Title: What Albus Potter Learned at Malfoy Manor

Pairing: Mentions of Albus/Scorpius/Lysander, Albus/OC

Rating: M

Summary: Albus is at the Manor and things get drastically more complicated.

Disclaimer: All characters belong to J.K. Rowling and publishers. No offense is meant by this fan fiction and this is made purely for fun.

Word Count: ~1900

A/N: Oh my, a ridiculous plot. Why am I doing this...? I'm going to end this here and start the continuation under a different name, it's definitely time for a title change. Continuation titled From Enemies to Bondmates.

Malfoy Manor was luxurious. Albus had seen the inside of Malfoy's rooms and assumed that the rest of the Manor looked similar but it was even more lavish than the man's bedroom. At least the area he and Harry sat in. They were in a drawing room that had a rich blue to it and he could not begin to find the right adjectives to describe the furnishings.

When Draco came inside Albus' eyes were immediately drawn to the door. He had anticipated that both Hob, and possibly Lysander, would follow but only the latter entered, looking properly confused. When he saw Albus though, his eyes flashed with anger. Albus could not quite blame the man. Despite the fact that Lysander was upset at him though he felt... he felt something inside him loosen, like some sort of tension he had been walking around with and had not noticed.

"Albus. Severus. Potter," Lysander said. He enunciated each word as he strode towards him, completely ignoring the two other men. "Is there a reason, and I mean a proper reason, you've been making such a strong effort to avoid us? Don't answer that. It was rhetorical. There isn't."

"Lysander, I-" he started, not quite knowing what he would have tried to say. He caught a glimpse of his father's patronus leaving the room.

"Have you the slightest clue what it is we've been trying to contact you about?" Lysander asked, as he leaned towards him. Albus shook his head. "None? None at all? What the bloody hell were you even doing during all those classes at Hogwarts, Al?"

"So you know then," Draco said.

Know what?

Lysander stood upright and sighed. "Yes, I know, and Scorpius as well. We've been trying to get in contact with this one here but he's been making himself unreachable," the man said.

"Know what?" Albus asked, confused.

Hob appeared in the room, clearly the man had mastered silent apparition, and again Albus felt that odd release of tension. "Harry, you call-" Hob stopped mid sentence when he noticed Albus and Lysander in the room. He focused his attention on Albus though. "You. You avoidant little- Where the bloody hell have you been?" he snapped.

All right, so everyone seemed to know what was going on except Albus.

"Avoiding you is what," Harry said. "Which I have to say, Albus, was not the best choice. Have a seat would you, boys."

"I'm likely to hit him should I go near him so I think I'll stand here," Hob said. Lysander sat in the couch but gave Albus a rather reprimanding look.

"As you will," Draco said. He and Hob looked at one another for a while in silent communication before the man continued speaking. "As you should know, Beltane is a celebration of life and fertility. It is a time when the world of the Fae is closer to our own and wild Fae magic pours into the Wizarding world seeking life forms to, for lack of a better word, fertilize. It's a large part of why people who go down to The Clearing are so... excited. The magic gathers easily in that area.

"You should also be familiar with the amount of magically induced pregnancies that are related to the holiday. Wherein the wild magic from Fae manages to bypass the spells and potions created from our own. The result of which is a sort of... forced bonding... between the parties, rare though they are. It should be noted though that every now and then some of these bondings are polygamous and are not limited in gender."

Albus leaned back in the couch and groaned as he dragged a hand across his face. He was bonded to Lysander and Hob.

Bonded, of all things. Amelia is going to kill me. Her father and brother are going to do the same as well I reckon.

"That's not all, Mop," Hob said. "There's more to this little lecture that you just so happened to ignore in school."

"So I'm not just bonded to you lot?" he asked with a sigh. "All right, how can it get worse?"

"This is the part where it would have been better for you to have listened to me when I said we needed to talk," Lysander said.

"Albus," Harry sighed, "I reckon your mother and I probably should have gone over this in more detail, but honestly it hardly ever happens so we overlooked it. Beltane is a celebration of fertility. So, all though it's rare, there are cases where-"

"Good Godric," Albus breathed, as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "How is that even biologically- Fae fucking magic. I'm guessing you two have already take measures to prevent... Merlin."

"We have," Lysander replied. "You can still take the potions though."

"But they are less likely to work now," Hob said. The man held his gaze for a while before looking away. Albus realized then that Malfoy had been the one with his cock up his arse.

"Holy Hufflepuff," he said slowly. "I... and Hob... No. Nooo." He got up and paced, shaking his head all the while. "I am not... Where are those potions?"

Hob pulled a phial out of his robe pocket and handed it to him. "I was on my way to visit your office this morning before I came here," the man said. "And there's a list of foods that you should avoid for now. I'll give it to you later."

"In about a week or so we'll know if any of us have conceived. It's a tricky process for the magic to create a proper reproductive environment in a man so the chances are extremely low once you've started taking the potions, but you've had more uninterrupted time to change," Lysander informed him.

"So you might still..." he said softly. His eyes flickered to Lysander's abdomen before he shook his head in exasperation.

"The chances are fairly low," the man replied slowly. "But yes.

Hob snorted turned his attention to the hearth.

Albus popped the cork off of the phial and downed it. It was viscous and bitter and he nearly retched from the taste of it but he was not going to have a... Hob spawn.

"How many more of these do I need to take?" he grimaced.

"Beltane was five days ago, so seven should be fine," Hob said. "I can give you the rest of the phials now if you want."

"Yeah, do that," he nodded. Hob glanced at him with an unreadable expression before leaving the room.

Draco sighed. "So, from what I've gathered, all three of you have the potential to conceive?" he asked.

Lysander nodded. "Yes," he said softly.

"Do you at least know would have... impregnated, who?" Harry asked. He and Draco traded glances for a moment as they waited for a response.

"Malfoy," Albus grumbled. He glanced at his father, who had closed his eyes and nodded in acknowledgement. Draco had looked off to the side.

He recalled the way Malfoy had pounded into him, the way their bodies had writhed the ridiculous amount of pleasure that had shot through him. He even remembered the feel of the sweat that rolled down his skin, the way it felt when Lysander had lowered himself onto his cock, surrounded him in even more heat, the fullness of Hob ins-

He swallowed and put a hand over his eyes as he concentrated on getting the images and sensations out of his mind.

"For Scorpius it would be mine," Lysander said, Albus had completely forgotten they were talking. The man squirmed in his seat and glanced at Albus briefly. "For me it's... sort of up in the air..."

Albus tensed and his attention snapped to Lysander. He had thought Hob seemed somewhat different and had attributed it simply to the fact that Albus might be... with child, his child, but it was more than that. They could not be sure who the, other, father of the child was should Lysander get... if he was with child. Albus hoped to Merlin that the situation resolved itself. He would definitely have to break things off with Amelia because of the bonding and he did not particularly want to add children on top of it.

This was probably the most fucked up situation he would ever find himself in.

"Draco," Harry sighed.

"What?" Draco snapped. He sounded fairly frustrated.

"You're glaring," Harry pointed out.

The door opened and Hob returned with Albus' potions.

"Should I be smiling, Harry?" Draco asked.

"No, but you don't need to glare daggers at the boys. Yeah, yeah, they fucked up, I know, but part of this has to do with the Fae magic. They couldn't have done anything to prevent that," his father raised his brows and looked as if he was going to contradict that but Lysander did it for him.

"Actually, Mr. Potter, the level of familiarity we already had with one another was likely to contribute to the wild magic's decision to bond us together. Scorpius and Albus might not mesh well on an emotional level but otherwise they've got an incredible amount of chemistry. And I've always gotten along well with Albus so it's not surprising that it included all three of us," Lysander said. He really needed to learn that giving those miniature lectures when he was nervous was not always helpful.

"Precisely," Draco drawled. "And because of all that our sons are bonded and have possibly conceived a child."

"Draco," Harry said, as he went over to the other man.

"A child Harry. A child," Draco emphasized, as he shrugged Harry's hand away.

"This probably isn't the best time for us to discu-" his father continued.

Albus saw where this was going and quickly tried to signal to the other two that they should leave the room.

"How many times have we discussed this?" Draco asked.

"I know, Draco. I know," Harry sighed, as he took hold of the man's hand, holding onto it despite Draco's tugging.

Albus ushered his counterparts out of the room and they were sensible enough to simply follow. "Those two are hardly able to stand one another most times. And we- for fuck's sake, Harry, we aren't able to-" Mr. Malfoy said with pained voice.

He closed the door behind them.

"I know, love," his father said, so softly Albus was not sure he had heard it.

When the three of them reached the stairwell they sat down glanced at one another.

"Well fuck," Malfoy muttered, and Lysander stroked his back gently as Albus thought pretty much the same thing.