I've always liked Samantha/Eddie. Trying to increase the number of Samantha/Eddie fanfictions. Enjoy!

I do not own American Girl.

"That was so uncool, Sam"

Samantha wished Eddie would go away. They were having one of their arguments again. She couldn't stand him! It seemed like he was making fun of her more during the summer to make up for the whole year when she was away. He was already 15, and still acted immaturely. Boys Samantha thought to herself, rolling her eyes.

15 year old Sam was visiting Grandmary during the summer, like she did every year. Although she liked to spend time with her grandmother, Samantha missed her adopted family more than anything, especially Nellie.

"Wow what a NICE dress, Sam. " Eddie smirked. He was walking toward her with a swagger with a glint in his eye. "Did a poor factory worker make it?"

"Shut up" Samantha crossed her hands. Now he was trying to make her guilty! Her hands balled into fists.

"I'll have you know – "

"What? That you still buy clothes from factories even when Nellie is your sister? You support their suffering? What a nice sister you are indeed" he mocked.

Sam's body began to heat up, and the scorching sun didn't help.

Before she could contemplate that what she was going to do was unladylike, Samantha knocked Eddie to the ground and started wrestling him. I'm finally giving him what he deserves after all these years!

They rolled around in the grass, and before she realized it, Eddie was on top of her. When did he get so strong? Samantha looked at his face with a hateful expression. She didn't like losing, and no matter how much she hated Eddie, she hated losing to him even more.

"Why do you hate me so much?" she asked, feeling squished by the weight of his body

"Oh Sam.. Sam.." Eddie grinned and his eyes sparkled. They were a perfect shade of green and blue. Funny how she never noticed how pretty his eyes wer….

"Samantha!" A voice rang out. Oh no it's Elsa.. Samantha didn't want to be discovered by her Grandmary's grouchy servant lying on the grass with an almost grown man on top of her!

Eddie shot up quicker than a bullet and wordlessly offered his hand to Samantha. When… did this happen? Why is he being nice to me? She took his soft muscular hand and got up.

"You have to run, now!" She pushed him toward the hedge.

"Miss Samantha, what's going on here?"


Will post Chapter 2 after 5 reviews! :p

If you have any suggestions for the story, please tell me!