Hello all, this is my first svu fanfic so be nice and review.

Olivia walked to her car with her coffee in hand ready to take on the world head on. She was already exhausted and it's only six in the morning. Her day always starts the same way, and every day she leaves exhausted. Between a twelve hour work day and a 1 year old boy she never gets a full eight hours of sleep. It's not because her son keeps her awake, even though sometimes that is the case, it's not her job; it's her thoughts. It's been almost two years since she has seen Elliot, and it has been four since she has worked with him. She last saw him in a bar drowning him self in a bottle of whiskey. He was miserable after the shooting, blamed himself and shut everyone out, even his wife. She got sick of it and left him which made him spiral even more out of control. She paid his tab and took him back to her place. She had to literally drag him into her room and when she did she fell right on top of him, and he kissed her. He made her feel things she didn't know were possible, but when she woke up the next morning, she didn't wake up to a warm body she woke up to cold and a crumpled piece of paper that she carries with her to this day. She wanted to forget what happened but how can you do that when that night created a life. She vowed to be the best mother she could be and she was nothing below exceptional with her son. But lets face its she is normal and sometimes she feels like he belongs in a zoo. She finally walks in her precinct and sits at her computer and desk. Cragen walks out of his office and hands her a file.

"12 year old found stabbed in an ally way ripped clothes and no ID." He tells her. she nods and looks around

"Where is Finn?" she stands up and grabs her jacket from her chair.

"Took the day off." He watches her

"Then who am I with?" she looks at him. He simply looks passed her and she looks at him before turning around. She is shocked to see her old partner and one time lover standing there with a smile. She turns and looks at Cragen.

"Elliot has decided to return to SVU, as your partner." She shakes her head and looks at him. He walks over to her.

"Hey Liv." She stands there feeling her hands getting sweaty and her heart beating rapidly.

"We have a crime scene." She walks passed him quickly and takes the stairs down to the car. He catches up to her and grabs her arm gently.

"We need to talk." He looks at her. She shrugs her arm away gently.

"Not now Elliot. Not here." She starts walking.

"Then when and where." He says walking close to her. He moves away from him

"Stop pushing Elliot!" she snaps. He stops and she looks at him.

"I am sorry ok. I just don't want to talk right now." He nods and he walks silently to the car. The ride to the crime scene was so tense neither of them could breathe. When they finally parked, both quickly jumped out the car and walked over to the tape.

"Detective Stabler good to have you back." A patrol officer smiles, Elliot nods and smiles before walking over to the body.

"I forgot how gruesome this job was." He states as he looks at the body. Olivia starts checking the perimeter for evidence.

"it looks like we have a murder weapon." She says as she bags a bloody gun. She hands it to Elliot. He looks at it as her phone rings. She takes off her rubber gloves and answers it

"Benson. She states as she answers the phone. She listens intently.

"Ok Jenna calm down I am on my way." she hangs up and looks at Elliot with her phone in her hand.

"Can you finish up here I will meet you back at the precinct." He nods.

"Of course is everything ok?" she nods.

"I will see you in a few." She walks off the crime scene and gets in the car. He watches her before finishing the crime scene and returning to the precinct. He sits at his desk and he goes over evidence with Cragen.

"This is the gun Liv found before she ran off for some emergency." He hands him the bagged weapon.

"We sent the blood sample to DNA to find out if that is our Vic's blood." Cragen studies it carefully.

"So you said Olivia had an emergency." He says still looking at the gun.

"Yea her phone rang she said she was on her way and ran off the crime scene like her house was on fire or something." He leans back in his chair.

"You know something I don't know captain" Cragen looks up at him and sets the gun down

"If there is something going on with Benson I have the right as her partner to know." Elliot stands up.

"Actually you don't" Olivia says as she walks by.

"You gave up that right 2 year's ago." she sits down. He frowns and looks at her.

"so on the way to the crime scene wasn't an appropriate time for this talk but here, right now is?" he leans forward.

"No it isn't. It might never be the right time." She stands up.

"So we have a gun and some finger prints so far." She looks at the evidence board.

"We ran the finger prints and they all belonged to our victim. Problem is that she was a minor so most likely she doesn't have a record or she isn't in the system so we either find missing persons or we get lucky with the system" Elliot says standing up.

"Let's take our chances." Olivia says as she picks up her jacket.

"Call me if you need me. I'm off duty effective now" she walks out the precinct. Elliot looks at her before grabbing his jacket and going after her.

"Liv, Olivia, Benson!" she turns around.

"What?" he looks at her.

"Lets grab something to eat, I want to talk."

"What makes you think I want to do anything with you?" She puts her hands in her pocket.

"Just hear me out." He begs her.

"You have five minutes to convince me to be in the same room with you." She looks at her watch.

"Damnit Olivia I am not playing this game with you. You don't want to talk fine." He walks away she stares a hole in his back. When he turns the corner she turns around slowly and walks to her car. She stands there before pulling out the note she keep with her at all times. She reads the tear stained note silently.


I'm sorry. I love you. –Elliot

For some reason those words made her cry every time, But not tonight. Was it because he was here in the same city as her, was it because she walked away this time not him. she continued these thoughts as she got in her car and drove through the city until she got to her two bedroom apartment. She parked before getting out and walking up the stairs slowly. She unlocked the door and immediately she was welcomed with lights and color and cheerful noises that put a small smile on her face. She walked into the living room where she saw her babysitter sitting and watching T.V.

"Hey Jenna." She turns instantly.

"Olivia, hi" sorry about the mess

"Oh its ok. I will clean it. Thank you I will see you tomorrow." She nods

"Oh Ethan is in his room" she nods

"Thanks Jenna" Jenna nods before exiting the warm house. Olivia walks to the back of the apartment to the open door. She leans against the frame and watched the small boy play with toys. She looks at his tiny features, reminding her instantly of Elliot. People always say he looks like her but she thinks he looks exactly like his father. She is brought back from her thoughts when she hears a small squeal. Her smile becomes huge when she watches her little man run over to her. she picks him up and kiss him.

"Hi baby! Did you have a good day today" he nods and rubs his eyes. She kisses his forehead.

"Are you hungry?" he nods and she smiles. "Ok lets clean you up and get you fed." She sets him down before cleaning up the mess in his room and the living room. She finishes and she makes him macaroni and cheese.

"Mommy is really tired so you get leftovers." She sets him in his chair and feeds his slowly letting him chew and dink his sippie cup in between bites. When he finishes she runs his bath water and bathes him as he splashes in the water. She washes his hair and rinses it. She starts to drain the water when somebody knocks on her door. She puts the hooded part on his head and wraps Ethan in the towel before picking him up and walking to the door. She answers it quickly

"Jenna what did you forget." She looks up at her shocked partners face and immediately regrets answering the door.

Sooooooooooo? Was it good..tell me in reviews