AN: I don't own Harry Potter! If I did, this would be in the book! :P This is my first Dramione FanFic, so please Review, and I'll post the next chapter ASAP. Hopefully I get enough reviews to want to continue! Thanks!

AN: P.S. I won't say that I don't own Harry Potter again. It's too depressing! Haha

Chapter 1

My name is formerly Hermione Jean Granger. We'll get to the formerly part a little bit later. I am one-third of the Golden Trio. This is the story I've written for myself. I'll tell you a little bit of before, and then I'll come to the present.

After the war, about two years after, things were okay. We were icons of the Wizarding world. The only real problem, was what everyone expected of Ron and I. Everyone said we were the perfect couple. They'd ask us when we planned to get married. But we weren't dating. At least not when they asked.

We had tried dating. Several times, actually. But it seemed to just be for publicity and family. It wasn't what we wanted. We loved each other, yes. Only as a brother and sister. Nothing more. As time went on, Ron suggested we marry, so we wouldn't be bothered anymore. I declined the offer, and he understood. I wasn't going to let us throw our lives away, just so the people in our lives could be satisfied. It was barbaric.

The next morning, I asked Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt for a long term assignment our of the country. He sent me to Russia for a few months. I lost contact with everyone. Everyone except Ginny. Why I was sent there to work on the Lucius Malfoy case, I'll never know. I'll probably be telling you more about this later. Why later, you may ask? I've been gone for a total of eight years. I'm only coming back for my Hogwarts class reunion. Boy, this should be fun! Not. I have a lot of explaining to do.. So, back to the present.