Disclaimer: I don't own Jane By Design in the slightest

Hello! I was going through my old stories, stumbled on this one, and thought why not update because this show was the absolute best and I miss it.


Show Him What He's Missing

Jane's POV

Ok. I had a new game plan. I wasn't going to tell Billy how I felt. It would get too messy. I was going to get over him. I wanted him to be happy and Zoe made him happy. It seemed reasonable to me, but Eli didn't agree in the slightest. He had checked in last night and I told him everything. I just wanted Billy to be ok. If he was ok then I was. I looked myself in the mirror one more time before heading to school.

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Today was going rather smoothly. I had ran into Billy and Zoe several times today and I had managed to be friendly and inviting, or at least I thought I had. Even if it killed me.

"Hey Jane," Zoe greeted coming over, Billy in hand.

"Have lunch with us," she suggested and I cringed internally.

"Well I-"

"Jane! There you are," a voice said from behind me. I turned and there stood Eli with his jaw dropping dazzling smile. With that paired with his Hogeman wardrobe he had every female eye in a two mile radius on him and him alone.

"Eli! What are you doing here?!" I questioned in pure shock. When he reached me he kissed me on the cheek. I had to be completely pink by now.

"Don't you remember? I told you I'd pick you up for lunch before we headed to work," he explained still smiling and I just stood in shock.

"And can I tell you that you look positively breathtaking today," he continued and I knew I was red as a tomato.

"Thanks," I responded.

Finally he turned towards Billy and Zoe.

"Hi I'm Eli Chandler and you are," he greeted holding out his hand.

"Billy Nutter and this is Zoe," he answered taking it. Zoe gave a wave and a smile.

"Oh of course, Billy. I've heard so much about you," he gushed and I almost laughed aloud.

"Uh same here," Billy responded sorta awkwardly.

"You've been talking about me?" Eli said turning towards me with a grin. He threw his arm around me and I tried to relax.

"I've mentioned you," I answered uneasily. I was so embarrassed I couldn't breath. Eli responded with a boyish smirk that kept me the color red.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend Jane," Zoe inserted and I had no words.

"Well we just started dating, but if I'm being honest I'm in the process of talking her into keeping me. But Jane here is always keeping me guessing," he admitted and I just looked at him astonished.

"Well anyway we should get going. Gray will kill me if I make you late. Plus we have reservations," he said taking my hand.

"It was a pleasure meeting you both. We all should get together sometime," he continued as he waved and pulled me to the exit.

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Billy's POV

"Who was that?" Courtney Parker and another girl I didn't know, asked me and Zoe as I watched Jane walk off with a guy who looked like he stepped off of a GQ magazine.

"That's Jane's boyfriend," Zoe answered and they all did a rather girly exchange.

"He is absolutely gorgeous. And I think he was wearing shoes from the new Pierre Cardin collection. How lucky is she?" Courtney squealed.

"How lucky is who?" Lulu asked who was walking by.

"Jane. Her boyfriend is a freaking model," Courtney went on.

The girl without a name spoke,"Did she say how they met."

"He said he worked with her so I'm assuming at her fashion internship. He must be a designer," Zoe suggested and I rolled my eyes and the girls squealed again.

Lulu gave a look and then glanced at me.

"Jane has a designer boyfriend? I bet you love that don't you?" she gloated giving a smile and walking off.

I didn't really have anything to say. No matter what came out of my mouth I'd just seem jealous.

"Let's grab some lunch," I said to Zoe who agreed with a smile.

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"What the hell was that?!" I exclaimed once we reached Eli's car. He opened my door for me to let me in.

"That was Phase one of Give Billy A Reality Check," he answered closing the door and coming around to the driver's side.

"Eli are you crazy? How is you being my boyfriend going to do anything to Billy?"

"Jane did you see his face?" he asked and I shrugged.

"Yes I did. It said 'Uh Jane how does this guy you work with know you're in highschool when we've been busting our ass to make sure no one knows'," I inserted frantically.

"Noooo. It said 'who do you think you are to have your arm around My Jane'," he corrected.

"It did not."

"It did too. I know men Jane and he was very thrown off guard and very jealous."

"Eli, I am not going to try to make my best friend jealous when he is clearly happy with his girlfriend."

"If he is really happy he won't even pay attention then. I saw it in his eyes Jane. He was watching the whole time. Guys are territorial, trust me. Let's show him what he's missing," Eli offered and I hesitated.

My phone vibrated and I picked it up. It was a message from Billy. I opened it.

Since when did you get so tight with pretty boy? You told him your secret?

"See. Territorial," Eli said looking over my shoulder at the message.

"I don't know Eli….'

"Jane come on. Give it a try and if it doesn't work we'll stop," he offered and I thought about it some more.


He smiled.

"But there needs to be some ground rules…"

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And that's all for today folks ;) tell me what you think. I already started the next chapter.