Snape and Hermione

A Wonderful Surprise Part 1

It has been five years since the victory over Voldermort and his Death Eaters. Hermione is now twenty-three and Snape is forty-six.

They have been together as a couple for almost three years and are now planning their wedding. Severus had proposed to Hermione on their two years anniversary.

Hermione has gone to muggle London with Ginny Potter to search for a wedding dress. They are just about to go in to the first bridal shop, when Hermione gets dizzy and passes out.

Ginny gets really scared for her friends' life, so she searches for Hermione's muggle mobile phone and calls for an ambulance. Then she sends a patronus to Severus.

When Hermione wakes up in a hospital bed after about five hours, she see Severus fast asleep in an armchair. He had been crying a lot, she could tell by the dried tears on his cheeks. She reached out and touched him, stroked his hair and cheek. Severus woke up a gasp and just stared at her. He calls for a nurse and then he went back to Hermione.

"You are awake. How do you feel Love?"

"I feel fine, just tired. What happened? I remember nothing.

"You passed out in front of the bridal shop and Ginny called for an ambulance. You have been out for about five hours."

"What is wrong with me?"

"I don't know, I've been waiting for the doctor for some time."

The nurse had brought the doctor and now entered the room.

"We have the test results and the show that there are no physical wrong with you Ms Granger. Nothing that eight months won't heal."

"What does that mean Doctor?"

"That means Ms that you are pregnant."

"I'm what? No I can't be, not now."

Hermione starts crying and don't even dare to look at Severus. She is afraid of how he would react to this "problem".

Severus felt all cold, like every drop of blood froze in his body. He just fell back in the armchair and started to feel tears running down his face. He looks up at Hermione who is also crying and takes her in his arms and whispers in to her ear.

"I love you more than ever. You make me the happiest man alive."