''Huh?'' questioned the strongest delinquent of Ishiyama high, seated in his couch watching something in his idiot box.

''You heard me.'' answered his sister. And continued, crossing her arms '' We are going to the summer festival, get ready''

''No.'' replied the acting father of the young green haired demon lord, very bluntly.

''Oh, and why won't you?'' asked his sister in a serious tone.

''Cuz, I don't wanna. It should be really crowded.'' Oga replied. If only he knew what was to come next.

''You little brat! I don't find that a suitable reason. you are just too fucking lazy. Get ready in five or I'll break your bones. Bitch.'' warned oga's sister while gripping his collar, looking him straight in the eye in a demonic manner. Hand ready to land a punch in Oga's face.

''All right, all right! Just get off of me.'' Oga said in a desperate tone not liking the situation. He wouldn't like fighting women, especially not his demon sister.

''Wah!'' exclaimed his sister in a cheery voice clapping her hands. ''It's decided, then. Hilda-chan, get Berubo ready too. We're going to the festival!''

''Festival?'' came in Hildegarde's voice from somewhere near the dining table.

''Yea. A festival. I think you've never seen one in Japan.'' Oga's sister said. ''Oh, that's right!'' she continued, ''Why don't you wear a yukata, I'll lend you one of mine.''

''Eh? Is it necessary to wear one?'' the Blonde questioned.

''Of course. You can't go to a Japanese festival without one. Tatsumi, you wear one too.'' She ordered her younger brother.

''What, I don't wanna, and why should I?''

''Come on, you will look good in it. Just wear it.''

''That's right. You should.'' Oga's mother said from the kitchen. ''It's been a while since the last time you wore one. It will be fun.''

''Alright.'' Sighed the delinquent in a defeated breath and muttered. ''I guess it's fine since it will be even more boring staying at home. Right, Berubo?''

''Adah!'' replied the baby demon lord.

Xar. . . . . . .arX

''I can't believe they dragged us here and left us.'' said the irritated brunette.

''Adahbuh!'' Be'el complained as well. Clinging on to his acting father's shoulder.

''That's right. I can't believe that, Hilda forgot about you too, Berubo.'' oga supported be'el in turn translating his words as well.

''Ah, well. Since we are here anyway, why don't we get something to eat?'' Oga said smiling.

''Dabudah!'' okayed Be'el.

And so their search began to find something to eat. On their way baby Be'el asked his father to buy him a mask. And so he did. It was of his favourite character from his favourite show. Riceboy.

''Dabuhdah dabuh ahah adah~'' baby Be'el started singing positioned on Oga's head, unable to contain his excitement on getting riceboy's mask.

''Ah!'' exclaimed Oga seeing a shop.

It was a ramen shop. ''Let's eat ramen, Berubo.'' Oga said continuing to walk to the shop.

On reaching the shop, he found someone unexpected there.

For there stood before him making ramen, was the strongest of the Touhoushinki, Toujou Hidetora.

''Oh.'' They both said in unison.

''What an unexpected costumer.'' Toujou stated smiling .

''What are you doing here?'' asked Oga.

''Well, what does it look like? I'm working.'' Replied Toujou.

''. . .'' silence followed with a frown which said that Oga was thinking and he finally said, ''Make me a bowl of ramen.'' while seating himself in one of the chairs.

''Of course.'' Was the response he got as Toujou started doing what he was asked for.

After a while Toujou spoke, ''You are wearing a yukata.'' He said, starting the conversation.

''Yeah. My mom and sis made me wear it.'' Oga replied, touching the sleeve of his dark green -almost black looking- yukata. ''Why?'' he further questioned .

''Nothing. Never saw you wear one. You look decent''

''Huh? Where did that come from? Stop being weird.''

All he got was a chuckle as a reply before a hot and delicious bowl of ramen was placed in front of him.

Oga took a pair of chopsticks and dug into his food before praying, ''Itadakimasu.''

''So, that demon woman isn't here today?'' questioned Toujou out of curiosity.

''Ah? Hilda? Yeah well, she's here but she went off somewhere with my sister.'' Oga answered.

''How are the two of you related?''

''what?'' Oga asked in between eating but replied anyway. ''Hmm. . .she's a really good friend.'' He replied with a smile, oblivious to Toujou's relieved expression.

''But, why are you asking me this?''

''Nothing, just wanted to.''

Oga looked at Toujou for a moment before continuing to eat.

~Meanwhile, at Hilda and Misaki's side.~

''Oh look, Hilda-chan. Let's play that next!'' Misaki said pulling on Hilda's pink and white kimono which originally belonged to her.

''Yes, let's!'' Hilda agreed. But stopped, noticing something ''Misaki-san, where are Beelze-bocchama and Oga?''

''Eh?'' she got out before noticing their disappearance herself, ''Oh, crap.'' She said.


Coming back;

Oga finished his fourth bowl of ramen and was about to complete his fifth.

''Damn, you can eat.'' Toujou voiced.

''Damn, you can cook.'' Oga replied.

Baby Be'el was playing with his riceboy mask, throwing it up and down. When suddenly he threw it so high that it fell over the shop into the dark woods behind it.

Berubo's eyes became watery, his tiny hands fisted, as slight electric currents were visible around his small body.

Oga noticed this, putting his chopsticks down besides his empty bowl, he tried desperately to stop his little demon lord from crying.

''Calm down, Berubo!'' He pleaded. ''I'll buy you a new one. Please don't cry!''

But the green haired baby wasn't listening as all he wanted was that mask and voiced it, ''Adabudah!'' he said in a trembling voice.

''What, you only want that mask? But, it's impossible to find it in the jungle'' he tried to convince his boy, which only resulted in baby Be'el getting even near to spilling his tears.

''Alright, you damn brat! We'll try and find it. Don't cry. Remember, strong men don't cry over simple things!'' He reminded Be'el.

Berubo stooped his tears listening to his father's words.

Oga sighed in relief. He got up and paid Toujou the money for the ramen and took Berubo off the table, turned and headed out for the dark woods but halted when he heard Toujou.

''Stop,'' Toujou said. ''I'll come along with you.'' He added.

''No. There's really no need for you to.'' Oga said.

''It might be dangerous in the dark, so I'm coming with you.'' Toujou said taking off his bandana, and got out of the shop with a torch light in his hands.

''I'm strong enough to take down any kinda animal, I'm not a child.'' Oga assured.

''No, I'm coming with you.'' Toujou said. ''I want to and besides, won't it be faster to find it with both of us instead of only you?'' He added in a serious tone.

Oga thought about it and reached the conclusion that he was right, ''Do whatever you want.'' He said climbing the fence behind the ramen shop and made his way into the jungle.

Toujou followed suit.

Oga walked near to the spot where he assumed Be'el's mask to have fallen.

What he didn't notice,due to the darkness, was the slight slope in the ground . He stepped on it and slipped. He almost fell but Toujou caught him before his fall by supporting Oga's body with both his arms under Oga's

Oga looked up to only come face to face with Toujou's and immediately pulled away from him.

''Thanks.'' He said.

''You're welcome.'' Toujou said.

They continued their search for the mask in the small area of trees but couldn't find it.

''Just where the hell did it fall?'' Oga said in impatience while searching for the lost mask.

''Found it!'' Toujou exclaimed. Oga turned around and saw the mask in his hands.

''Finally!'' Oga went near Toujou and took the mask from his hands and handed it over to the already excited Be'el. He took it and rejoiced.

''Thanks for helping.'' Oga said to Toujou.

''No big deal.'' Toujou replied

''So. . .where are we?'' Oga asked.

''Who knows.'' Was the honest reply he got from Toujou.

Oga sighed deeply. He had been doing that a lot that day.

''Alright. Let's find our way back.'' Toujou said and Oga agreed.

With that they started walking. As they walked further Oga spotted light.

''Oh! There's the way.'' He happily said and they started walking in that direction. And as Oga had stated, they did find their way out. But it was on the other side of where the festival was taking place. And so it was empty except for a couple of benches. The light was from the street lights.

''Oh, this place,'' Toujou said and continued, ''Is the perfect spot to view fireworks.''

''Really?'' Oga asked, ''There's still time for fireworks, right? What do you say Berubo, do you wanna watch the fireworks?'' Oga asked his baby who was currently on his head, and found that he was sleeping.

''The damn brat,'' Oga said, taking Berubo off of his head and holding him in his arms. ''He's such a pain in the ass. He makes so much mess and just sleeps peacefully.''

''Haha!'' Toujou laughed, ''Then, why don't the both of us watch the fireworks? It's a really good view from this spot.''

''Alright.'' Oga said.

They both sat down in one of the benches and waited. Oga placed the sleeping Be'el beside him. He chuckled a bit seeing the sleeping form of the young demon lord. ''This guy would destroy the human world? Yeah, right.'' He said.

Toujou looked at Oga and moved his hand to the area just below Oga's right ear and grazed it with his fingers. Oga immediately turned his head around and asked ''What?''

Toujou smiled and answered with a question ''Did you know that you have a mole under your ear?''

''What? No, I don't'' Oga replied.

''Then, did you know,'' Toujou continued to ask, getting even closer to Oga and took his wrists in his hands. He moved Oga so fast that he didn't notice when he was pinned down under Toujou. With Be'el right above his head. Oga tried to get out of Toujou's grip, but found it too strong to get out of.

Toujou continued ''That you don't look decent but rather, really sexy in that yukata?'' he asked.

Oga's eyes widened. He opened his mouth to say something but was stopped by Toujou's words, ''Did you know that,'' he started, his face just a breath apart from Oga's, ''I have to do my everything to not just fuck you senseless, whenever you're close to me?''

Oga opened his mouth to say something, but this time, nothing came out.

''And did you know,'' Toujou said, ''That I'm in love with you.'' He ended it as a statement.

There was no sound from Oga and the only thing heard was the sound of fireworks, blooming colorfully in the dark sky.

''You,'' Oga managed to get out. ''You bastard.''

To that, the reply he got was Toujou's amused laugh.

I hope you had as much fun reading this, as much as I had while writing XD

Please review or PM me and tell me what you thought of it.

Thank you for reading, Azul Renge.