Chapter Eight—Epilogue; Rehabilitation

Was there such a thing as a healthy addiction? Magnus wasn't sure, but if there was, he had probably found it.

It had been two months now, since his last 'night out', and everything was going perfectly. He no longer felt any urge to go out and go man hunting, he'd turned down every offer from other men (and some women), and now he actually felt at peace with everything. He and his boyfriend of one and a half months were planning a trip to Europe during the summer, and since Alec had gotten a promotion, they'd decided to splurge. Their vacation started in a few days, and Magnus was so excited that he could hardly keep still. In fact, he'd been so antsy that finally Alec had kicked him out, telling him to take a walk and cool off. Now he was heading back home, looking forward to seeing his boyfriend.

Alec had just finished packing the rest of Magnus's crap when the owner of said crap walk in, looking just as keyed up as he had when he left, "Magnus, did you even go anywhere?"

"I walked!" Magnus protested, kicking off his shoes and socks, walking over to watch his lover, "Is that everything?"

"Yeah. Why do you have so much stuff?" Alec asked, standing up and brushing his hair from his eyes, "I only have one suitcase and you have, what, five?"

"Three!" Magnus corrected, looking indignant, "And one carry on."

Alec sighed and didn't say anything, just giving him lover a weary look of amusement. "So did you ask your friend if she could watch Chairman?"

"I did, and it's all set up." Magnus followed Alec into the living room, picking up the small cat as he went, "Oh I'm going to miss you, baby! Your daddies are going away soon! We'll call you every day!"

"Oh yeah, he'll hate it. He'll have the whole house to himself with your 'hot blond friend' from college. Sounds terrible." Alec rolled his eyes, smiling at his cat.

"Oh, didn't I tell you?" Magnus asked, his face suddenly very serious.

"What? What is it?"

"Chairman bats for our team."

Alec stared at him for a second and then quickly snatched the cat from his boyfriend, "He does not! Don't listen to him, Chairman Meow, he's crazy. It's all that glitter." Alec gave Magnus a mistrusting look and carried the cat far away from him.

"Hey! I'm not crazy! And my glitter is awesome!" Magnus followed them, "Chairman Meow, we love you for who you are! Not who you sleep with!"

"Yeah that means a lot, coming from you." Alec muttered.

"Alexander! Our baby is having an identity crisis! Why won't you be supportive!?"

"Because he's not gay!"

Magnus held his hand over his face and staggered backwards, "Oh my god! My boyfriend's a homophobe!"

Alec stared at Magnus and then looked down at Chairman Meow, nestled in his arms, "Promise me you won't grow up to be like that?"

Chairman Meow looked up at Alec and purred, rubbing his head against Alec's chest.

"Yeah I'll miss you too." Alec smiled and put him down on the sofa, looking over to Magnus who was in the middle of some sort of dramatic speech. "Are you quite finished?"

"No, but I can stop for now. You still have to sit next to me on the plane ride." Magnus grinned evilly, "Then I can continue my rant."

"Oh wonderful." Alec grumbled, walking over and looking at his watch, "It's still early, want to go out for dinner?"

"We could." Magnus purred, his eyes gleaming mischievously. "But Alec, darling, I'm having a problem."

"…identity crisis?" Alec asked sarcastically, walking into his bedroom, wondering if he'd forgotten anything.

"Not quite." Magnus followed, shutting the door behind them, "Remember our deal?"

Alec thought for a second and then arched his eyebrows, "You're pulling that card?"

"You did say whenever." Magnus reminded him, walking closer, his eyes dark, "Remember?"

"Yes, I remember." Alec murmured, not moving away as Magnus stopped right up in front of him, "Are you saying you're having withdrawals?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

Alec shook his head, his eyes devious, "Sorry Magnus, but I'm supposed to be helping you, remember? Cutting down on your drug intake?"

"Our drug intake, you mean." Magnus growled, "Well too bad. I need it." He grabbed Alec and pulled him in, crushing their mouths together hungrily. He smirked when his boyfriend didn't even try to fight, just wrapped his arms around him and held him closer, kissing him wantonly.

No matter how many times they did this, Alec could never get used to being kissed by Magnus. It was like someone had set off tiny explosions in his stomach, making him feel nervous and elated at the same time. A tiny sigh escaped his lips as he felt Magnus's hands grab his waist, pressing themselves against each other. He could just get lost in Magnus's kisses. Some part of his still functioning mind managed to steer them over to the bed, pushing his lover down on it and then climbing after him.

Magnus smiled and reached up for Alec, his hair a tousled mess already. He pulled his lover down and kissed him again, making a soft sound of pleasure as he gripped the back of Alec's shirt. He pulled away and kissed his neck, rolling them over easily and positioning himself between his boyfriend's legs. Smiling down at him, Magnus slid his hands under Alec's shirt and pulled it off, running his hands up and down Alec's body. "I'm going to do this to you every night in Europe." He whispered, smirking down at his love.

A small moan slipped past Alec's lips and he arched into Magnus's touch, shivering as his chest was kissed and the bitten. "Every night?"

"And some mornings too, I think." Magnus growled, crouching over Alec, his eyes dark. He sat up and yanked his shirt off before leaning back over his boyfriend, "Spain, Italy, Germany, Britain, and all the rest of them. I'll take you every night and show those people how to really use a bed." He watched Alec's eyes darken into navy, a hungry look burning in the blue depths.

"We might have some competition in France." Alec teased, reached down and snapping open Magnus's pants, pushing them down. "I heard they are known for 'bed usage'."

"Not like we are." Magnus smirked as Alec slid his pants down and he kicked them off. "We'll make them so jealous they might come to us for lessons."

"Oh god I hope not." Alec rolled them over, pressing his body against Magnus's almost nude one, "I'm not sharing you. And I pity the bastard who thinks they can take you away from me."

Magnus groaned and tugged Alec down, kissing him passionately while reaching up and tangling his fingers in his short, silky black hair, "I won't let you out of my sight." He promised in between kissing and removing Alec's pants and underwear. He lifted his hips off the bed to help Alec take off his own briefs, and then they were tangled in each other, wanting to feel every inch of the other's body.

"I won't even let go of your hand." Alec murmured back, pressing his hips against Magnus's, grinding their arousal's together. He was answered by a broken moan, and then gasped in surprise when Magnus flipped them over again, staring down at him with a hunger that made Alec's heart leap.

"Alec…" Magnus breathed, staring down at his flushed face and dark blue eyes. His entire body was singing when he touched him, and it felt like his chest was expanding so much it hurt. "Alec, you…" His words stopped short, unsure of what it was he wanted to say, instead he kissed him, holding their nude bodies together.

This kiss was a little different from the others. There was passion and lust, obviously, but an under layered sweet emotion that made Alec moan almost desperately and cling to Magnus's shoulders. It filled them both up like no drug ever could, and when they broke away for air they were both speechless.

Unable to form words, Alec just sat up, curving his body out from under Magnus's, and kissed him again. There was something almost innocent about how he pressed his lips gently against Magnus's, and his boyfriend crawled into his lap and moved his lips in sync to Alec's, just feeling the adrenaline rush through his system.

Magnus pulled away softly, his lips lingering, and then looked down at Alec, wrapping his legs around his lover's waist, "Alec…"

"Magnus." Alec whispered, his blue eyes burning. He then lay back on the bed, pulling Magnus down with him, and smiled up at him in a way that made the breath leave his lover's lungs. Alec's hands traveled over his boyfriend's body, touching and teasing him all too skillfully.

Shivering at his boyfriend's touch, Magnus shifted his weight and moved down on Alec's body, kissing his chest and running his tongue over one of his nipples. He heard his lover's suppressed gasp and he did it again, this time getting a quiet moan.

Alec was starting to ache as Magnus's tongue abused his chest, making him emit small sounds of pleasure. It felt so good, Magnus felt so unbelievably good that Alec arched into his touches, silently begging for more. He moaned loudly as he felt one of his lover's hands begin to tease his erection, running his fingers up and down the shaft and then sliding his thumb over the slit on his head. It was almost agonizing, the way his boyfriend taunted him with pleasure and then withheld it. "Magnus…please I…stop teasing me…"

Instead of answering, Magnus just tightened his grip on his lover's erection, stroking him until he turned his boyfriend into a withering mess on the bed.

"A-ah! Magnus! More…please more…mnngghh…!" Alec begged, and then groaned loudly as he felt Magnus's other hand slid down to his entrance, pressing two fingers against the first ring of muscle tauntingly, before pushing inside, "AH! Magnus, please!"

The desperate need on his lover's face made Magnus groan softly. He released him and slid his fingers out, searching the bedside table for lube. After slicking himself up, he pressed against his entrance, barely pushing inside, "What, darling? What do you want from me?"

"Maaagnusss!" Alec groaned, clawing at the sheets and tossing his head back, "Please! I need you so bad right now…!" He begged shamelessly, looking up at his lover pleadingly. He saw Magnus's expression turn almost animalistic before he snapped his hips inside, making Alec arch of the bed and scream. The familiar burning pleasure overtook him, and he rolled his hips upwards, shuddering as he felt Magnus kiss him as he drew out.

"Alec," Magnus moaned, thrusting back inside of his lover, "you…you're so amazing, you feel so good…" He groaned as he snapped his hips forward, striking his boyfriend in that place that sent him to heaven. Magnus leaned down and kissed him roughly, silencing his shout of pleasure.

Their kiss was desperate and needy as Magnus picked up the pace, making Alec whimper and moan into his mouth. He just deepened the kiss in response, their teeth nipping each other as they did so.

Alec lifted his hips upwards to meet his lover's thrust, surprising him and causing them both to cry out at the intense pleasure that shook their bodies. "Magnus…! More, please more!"

His lover's frantic demands were met, and Magnus picked up the pace, slamming into him and speeding them both to their climax, "Alec, Alec I love you." Magnus cried, his body shaking as he felt his release rising up.

Alec's eyes shot open and he opened his mouth, but then Magnus thrust deeply inside of him, and he arched off the bed and screamed Magnus's name as he came, his body shuddering as white hot pleasure flooded his body like liquid fire.

Magnus felt Alec's entrance seize down around him and he called out his lover's name as he came deep inside of him, his voice broken and full of raw ecstasy. He moaned low in his chest as he slowly withdrew, collapsing next to his boyfriend.

"Magnus…" Alec reached for him instantly, the two of them moving and curling around one another, flushed, bright eyed, and panting. He studied his boyfriend's face with a strange expression mixed in with his exhaustion, and then kissed him. He heard Magnus make a soft noise of longing as their lips connected, and Alec rolled on top of him, kissing him with a passionate hunger that had never dulled since middle school. He drew away, breathless, and rested his forehead against his boyfriend's, "I love you so much, Magnus."

A small, tender smile curled on Magnus's lips, and he ran his hands over his lover's back and shoulders, just wanting to capture this moment forever. He leaned up a little and kissed his boyfriend again, tasting himself on his lover's lips, and then flopped back on the covers, making a pleased sound as Alec lay down on top of him, using his chest as a pillow.

"I don't know if my body can handle that every night." Alec murmured teasingly, tracing a small pattern on his lover's chest.

"And some mornings." Magnus reminded him, rubbing his shoulders lazily.

"And some mornings." Alec agreed, looking up at him from under his eyelashes, his blue eyes light and teasing, "We might need to practice. The trip's only three days away after all."

"In that case, you go to sleep." Magnus purred, his eyes twinkling, "Because you'll love the way I'm going to wake you up in the morning."

A small blush spread over Alec's cheeks and he chuckled tiredly, resting his head back down on Magnus's chest, curling up closer to him, "Good night, Magnus."

"Good night, Alec. See you in the morning." Magnus whispered, and then they pair of them slipped into sleep.

The End.