Truly Madly Deeply
Chapter 10; The Wedding

*WARNING!!! Now I don't know how sentamental the rest of you are, but I almost cried while I was writting this. So just incase, you might want to pull out those tissues.*

I want to stand with you on a mountain
I want to bathe with you in the sea
I want to lay like this forever
Until the sky falls down on me

"Oh honey you look so beautiful." Sarah smiled as she adjusted her daughters viel "The tiara is a nice touch."

"You don't think I'm going over board?" Mei-Ling asked, castimg a worried look in the mirror.

"Not at all." her mother replied "Everything is perfect." Sarah glanced at her watch and sighed. "I guess I better go see if the quests are here yet."

"Alright." Mei-Ling forced a smile "I'll be in here if you need me for anything."

Sarah nodded then left the room, leaving Mei-Ling alone to worry. It had been like this for the past week and a half. Mei-Ling just knew something bad was going to happen. The cake wouldn't be right, she'd space out and forget to say her vows, or trip over her dress. Yeah, something bad was bound to happen.

"I wonder if Shin is as nervous as I am?" Mei-Ling thought.


"Perhaps I'm going over board." Shin sighed as he glanced in the mirror "I want everything to be perfect, but maybe gold trin is a bit too much. What do you think Kibito?"

The larger man looked up and smiled. "The trim is fine." he replied.

"I certainly hope so." Shin said "Oh dear, I do hope Mei-Ling is alright. She's been so nervous these past few days."

"She will be fine." Kibito replied.

"Yes, I suppose you're right. But just incase, would you mind going to check on her?"


"I can't take it anymore!" Mei-Ling cried "I gotta get outta here for a minute!"

The young girl gathered up her dress and snuck out into the hall. Her high heeled shoes clicked on the churchs tile floor as she made her way to the exit. 'I'll just step out for a sec.' She thought 'I just need to get some air and think for a minute, thats all.'

"Having second thoughts?"

Mei-Ling jumped and spun around. "Kibito!" she cried in alarm "I was just going to get some air, honest."

"I must have a word with you." Kibito said, serious as always.

"Oh....ok. Uh, I guess we can talk outside."

Mei-Ling sat down on a small bench near the back of the church and looked up at the tall man. "So whats on your mind big guy?" she asked.

Kibito wasted no time getting to the point. "I can not say that I agree with this union." he said "It goes against many rules for a Kai to interfere in the lives of humans. And to marry one could certainly prove disasterous."

Mei-Ling blinked. That was the most she'd ever heard him say since she first met him nearly 5 years ago. "Are you saying you don't want me to marry Shin?" she asked.

"On the contrary." he replied "Shin loves you very much and it is obvious you feel the same. As long as he is happy, I have no objections. This is his choice, and although I did not approve of it at first, I now see that there is no one more suited for him than you."

"That is the sweetest thing I've ever heard you say." Mei-Ling smiled "In fact, its the most I've ever heard you say. Thank you Kibito. This means a lot to me."

"You are very welcome."

"Well I feel better now." Mei-Ling said "I think its time to have ourselves a wedding."


Shin smiled nervously as the wedding march began and the guests stood up. It was a small wedding, mostly Mei-Ling close family and friends. Emily Vanderhause was the maid of honor, and of course Kibito was the best man.

Sarah Mioko wipped a tear away as she led her daughter down the aile. "I wish your father could see you." she whispered "He'd be so proud."

"Please don't cry mama." Mei-Ling whispered back "You're gonna make me cry too."

As soon as Shins eyes fell on his bride, he nearly passed out. She had never looked as beautiful as she did at that moment. She was like a princess out of a fairy tale. White light seemed to cascade around her, causing her taira to sparkle, and setting her sapphire blue eyes ablaze.

Shin blinked a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Marriage had always seemed like a distant fantasy to him. Something that he had always been too busy for, and would most likely never happen. And yet here he was, about to tie the knot with the most beautiful girl in the entire universe.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Mei-Ling took her place beside him. They stared at each other for a moment in a complete daze. It wasn't until the preist spoke that they snapped out of it.

"Our religiom is small, as you all know." The priest said "We are few and far between. Several years ago, one of us was blessed enough to become friends with the one we worship. Mei-Ling Mioko met Lord Kaioshin nearly 15 years ago, and she was lucky enough to make him her best friend. Now, years later, we gather here to join the two of them in the greatest union of all. Who gives this woman?"

"I do." Sarah replied.

"Please be seated." The priest continued as everyone took their seats. "Marriage is a very special bond. Once made, it can never be broken. It is the joining of two hearts and souls into one. It is custom in our religion for the bride and groom to think of 3 things they love and hate about each other, and write them down on a piece of paper." He glanced at Shin and Mei-Ling. "Do each of you have these lists?"

"Yes." They replied.

"Very well. Mei-Ling, please read the 3 things you hate most about Kaioshin, followed by the 3 things you love most."

Mei-Ling took a deep breath as she began to read over her list. "I hate the way you correct me when I'm wrong, because I hate being wrong. I hate the way you're so perfect, cause it makes me want to be perfect too. I hate it when you call me shorty, cause lets face it I hate being short."

The was a small moment of laughter after she had read that last part.

"Now the the things you love." The priest said.

"There are so many things I love about you." Mei-Ling smiled "It was hard to narrow them down to just 3, but some how I managed. I love the way you laugh, cause it makes me want to laugh too. I love the way the way you make me feel when I'm with you, cause its the most wonderful feeling in the world. But most of all, I love the way you love me, cause your love is like a wild fire that consumes my heart and soul."

"Thank you Mei-Ling." The priest smiled "Kaioshin, would you please read your list."

Shin glanced down at the list in his hand and sighed. "I spent a lot of time thinking about this." he said "At first I didn't think there was anything I hated about my dear Mei-Ling......but I was wrong. I hate it when you lose control of your temper, because it leads to trouble. I hate when you get that mischivious look in your eyes, because frankly it scares me, and makes me wonder what you're up to. And I hate the fact that you don't take life seriously, because you never know when it will pass you by."

"And the things you love about her." The priest said.

Shin sighed again. "Its funny, when Mei-Ling was reading her list I got chills." he said "After I read this you will know why. And Mei-Ling will think I've been reading her mind again. Something I promised a long time ago I would never do."

He paused and smiled at Mei-Ling.

"I love the way you laugh, because it makes me want to laugh too..."

Mei-Lings eyes widened in shock. Had they written the same thing?

"I love the way you make me feel when I am with you, because it is the most wonderful feeling in the world. But most of all, I love the way you love me, because your love is like a wild fire that consumes my heart and soul."

"Oh my God!" Mei-Ling gasped "We wrote the same thing."

Shin nodded. "You see" he said "We are already one."

The priest smiled at them. "The reason for these lists is honesty." he said "By knowing what the other person loves and hates about you, you will know your own strengths and weaknesses. The things you love can help make the relationship stronger. While the things you hate help you to understand the others faults. You must live with these faults for the rest of your lives. Marriage is never easy, and there will be many hard roads ahead. But as long as you hold on to the love you have for each other, nothing is impossible. Do you have the rings?"

Kibito and Emily both handed a ring to Shin and Mei-Ling, and they all turned back to face the priest.

"A ring is a symbol of unity." The priest said "It is never ending, just like marriage. These rings are a symbol of your love for each other. A love that shall never be broken." he turned to Shin and nodded.

Shin slid the golden wedding band onto Mei-Lings finger. The ring instantly locked with her engagement ring and began to glow. "It has begun." he whispered "You are immortal now, and must never take these rings off."

Mei-Ling looked down at the glowing rings on her finger and smiled.

"Kaioshin" the priest spoke "Repeat after me. I Kaioshin."

"I Kaioshin."

"Take thee Mei-Ling."

"Take thee Mei-Ling."

"As my wife for all eternity."

"As my wife for all eternity."

"With this ring."

"With thise ring."

"I give you my heart, my life, and my soul, forever."

"I give you my heart, my life, and my soul, forever."

The priest nodded to Mei-Ling and she placed her ring on Shins finger. "Repeat after me." The priest told her "I Mei-Ling."

"I Mei-Ling."

"Take thee Kaioshin."

"Take thee Kaioshin."

"As my husband for all eternity."

"As my husband for all eternity."

"With this ring."

"With this ring."

"I give you my heart, my life, and my soul, forever."

"I give you my heart, my life, and my soul, forever."

"Two hearts and souls have now been joined as one." The priest smiled "What has been joined here today can never be brought apart. Even in death love can not be conquered. May you always be as one. I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Everyone cheered as Shin pulled Mei-Ling closer to him and kissed her. It was over, they were husband and wife. No, it wasn't over, it was just the begining. They had all eternity to spend with each other, and nothing, not even death could tear them apart.

*So is it over? I don't hardly think so. Sarah still isn't a grandma yet....;)*