiding eye contact. You grinned in satisfaction. "You'd really like to be called Hibari Leah?"

You paused, shaking your head no. He glared, annoyed at your sudden change in decision. "I'd like to be called Hibari Snow, the name that I adore as much as the name Kyoya."

He stared dangerously, his eyes fixating on you. "Don't regret, because now that I've agreed, you'll never be able to fly away from your cage."

You blushed intensely; you wanted to be crushed with his love. "No, don't you regret because I'm going to give you so much love that you'll want to bite me to death, but that'll only make your situation worse~"

He shook his head, wondering why he agreed to marry such a nutcase like you. You were trembling rapidly as you couldn't contain the immense amount of joy in your system. "Kya! I want to explode~ Can we kiss? Pleeease? Neh neh!"

"That's all you want? Nothing more?"

"Kukuku... I love you "

"... Gross, but... Ditto."