…::Chapter 10::…

After School, by the pool


" Toji!" Momo called after the boy ahead of her. He turned, his eyes wide, almost surprised to find that someone was following him. Then, seeing it was Momo, his face spliced in a huge grin.

" Momo." He turned around, his hands darting into his pockets. " What's …"

She approached him with such remorse, her head hanging down, looking at the ground rushing by under her feet. "Toji, we need to talk." When she looked up again, she saw he looked a bit shocked.

" Did… did someone try anything funny with you again?" A muscle tensed in his neck, angrily.
" No, it's not that at all, Toji." Momo thought she'd cry. " It's… it's about our relationship. I have to tell you something important."

" Oh." He tried to look optimistic, but she could see that he was looking rather worried.

" Can we sit down?" She asked, her voice just above a whisper.

" Sure." He said. They moved over to the little wall that was nearby and they sat down on it. He looked at Momo and said, finally: " Is it… about Kiley?"

Momo felt her stomach drop. " Some… somewhat."

Toji's face grew ashen. He folded his hands and said: " What is it?"

Momo began, not bothering to hold it all back. She let all the words spill out, all the feelings and thoughts she had practiced. The whole time, Toji sat calmly and looked almost stoic and ageless, just a frozen blurb in time. Finally, she took a deep, wavering breath and said: " So… what do you think?"

" What do I think?" Toji's lips parted, he wanted to say something, but instead, he looked away, flushed. " I think that… that you're …"

" What? Stupid?" Momo blurted out.

" No, no, you're not stupid." He cradled her hands in his. " Bold. Brave. And only you know what you want inside, but I think you don't know how that makes me feel."

Momo brushed her hand along the side of his face. " I love you still, Toji. I know this is a cheesy thing to say, but… I want to be friends. Really, I do."

Toji looked up, his eyes misted over with what she hoped weren't tears. " I'll never be less then that to you, Momo. Of course we'll be friends." He put his hand under her chin, bringing her eyes to meet his. He didn't look angry at all, just tired, and somewhat sad. " I… I just…" He cocked his head to one side. " You're a great girl, Momo. That's all I want to say. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And I'm glad you told me, actually. It would have been better then if you… and Kiley… behind my back…" He was standing up, trying to get away.

" Toji, listen to me. I was serious when I told you all that. I want to be your friend." Momo called after him.

" Yeah." He smiled at her brightly. " Well, see you around, Momo." He walked off.


KireiAme Park


" Kiley!" A harsh voice barked.

Kiley turned around and saw Toji, obviously angry. Toji had his sleeves rolled up. His face was red and he looked absolutely furious. Kiley felt it – the horrible, burning pain inside his stomach. Well, goodbye, cold cruel world. I die here.

Toji was right by Kiley now; he was standing slightly taller then he, his face in a scowl. " Kiley." He repeated.

" Yeah, that's my name." Kiley murmured, lowering his eyelids, untrusting.

" Momo told me." Toji said, finally. Some of the redness lessened in his face.

He's embarrassed. It's not exactly bloody fury on his face. Kiley didn't know if that was any better. Embarrassing a jock like Toji could be like a bat to his back. His eyes moved down to the ground, surveying Toji's ratty sneakers. I shouldn't make any moves. If he hits me first, then I guess it'll be excused if I fight back.

" Toji, uh… listen, man. She made the decision, all on her own." Kiley said, slowly.

" I know." Toji replied. " She told me that too."

Kiley looked up, one squinted closed, still worrying he might get punched in the face. " You believed her?"

" Why wouldn't I?" Toji looked angry again.

" Uh… of course you would. Just… just off on a limb." Kiley stammered.

" No, I know. I know!" Toji looked almost crazy, his face was really red. " I didn't trust her before – that whole thing with that… that bitch Sae!" His body shuddered as he released a pent-up, angry sigh. " But not anymore. I know she wouldn't… wouldn't do this on purpose to me."

" Yeah, good boy." Kiley murmured under his breath.

Toji grabbed his collar, bringing Kiley's face so close to his Kiley almost worried, what's this? Turned gay now? Don't you dare kiss me or I will go violent.

" If you - - even dare - - trying doing anything to her - - anything at all, I swear I'll pound your face so bad you'll have to eat through an IV bag." Toji's hiss was a real threat.

" What could I do to her?" Kiley shouted into his face. " She's the one that beats me up!"

Some old lady was walking by and she gasped and started beating Toji with a cane. " You bully! You leave that poor boy alone!"

Toji looked down and noticed he had lifted Kiley about an inch above the ground by the collar. He slowly lowered Kiley and gave the woman a weak grin. " Sorry ma'am, uh… I was just…"

The old lady shook her head. " Don't make me get a policeman, boys. I know what teenagers are like. Kids these days." She began to walk away, waving her cane around threateningly.

" You terrible little boy!" Kiley said in a falsetto voice to Toji.

Toji's lips curved upwards but he pretended to find Kiley completely unfunny. " Listen." Toji said, finally. " I'm sorry, I guess I got carried away."

" I guess you did." Kiley replied.

" You're impossible to talk to!" Toji exclaimed. " You always have some sort of smart-ass comment to say!"

" Well, that's nice to know." Kiley replied.

" That's just what I mean." Toji shook his head. " I don't know, I guess you have your own… personality, and … I just hope you don't use the downsides of your personality on Momo."

" What's that supposed to mean?" Kiley asked, slowly.

" Nothing." Toji shook his head. " Well, I guess I'll just back off now. You're a lucky guy, to have Momo. She's… she's a good girl." He was walking away now. Kiley felt so relieved he wanted to burst out laughing.

So he didn't beat me up, then! Kiley smiled and then called after Toji: " Hey, if it doesn't work out, you know she'll come back to you."

This, though not exactly comforting to Kiley, seemed to make Toji smile, then he shook his head. " You're a real character."

Kiley rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out. " Stop talking to yourself, Toji." Then, he turned back towards his home, but suddenly realized something – a dawning of an idea. He pulled his glasses out of his back pocket and plopped them onto his face with an awkward little smile. " Momo does think I look good in them, after all." He shrugged to himself and headed for the Okayasu apartment.

And for once, maybe someone likes me for me.


Author's Note: I don't intend to add to this… it ends with Kiley putting his glasses back on. His life is back in focus, he found out a lot of things about the people closest to him, and he also revealed his hidden feelings to Momo, he told her the truth, and now there was little left to hinder his relationship with Momo. They dated for three years, then when they went to different colleges, they wrote letters to each other avidly. Kiley's fan club tried threatening Momo at first, saying they'll cut her hair off or burn her at stake, but in the end, nothing could rip the couple apart.

Toji, meanwhile, did end up dating Sae… but for about a year, maybe less. Sae ended up getting an allergy after all the makeup she had to wear and her face and arms swelled. To keep the swelling down she was forced to take medicine that made her gain forty pounds.

Toji found a shy girl that was on the tennis team and they already plan on going to a college together. They are perfect for each other, though they both sometimes mistrust one another.


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