AN: So, it's just Lemon here. This is for one of my best friends, Meg. Her account, MegsayLupin is on the fritz or something. Maybe her brother did something, idk. Anyways, here's to her. We wrote this together

Disclaimer: We no own Star Wars

I was standing in a room by myself. I had a bunch of chairs surrounding me sitting in a circle. I looked at my watch and counted down from 10. Then, in a bright flash I watched one of my best friends, Luke Skywalker appear.

"What's going on? Oh, hey Megan!"

"Hey Luke!"

"What are we doing here?"

"We're going to play Truth or dare!"

"Just the… two of us?"

"No silly, just watch!"

Then, one by one, all of the chairs filled up. Each person appeared with a gag and their hands chained to the back of the chair.

Luke looked around the circle and laughed. "Nice choices there!"

"Thanks Lukie!"

He rolled his eyes and moved to the only open chair.

I tried to quiet everyone, but the gags were not doing the best job of keeping them quiet.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled. That got them.

"Okay, now. We are all going to play a game. But first, we need some introductions."

I went to the chair next to me. This person didn't need a gag. "This, is Darth Vader!"

"Anakin Skywalker; age 10"

"Anakin Skywalker; from the clone wars"

"Obi-Wan Kenobi; clone wars"

"Ben Kenobi"

"Han Solo"

"Leia Organa"

"Luke Skywalker. And before you ask Anakin, yes this is your son." There were many eye rolls and shocked faces at this one.

"And me, MEGAN!" I skipped around the circle once and sat down in my seat. "Now, if you all promise to stay quiet and not attack each other, I will take the bindings off." At their nods, I used my magical powers to take the chains and gags off. All was quiet.

"We will go around, and if anybody has any questions, they may ask. Oh, and no swearing. I am serious Solo, I WILL wash your mouth with soap."

We turned to Darth Vader. "Any questions Vader?" He looked at me with what I believe was a glare. I couldn't really tell because of the mask. I nodded. "Ani?"

Little Anakin looked around. "Could you explain this all to me?" I smiled

"Of course." I stood up and walked around the circle, introducing everyone even more.

"This is Darth Vader, a Sith dude from the future. He's a big softie, stop glaring at me Vader, I can tell you are."

"This is you, I hope you know yourself." He laughed.

"This is Anakin Skywalker, you're future self in about 10 years. Don't be mad if he snaps at you. He's moody right now. Scratch that, he's always moody." I kept walking, ignoring Obi-Wan's laughter and Anakin's glares.

"Hopefully you know who this is." At Ani's nods, I moved on.

"This is good 'ole Ben. The future self of Obi-Wan." I laugh at Obi-Wan's face.

"This is Han Solo. He's a pilot."

"Is that all you have to say about me?"

"Yes, yes it is." I moved on.

"This is Leia. Her full name is Leia Organa Skywalker Solo, cuz she's going to get married to this guy," I point at Han, "is twin sister to this guy," I point to Luke, shocking everybody even more, "and was adopted as a baby by this guy." I pulled out a picture of Bail Organa.

"This is Luke, he's one of my best friends. That's all I have to say." I sat down and looked at Ani. "That it?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Great, Anakin, any questions?"

"Why the h-"

"Soap, Anakin. Don't make me use it!"

"Why are we here?"

"To play a game." I rolled my eyes. "Is that your only question?"

He nodded.

"Obi-Wan? Any questions?"

"Yes. How did-"

"Don't ask questions about people, we'll get to that."

Obi nodded. "Okay, then I have no questions."

I looked at Ben. "You don't get to ask questions. I've learned my lesson." I rolled my eyes at his smirk.

"Han, I'm not going to risk asking you questions."

"Leia, any questions?"

"No," She had a glint in her eyes. This game was going to be good!

"Luke," I pause as I watch him smirk.

"Nevermind, I've taught you too much."

He pouted. "Awwwww…"

"Anyways," I continued, "We are going to play Truth or Dare, and no complaining!" I yell at the groans that came from people that will not be mentioned.

"I will start. Luke, Truth or Dare!" I smiled at him.

"Um, Truth?"

"Darn it! We know almost everything about each other!"

"Ha ha!"

"Well, oh I know! Did you ever go pod-racing? You always change the topic when I ask that!"

Luke blushed as everyone showed interest in the question.

"Umm, well, maybe…"

"Luke, it's a yes or no question."

"Fine then, yes!"

"Great! Your turn!"

"Umm, Anakin, truth or dare?"

"Truth, I guess."

Luke smirked.

"I'm going to regret this, aren't I?"

"Yes, now when you found out mom was pregnant, did you want a boy or girl?"

Leia laughed at the face Anakin was making.

"Truthfully, I didn't care. I know that I sensed a girl, but she kept saying it was a boy.'

"Oh, well, that's boring." Luke sighed. "Your turn."

"Master, truth or dare."

"I think I will go with Dare. I don't want to be stuck in a situation because of a question."

"I get to drive all the ships we take for the next month." Anakin smirked.

"What! No fair!"

"You did pick dare."



"Anakin, Truth or dare."

"You can't just turn around and ask the same person!"

"Yes, you actually can." I interrupted.

"Fine, Truth. Your Dares are going to be lame."

"Um, who's the mother."


"Ha, I knew there was something between you two!" Obi-Wan fist pumped.

"You mean, I get to marry the angel girl!"

Everyone looked at Ani weirdly.

"What, she was HOT!"

Anakin blushed red and slammed his forehead into his palm. "Dude, think for a moment."

"Oh, sorry." Ani blushed.

We had to wait several minutes for Luke, Leia, Han, and Ben to calm down.

"I haven't laughed this much in years." Ben stated.

"Who's turn is it?" Luke asked.

"Anakin's." We all turned to look at him.

"Umm…Leia, Truth or Dare?'


"Why were you raised by the Organas?"