silverlight Jupiter's True Destiny

Part 23

"Are you guys ready?" Trowa asked as he adjusted his school uniform. After
last night he was determine to get Makoto back and if it meant fighting Juno
than he would do it. No matter how he felt.

"Yea." Heero spoke as he fixed his tie.

Ayako looked at Wufei once in a while as she tied his tie for him. She would
keep the memories of the night they had spent together as a treasure. Wufie
caught her looking and held her gaze he smiled at her and took her hand in
his after she had finish tying his tie. "Lets go."

They all walked out of the house and waited as Quatre locked it before the
headed for school.


In school Yaten found Ken walking towards a bench and ran to catch up to him.
She had decided to end the relationship that just began to grow. She didn't
want to suffer or to let him suffer when she had to go back. "Ken!" She
yelled. She watched as he turned to face her with a sweet smile and bit her
lips. This was going to be hard. She walked up to him slowly and stood in
front of him. "We need to talk."

"Come on guys lets leave them." Rei spoke, as she looked at them she kind of
felt sorry for Ken. She held Heero's arm and walked away with the rest of the

When lunched time hit. They all sat at the same spot they usually sit in.
Yaten couldn't eat at all. She felt sick to her stomach as she remembered her
break up and Ken looking heartbroken. Seiya looked at her sadly and placed a
hand on her shoulder. "Yaten are you ok?"

Yaten looked up at him not realizing everyone was looking at her. "Ye---yea
I'm fine. It just wasn't easy."

"It's never is Yaten." Quatre said. "Breaking up with someone is hard."

Yaten only sighed.

"You really liked him didn't you?" Seanko asked.

"Yea but that doesn't matter now."

"She's right." A cold twisted familiar voice spoke. "Love is a foolish
thing." Juno spoke as she walked in front of them. They all looked at her
surprised yet angry but she only smirked.

"Juno." Heero snarled.

Juno pouted. "Is that the way you treat your friends Heero? Maybe this will
teach you a lesson." She raised her hand up and pointed blindly to the
students to her side. Suddenly a blast of air hit all students like rocks.
They watched as everyone was thrown back harshly to their horror. Yaten
gasped as she saw Ken hit a tree and was knock unconscious. "Ken!"

Juno laughed and looked back at the group. "That was fun! Follow me...if you
dare!" She spoke as she jumped into a portal that had opened behind her.

Ayako immediately stood up and ran in. If she were given a chance on getting
Mako back she would take it no matter what the cost. Wufei swore under his
breath before he stood up and ran in after Ayako with the others following
him. "Aya!" He yelled before he jumped in the portal. Everyone jumped in and
the portal vanished.

They gasped when they arrived. They looked around them and noticed they were
in a very capacious room with red and black walls. The ground was old and the
evil around them made every one of them nervous. Wufei noticed Ayako was
nowhere to be found and called out her name. Fear gripped his heart, as there
was no answer. "Aya!"

"She's right here." Juno spoke with amusement as she appeared in front of
them. She held Ayako by the wrist tightly. Almost to the point of breaking
it. "Guys!" Ayako said.

"Ayako!" They all began to run towards her but stopped when a gust of air
slammed onto their bodies and threw them back. Ayako screamed in horror as
she watched. "Wufei! Guy!" She turned to Juno with pleading eyes. "Please
stop this Mako."

Juno looked down at her angrily. "Don't call me that again." She sneered.

Duo was the first to stand. "Guys Transform!" He yelled. The girls pulled out
their pens while the guys pulled out each a dagger. The handles were in
different color.

Juno grinned as she watched them. Her eye glowed red and with a flick of a
wrist lightning shot out of her hand and towards the transforming group. She
was not going to let them transform. She and Ayako watched as the lightning
smacked into their bodies and screams filled the air. Tears fell from Ayako's
eyes as she watched her prince and friends fall to the ground. "No." She
whispered shaking her head. "That's enough Mako! " She screamed as she
narrowed her eyes that were full of tears and anger. She looked up at Juno.
"Don't you remember anything? Don't you remember Trowa Mako? Can you even
hear me?"

"I told you to never call me by that name again." Juno sneered as she let go
of Ayako's hand and prepared for an attack. Ayako quickly transformed but to
late to do anything. "World Shaken!!!" She screamed. The attack hit Sailor
Callisto on her chest and she screamed in pain as she felt the attack in her
body. She hit the wall with a dangerous speed and fell to the ground.

"Ayako!" Wufie yelled as he picked himself up and ran towards the motionless

"I didn't tell you to move!" Juno yelled. "Mars Flame Sniper!" She shot the
arrow in the air and it pierced Wufei in the back. He stopped running and
stood there with a shock look on his face twisted with pain before he fell to
the ground.

"Transform now." Seanko whispered angrily as she watched two of her friends
go down.

Juno turned to late to stop them because they had already finished
"You know what to do, spread out!" knight Ganymede commanded.

The battle raged on as the good fought the bad. At first none were gaining
the upper hand until they over powered Juno and sent everything they had to
her. Juno screamed in pain as the attack hit her full force.

'I'm sorry Mako.' Trowa whispered. He looked around and found everyone tired.
They were panting as much as he was and sweat shined on their forehead. His
attention was caught by a hatred scream filled the air. Juno stood up pissed
and her eyes grew red as she glowed a dark sickly green. "All of you shall
die now!" She yelled. A blast emitted from her body and threw them back. The
Saturn symbol appeared on her forehead as well as the glaive. "Silence Glaive


"Princesses it is time." Queen Serenity spoke as she appeared in front of

They all nodded and stood up.

"I feel her using my powers." Hotaru whispered

"Yes, now go!" The queen said and glowed white. Soon they disappeared. "Good


Juno looked around her and smiled. The warriors were all on the ground dead
or at deaths door and the building could no longer be called that. The walls
had fell apart revealing the out side world. "I win." She said before she

Suddenly a bright light flashed in front of her surprising her. She closed
her eyes because of the blinding light and when she opened them she was face
to face with the late senshi. "Aren't you supposed to be dead?" She asked

"Serenity shook her head disappointed. "Juno you must leave Mako's body." She
spoke. "This is not what you want is it?"

"You're a fool, of course this is what I want. This is always what I wanted,
to rule the world without you pests in my way." She raised her hand up. "Be
gone!" Air sizzled around her hand before lightning rushed out. Juno was
surprised and shocked that her attack didn't even faze them.

"Juno." Hotaru whispered. "You can't hurt what's already dead."

They turned translucent and flew towards her except Serenity. They all flew
towards her and one by one they entered her body as they did memories from
each one emerged with Juno's.

The woman screamed as she tried to push the memories away but to no avail.
The memories over powered the struggle and implanted itself in her brain. Her
hair changed back to its normal color and soon after that her eyes glowed and
when it stopped it was green again. She crumbled to the floor and landed on
all four with her head bowed low. Slowly she looked up with tears in her
eyes. Her eyes locked with Serenity's. "Usagi, what have I done?" She started
to cry as she looked at her friends' body all around her eyes rested on
Trowa's. She could barely see his chest rise and fall. She stood up and
rushed over to his side allowing the tears to wash her cheeks. "Oh god." She
shocked out in a sob. "Trowa."

Tears fell from Serenity's eyes as she watched her friend cry over her love.
She swallowed the lump in her throat and walked up to her in a fast pace and
encased her in a hug from behind. "It's alright Mako, everything will be
fine." As soon as she said those words a bright light emitted from her body
engulfed the room. Mako stood in front of Serenity both wearing their
princess gowns. Mako still had tears flowing from her eyes.

"Mako-chan, because of this drug Alex fed you the effect last a lifetime.
Meaning this will happen again if we don't take care of it. The only way to
get rid of it is to erase your memories Meaning you will be reborn. The
others won't remember you either."

"If it's the only way." She whispered with tears.

"Mako-chan, you're so strong." She whispered. "You will remember one day
Mako-chan and I know your love for Trowa and his for you is eternal. You'll
find each other again I promise." She smiled at her. "Good-bye my friend."

Makoto smiled as she watched Serenity's form disappear and felt so clean as
the white light washed over her body. "Good-bye for now Trowa." She whispered
before the light engulfed her. "Everyone."

"Mako-chan!" An old man yelled.

A young girl about five turned around from where she seated in a sandbox. Her
brown hair was packed in a high ponytail and her emerald-green eyes looked
joyful. "Oui papa?"

Author's note: I'm finally done! YAY! I know I love you too! LOL. I love this
ending don't you? No? Oh well. Hehehe. Well if you want a sequel you're going
to have to ask me to make one. Ask does not mean threat, remember that ^_-.
Oh and I must have over five reviews if I don't this chapter will be the end.
If I see more than five or five I will post the sequel on just look
for Alana my pen name and you'll find it. Bai-bai!!!!!