
Thunder snapped through the darkened night sky as Arwen hurried through the dimly lit hallways. Her long, black hair flowed behind her and her blue dress rippled wildly as she ran. Stopping just outside the library doors, she took a deep, calming breath and opened the left one, stepping in with practiced ease. The inside was lit by a dying fire and one small candle on a desk, yet Arwen did not need those to see that she was just in time.


The large pile of manuscripts on Erestor's desk wobbled close to the edge of the table as yet another clap resounded throughout the night sky. Erestor himself sat slumped in his chair, dark head in his hands. Thunder cracked again and Arwen saw him flinch at the sound. His hands came up to his ears and covered them with shaking palms. Then, she was beside him, her warm hands on his cold ones, pulling them away.

"Erestor?" she whispered.

Frightened black eyes, so different and vulnerable from their usual appearance, jerked up to her grey ones. Looking at him now, shaking and so close to tears, Arwen saw not the Seneschal of Imladris, but a friend in need. She smiled gently and pulled the smaller ellon up. Not a word was said as she led him to the couch on the left wall and sat him down.

"Wait here," she said, "I'm going to stoke the fire."

She could feel his eyes watching her every move as she added some more kindling and wood and poked it alive with the iron rod. Soon the rich glow of the flames warmed her face and threw its light about the room.

"There now," she said, sitting down beside her oldest friend and smoothing her dress out. "That's better."

Erestor's eyes were focused on the fire. Arwen knew he was caught between relieving whatever painful memories brought this on and the shame that he needed her help. She did not mind helping him, though he might think she did. She was here, just as she always was. Arwen did not mind taking on the role of comforter. She wasn't even sure just what it was she protected him from – or what haunted him so much that it reduced him to this – but she was grateful she was able to do this much for him.

It had started when she had come in on him one stormy night and found him, eyes wide in fright, covering his ears. It had taken a while for her to get him to admit that this sometimes happened during thunder storms, but as soon as she had she'd at once made it her objective to be with him during any other such storms that followed.

"So," Arwen smoothed her dress again, "I've been working on a prank for Elladan and Elrohir. Any suggestions?"

"Why do you come?"

Arwen pushed down her sigh; this again? She wished she knew what it was that made Erestor question any kind act done to him. "Because I care."


"You are my friend, my protector…"

"From the Tickle Monster…"

"I'll have you know that Tickle Monster is a vicious creature," Arwen said with a mock pout. A sliver of a smile could be seen on the edge of Erestor's mouth and Arwen's heart filled with hope at seeing it.

"Indeed," he paused for a moment. "Do you feel you must repay me?"

Arwen took a moment to collect herself. He had never pressed this much before and she wanted to make sure that what she said was right. "No. I would do this for anyone in need of my assistance, especially if they were a friend. I care about you, Erestor, and would not see you suffer alone."

"You do not even know what it is I fear…are you not curious?"

"I would be lying if I said no, but that does not change anything."

Erestor was silent and Arwen hoped he believed her enough to put away these thoughts of doubt.

"Thank you," he said at last. Thunder snapped again, but Erestor's flinch was not as pronounced as before.

"It is nothing," She said and squeezed one of his hands. "Now, are you going to help me get back at my brothers or not?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"Well, it involves a certain prince who shall be arriving in two days' time and some of the honey from Bree…"

The End.