Alternate Summary: "It's up to Annabeth to choose the one she loves, and the guy to choose Annabeth or the money..." I have no idea what's in store for the coming weeks on the show Cupid's Amor, but I can only hope that no heartbreak is lined up for me or any of the guys. But sadly, it seems likely as I glance at the faces of all four, and realize that while some may be starting to "fall" for me, I may be starting to develop feelings for a certain green eyed man. But no matter how strong those feelings are, I fear that he may pick the money over me. Now my one question is: whydid Silena decide to send in my application?

Short Story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Cupid's Amor: For the Love or Money

Chapter 1
Loving Four

I tap my toe lightly against the wooden floor, being concealed by the curtains from the live audience that's waiting outside to meet me. Their roars of laughter bombard my ears, and their whispered words barely brush against my eardrums. As I press myself against the dark curtain, I wonder how I could have let anyone convince me to join this "game show" or well a show to find love. It wasn't as if I had never been in love before, however that relationship was ruined by my job as an architect. My mother had always told me that my job would never fail me however love might; so, I guess it was no surprise to me when I was dumped due to putting my job first, or to be more specific, I chose my job over him when he made me choose. Nevertheless, I don't think I ever truly loved Luke the way that he had loved me. Still, it didn't mean the pain didn't reverberate from my chest when he spoke the words, "I don't think I can do this anymore."

Letting out a sigh, I push the hollow memory aside knowing that it will do absolutely nothing to help my nerves. Even if it was Silena who sent my name in as an application, it was I who decided to do the show when they said they had chosen me. Granted, it took some convincing from Silena, however I can't turn back now. "You're going on in thirty seconds," the stage director whispers, eliciting my stomach to tumble in nervousness. I barely nod my head, willing my hands not to shake like nimble leaves in the autumn wind. You can do this, Annabeth. I can do this; I have to do this.

"So, let's bring her out here," the host, Chris, announces, followed by a chorus of whistles and chants. My chest heaves up and down from the nervous breaths that escape quickly, much like how I have the urge to turn my back and run, "Annabeth Chase, ladies and gentleman!"

I push out one more deep breath until my lungs feel empty and take a step forward, then another, plastering a wide smile on my face. Another step, just one more will bring out onto that stage, meaning no turning back. I've put my job on hold for this, my life on hold, and I have never once accepted defeat before. I take that step and am welcomed by cheers, hoots, and hollers. That once fake smile morphs into one that is filled with meaning. I can do this. Lifting my hand in the air, I wave towards the crowd as my feet, enclosed in these dreaded heels, clack towards Chris. "Hi," I smile as I meet him, enclosing our hands in a firm handshake.

He nods, with a grin, "It's good to see you, Annabeth. Take a seat right here," he gestures toward an armed chair that looks like Heaven for my aching feet. Graciously, I drop into the seat as he takes the one on my right. "So, how have you been?"

I glance quickly towards the shadowed audience, swallowing away my nerves, "Ah, pretty good, I guess?" Now by that I mean I've been wallowing in a pit of nerves for the past two weeks.

"You guess?" He smiles, making me forget that there's an audience watching me unlike having a normal conversation. Only the faint laugh that rumbles from the audience reminds me that they are there, and this is not a normal conversation.

I muster a timid smile, "I've been nervous."

His pats my hand reassuringly, "You have nothing to be nervous about. You're great." I meet his brown eyes that display his true feelings that I can do this. I only wish that I had that much faith in myself this moment. I smile a thank you before he turns towards the audience, "So, would you guys like to know a little bit more about Annabeth Chase?" They cheer again as I push out shaky breaths and concentrate on keeping my hands still, "Alright, well let's watch then." His hand extends out forth towards a thin screen that is soon lit up with my face.

I train my eyes on the blown up me as the lights slowly dim, wondering what exactly will fill this montage about my life. Never before have I seen this, yet a glance from the audience tells me that they are captivated to learn more about me. It's rather odd to see myself and friends interacting normally as well as their takes on me being on the show Cupid's Amor. Thalia, my best friend, seems rather skeptical about the show overall but manages to say kind words about me as her shocking blue eyes light up the screen. Silena mentions how she was the one to send in my application because she knew that I would be perfect for the show while twirling her sandy blonde hair. Well, it's more like she probably thought I would never be able to find someone new when I'm so career oriented. But the last person with startling grey eyes much like mine though sporting dark hair, she is the one that makes me gasp in surprise.

"Annabeth has always been great at her job," my mother smiles from the large, leather chair in her familiar office. "She truly is a great architect, but it's really been at the cost of her personal life." Pictures of Luke and me flash across the screen, and I purse my lips together to keep the small amount of pain that I still hold inside of me. I don't need my expression to disclose the effect that hearing about Luke still has on me, even though it has been months. "I feel as though this is my fault," and awes echo through the audience as my mother shakes her head with a small frown. "You see, I put the impression in her head that love would fail her just as it has failed so many others, so I feel as though it's my fault that she's so cynical about love and puts her job first. I just hope that she knows that maybe it didn't work out for her father and me, but I do believe that love can work out for her." Her lips curl into a small smile as I bite my bottom one, "Goodluck, Annabeth." The lights slowly begin to brighten as the audience claps, some even brushing away a few escaped tears. I push back the shocked expression from my face as I have never heard my mother say anything like that to me. There's a time for me to let that fill my brain, but that time is not now.

Chris claps along as well, before waiting for the audience to quiet down, "So, for those of you who have never watched the show before, here's an explanation of the show. Annabeth, here, will have four men that have been chosen by her friends and family as men whom she will have the chance at love with. In the end, Annabeth will have to send three men home until it comes down to her final guy: the guy that Cupid has decided is her love. Now this season, there's a twist: all four guys have the option of choosing money or a chance at love with Annabeth. The amount of money ranges from a dollar to two hundred fifty thousand dollars. And in the end, after Annabeth makes her choice, the guy will have the chance of choosing Annabeth or the money. Now remember, no guy knows how much money he has. So, let's meet the four lucky guys who have a chance with Annabeth or two hundred fifty thousand dollars!" I stand along with Chris, but different thoughts tumble through my head. Special edition? Choosing between me and money. What if the guy I choose in the end decides that he wants the money instead? I now know exactly why Thalia was skeptical of this entire thing; it has basically set me up for heartbreak.

Barely shaking my head, I plaster on a fake smile and walk with Chris towards the four guys who will have the chance to break my heart. I fight the urge to ask Chris what the entire money aspect is about because I definitely had no idea about that part when I signed on to do the show. Setting my jaw, I simply walk along with Chris, knowing that he and I will need to have a rather long discussion.

"Okay, so each guy will say his name, how old he is, and one fact about him. And you are?" Chris asks the first guy who's holding a mike. I turn my attention towards him, a man with dark uneven hair and an eye patch over his eye. His other eye stares out at me, so dark that I am unable to see where the iris ends and pupil begins. Sure, some may find him attractive, but I find him to be extremely unsettling altogether.

He nods, "I'm Ethan." I glance at his hands gripping the microphone as they begin to turn white from the strong hold, "Uh, I'm twenty-eight years old and a cool fact about me…" He pushes his lips to the side, probably trying to think of a good fact. I wonder if it's all an act or if he truly isn't certain what fact to go with, "I have a rough exterior missing an eye and all, so most people won't give me a fair chance. I hope that you will, though, Annabeth." And for the first time, he smiles, his face lighting up for a second with nervousness and happiness.

"I will," I smile back, realizing that the unsettling feeling that I got from Ethan may have just been me judging him in the first place. Nevertheless, I still take great pride in my gut instincts being right, so I make note of not letting my guard down easily. For all I know, he may just be here for the money.

The audience coos, and I inwardly roll my eyes at how easily they've been taken by Ethan and probably even me. Chris moves on, "Great to meet you Ethan. Okay, now the next guy."

I turn my attention to a well-built guy, however his vivid blue eyes catch my attention, "I'm Will, and I'm twenty-seven but only for a couple more weeks." He speaks easily, the only sign of nervousness being his flexing muscles. Then and again, he may have been doing that on purpose. "While it may surprise people since I'm tall, muscular, and such," the women in the audience let out a few hoots, and I roll my eyes. Still, Will only shrugs seeming unaffected, "I was originally a male nurse, but I also went to medical school. So, now I'm a doctor, not a body builder."

I chuckle at his joke, liking that he seems extremely genuine, "I'll be sure to remember that, Will." He grins before passing the microphone to the next guy. I take in the messy raven hair and piercing sea-green eyes, almost missing Chris telling the guy that he could begin.

"Well, I'm Percy, and I'm not doctor or body builder," the audience lets out an exasperated sigh while Percy sends Will a joking glare. "Thanks for setting such high standards," he turns his attention back towards me, his sea-green eyes sparkling with amusement. "I'm twenty-five years old, so I'm probably the youngest guy here which may or may not have its advantages. So, for a cool a fact…" His eyes seem unfocused for a second while he thinks. I bite my lip, forcing myself not to look away from his face and at the rest of his body. "Yeah, I guess it's sort of cool that I've swam with a lot of marine animals. You know, fish, sharks, jellyfish, though I think they're more dangerous than sharks; seals, you name it, I've probably swam with it. Oh, I also have a horse," he chuckles before passing the microphone on to the next guy.

I pause, wondering what comment I could possibly make to Percy without sounding caught up in his appearance; I settle for, "You'll have to tell me more about those adventures." He nods and mouths I will, before I turn my attention to the last guy.

"Alright, this is the last guy, Annabeth," Chris then turns back to the guy. "The floor is all yours."

He nods, "Well, I'm Xander." I wonder silently if maybe it's short for Alexander or something of that like, "No, my name isn't short for Alexander."

I smile, "You got me." I didn't mean for it to sound flirty anything like that, but I have a feeling that it did.

Nonetheless, he smiles and continues, "Yeah, I get that a lot, so I figured I would just put it out there. So, I'm twenty-seven, and I don't know any cool or interesting facts that I could tell you… I mean, I haven't swum with sharks, I'm not a doctor, and I don't have a rough exterior." And I have to agree, Xander has dirty blonde hair that almost looks brown as well as soft hazel eyes. Actually, he pretty much has a baby face that almost makes him appear to be a teen, "So, I guess my not-so-cool fact would be that I've never had my heartbroken, and I hope that remains after this." He grins timidly, and I can't help but wonder if maybe he has done all of the heart breaking before.

Chris glances towards me for a comment, but I can only say, "It's nice to meet you, Xander." I can't ensure that I won't be the one to break his heart, and I can't ensure that he won't be the one to break mine into multiple pieces. For all I know, he may have a trail of broken hearts that have led him to this point. He nods with a smile on his face, and I wonder if maybe that smile has won over the hearts of many that wound up being left broken. Stop overanalyzing, Annabeth.

"Alright, now that we have met the four guys, it will be up to Annabeth to choose the one she loves, and it will be up to the guys to choose Annabeth or the money. Tune in next week to see Annabeth and the guys get to know more about each other. And also next week, there will be even more twists from this special edition of Cupid's Amor. Have a great night, folks!" Chris grins as the audience applauses until the stage director says the taping is over.

I have no idea what's in store for the coming weeks, but I can only hope that no heartbreak is lined up for me or any of the guys. But sadly, it seems likely as I glance at the faces of all four, and realize that while some may be starting to "fall" for me, I'm already starting to develop feelings for a couple of them. Even if they are just small crushes.

AN: For those of you who know me from my other stories, this is my writer's block. Basically I wrote the entire thing out in, eh, two days because I was having trouble coming up with a couple ideas for ALL of my other stories. I really like the story overall, and I hope you all do as well. I'd love to know what you all think, and I promise to get working on the next chapter for one of my stories as I can; I still have to do summer reading.

I'd love to know what you think of it, and thanks for reading!


P.S. Links to pictures of the guys are on my profile.