Soul Eater EvansXDeath The Kidd

All SOUL EATER people belong to there rightfull owner not me so


ok here we go~~

~Soul was sitting on the sofa at kidds place

watching tv waiting for the sleep over to then Kidd came in wearing his blueish-black silk pj's with his father skull mask pattern on the face went noticed this and blushed a little,Soul saw the blush on his pale skin."Um s-soul w-why are you b-blushing" *shit...Im so uncool*soul though then replied with "U-um s-sorry kidd y-your cute" "0/0" was al kidd could took advantage of his shokedness and grabbed him by the waist and pulled him in to a sweet pulled him closer and kidd gasped into the kiss allowing soul entry but kidd broke it for air and cause he was so surprised that soul did of the boys hearts pounding and faces red soul's being the the little "kiss" happend the other came down to watch a other saw that the two boys faces were red they wondered what happend down here but then soul noticed maka look at him and blush witch made soul blush even more.*I just cant decide between maka or kidd* Soul thought to him self after steadying is voice to say "So what movie we watching"he said then black*star spoke up "HOW BOUT ONE ABOUT ME THE GREAT BLACK*STAR" the others replyed with "NO black*star" tsubaki laughed nervously and said " im s-so sorry for his behavoir"she said as a make up for what her parter suggested "how about 'the fog' it looks good"maka said and everyone agreed to it. Kidd then spoke up "who wants drinks or snacks" patty spoke up "OOH I DO i want wots of giwafe cwookies" witht that being said kidd went to go cook some snacks for the group and cookies for followed him into the kitchen to help him wen he stoped dead in his was wearing an apron -A frilly pink apron- Soul blushed at this kidd turnd around and saw soul and hid behind the counter "EKKK NOOO" the others heard this and came into the kitchen to see what happend to see kidd being kissed by soul and blushing look away sadly that the man she love was kissing another man and his best friend at walked away sadly and the others gave congrats to the new couple "HA WE KNEW YOU LIKED HIM SOUL" black*star boomed when soul broke the kiss tsubki turned around to talk to maka but she wasnt there the dark haired girl went to look for her friend but she found her in kidd's bathroom crying profusly and tsubaki understood why the ash haired blonde was crying "maka its ok mabey you'll find someone who really likes you" "but s-soul said he loved m-me the o-other night" maka said inbetween sobs looking at the ground in misery as her friend tried to comfort finaly finished and they went down stairs to soul hugging kidd around the waist "BAKA SOURU" maka screamd as she ran out the front door soul let go of kidd and ran after her she didnt notice he ran after her all she knew was that her heart was broken and she all alone...

DUN DUN DUN its a cliff hager dont worry i will be happy ending

i will work on chapter two soon i promise leave comments plz i love to hear what you guys think. ^_^~~